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Posts posted by TimmyB

  1. and the Who??

    ya, they have really had alot of influence on culture, politics.... my just look at all them whoheads???

    Hey ahess6488,

    This above post is what got us involved in political influence of the Grateful Dead.

    I figured that with Bono's involvement in non government organizations (NGO's) that I would bring U2 in on the political influential debate.

    Here's a excerpt from www.billboard.com on November 29, 2004 on U2's continued dominance in the world beyond the USA.

    Edited By Barry A. Jeckell. November 29, 2004, 10:30 AM ET

    U2 Bombs U.K. Album Chart

    U2's "How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb" exploded onto the U.K. album chart at No. 1 yesterday (Nov. 28). The new Universal Island album is the Irish band's ninth best-selling set over a 21-year period that began when "War" hit the top in 1983.

    "Dismantle" displaced Eminem's "Encore" (Interscope), which fell to No. 2 after two consecutive weeks at No. 1.

  2. May you rest in peace John Hall.

    How very sad that John was taken this early in life. When I interviewed Rob Marscher late this summer he said in the interview that John was "doing okay." I wonder if Rob knew how close one of his best friends was to the end?

    You never know when your time is at hand. Live life by the fullest everybody, we're only here for a short time.

  3. yes they are. and i never said they werent. in fact i've never said they werent. they're music is very popular. it can even be found in the pop/rock section of your favourite record store, if you look hard enough.

    Hey guigsy,

    I'm sorry you're right you didn't say the weren't a pop band. I'm just pointing out that quien said that U2 is a "pop" band, and he was stating that like it was a bad thing. If that's the case the Grateful Dead aren't too different in the sense that they are both pop/rock bands.

    I didn't realize you could find the Grateful Dead at a record store? Thanks for the info.

  4. Would Daniel Lanois and Brian Eno produce albums for a pop band? I don't think so. Would Bob Dylan cowrite a song with a pop band? I don't think so.

    Now,this is interesting,Lanois & Eno are hired to do a job and they do it,I doubt they worry too much about what genre the band is in,especially since a pop band wouldn't be looking to hire one of those guys to produce their albums would they?Lets be realistic here.

    I think Lanois and Eno do worry about the genre a band is in. I would go as far to say that many have asked for those two guys to produce their albums and they have turned down most.

    And it's not just a job for them either, those two have been involved in nearly every aspect of U2's work since 1986's "The Unforgettable Fire." Lanois and Eno are apart of the U2 family much like Robert Hunter was apart of The Grateful Dead's.

  5. hahahahaha... U2 IS a pop band. popular rock bands are still pop bands, because, well, pop music is essentially popular music. and popularity doesnt seem to know the bounds of what is rock and what is not.

    oh, and who gives a fu©k who recorded or co-wrote with them? that logic's stuck in a civ! (psst... what im saying is, it holds no water.)

    So guigsy, by the definition of a pop band you gave, the Grateful Dead are also a pop band. I say this as "Touch of Grey" was hit #9 on the HOT 100 Singles charts. If you want to go that way that's fine they're both pop bands.

    Also you still haven't told me how the Grateful Dead have influenced American politics over the last forty years. What have the Dead done to influence policy and law in America?

  6. Maybe the Grateful Dead were a bit too busy playing live shows for their fans... The media is also breathing down the neck of Brittany Spears--just like the "U2 boys"

    U2 is a "pop-band"

    and as far as political influence, Bono is nothing more than an egotistical ambulance chaser... The only time he has been truly concerned about the well-being of any state, was during the seventies and eighties when they were singing about their brothers and sisters in the North... And just maybe, the Grateful Dead have had a little bit of political influence---aka the U.S. democratic party.

    Would Daniel Lanois and Brian Eno produce albums for a pop band? I don't think so. Would Bob Dylan cowrite a song with a pop band? I don't think so.

    I think you're confusing pop band with a popular rock band.

    Once again to clarify how have the Grateful Dead influenced American politics over the last forty years. Yes I'm sure some in the political spectrum especially the Democratic party are fans of the Grateful Dead, though that doesn't mean they've influenced American politics.

  7. pressure of the entire planet

    ummmm, i'm living on this planet and i don't give a CRAP about U2 or when they'll release their next bit of garbage.

    they are pop star sellouts

    or in otherwords....they suck ass

    and I love the Deads studio work

    i'll listen to Built to Last or In the Dark any day before a U2 cd

    hell, i can't even stand WAR or Under a Blood Red Sky anymore and those were definately U2's best music.

    and as far as being political...i love that the Dead never told me who to believe in or support politically

    Bono can kiss my ass

    Jerry and the Grateful Dead have influenced me like NO OTHER and that has absolutely nothing to do with drugs!

    it's all about Jerry's guitar tone, his sweet voice, Bobby's love of country, 2 wicked drummers, the phil zone and those beautiful, incredible Grateful Dead lyrics

    Read between the lines, U2 have constantly had the entire planet of rock music media breathing down their backs as they go to record a new album since the mid eighties. The Grateful Dead have never had that kind of pressure ever.

    I have one question countrycowboy, have you been sober at the majority of Grateful Dead or Dead related shows that you have attended?

    Also back to the whole political thing. Bono has won awards for his work involving human rights from the NAACP and the UN as well as other organizations. Bono has worked harder than most to save the lives of people that don't have the voice or strength to save themselves.

  8. Yay, lets copy modern crap chord structure, and make an even crappier song around it. Sure, everyone loves the Joshua Tree, but to compare them to the Grateful Dead, who impressed fans for over 30 years, is just ludicrus!

    The Edge is a great guitarist that has a very unique style. Not too many guitarists have sounded like him.

    The Grateful Dead impress crowds because everybody in the audience are high. You know the joke.

    Also have the Grateful Dead impressed people when it comes to their albums? Yes they recorded two great records in 1970, wow that's impressive. They only existed from 1965 to 1995. Two great studio albums in thirty years does not impress.

  9. and the Who??

    ya, they have really had alot of influence on culture, politics.... my just look at all them whoheads???

    The Deadhead phenomenon is not a very large culture. It exists almost exclusively in the United States of America. I think the cultural the Grateful Dead are overstated here.

    What member of the Grateful Dead have been involved in politics? And how has the music of the Grateful Dead influenced American politics? I'd really like to know.

  10. u2???? good bye credability. thats rediculous. what are you basing this on?

    Have you actually listened to a U2 album or seen them in concert?

    U2 are one of the few bands in the history of music that have had the pressure of the entire planet watching them waiting to see what their next album would be like. And U2 have delivered on a number of occasions.

    They are one of the only bands to have stayed vibrant and significant to the world over the coarse of three different decades. And I mean the "world" not some relatively small community of hippies.

    And U2 have accomplished this with the original four boys that started out in the early eighties. Name how many groups that lasted as long as U2 dominated the music industry with no line up changes? Nobody, not the Rolling Stones, not Pink Floyd, not the Who, not a one. The only one I can think of is ZZ Top but they aren't in the same league as U2.

    That reminds me The Who are greater than the Grateful Dead as well.

  11. Happy 61st Brithday Randy,

    May you have many, many more. I always love how I get to hear you song "I Love L.A." everytime I watch the Lakers play.

    Also I'm glad you finally won an Oscar a couple of years back. Even though you beat Paul McCartney that year. I think Paul was happy too as either he's trying to buy the rights to your material, or he already has. Man Macca has it all.

    From www.billboard.com

    This day in music on November 28, 2004.

    1943 - Randy Newman is born in New Orleans, La.




    SUN NOV 28 2004 - 7:30PM

    MON NOV 29 2004 - 7:30PM

    I will be attending tonights concert (Sunday 11/28) and I am looking forward to Gordon Lightfoot's first concert back after his life threatening illness.

    I went to see Lightfoot in 1998-99, both times at one of his runs at Massey Hall. But this one should be a lot more special.

    Is anyone else going? I know \/\/illy has tickets (Where have you been lately \/\/illy? I haven't seen you on here as of late). Both concerts have been sold out for quite some time.

  13. I absolutely love the first, self-titled album "Dire Straights". I still listen to it all the time. It's great. My favorite tune is "In the Gallery" - do any of you guys know that one? Not only great guitar playing, but solid, solid grooves too. Love it.

    I know the song "In the Gallery" well and the album too. My favorite off their debut (spelt "Straits" not "Straights") is obviously "Sultans of Swing" but I also love the aforementioned songs and the album opener "Down to the Waterline" and "Wild West End" and "Six Blade Knife" and heck the whole album is great!

  14. Hey Trev,

    I love Dire Straits!

    And I have been on a big Mark Knopfler kick lately with the release of his latest solo album "Shangri-La." The album is good, though not as good as Knopfler's classic 2000 release "Sailing To Philadephia."

    Also watched Dire Straits set at Live Aid on the recently released "Live Aid" 4 DVD set. Everything about their set is great, minus those eighties clothes! Why did Knopfler wear those headbands?

    Unfortunately I never saw Dire Straits live. But one of the best concerts I have ever witnessed was Mark Knopfler's solo show at Massey Hall a couple of years back. I was front row with a smile on my face the whole night.

    Knopfler is one of the most powerful guitarists I have ever seen live.

  15. well, oh, I was thinking of the previous round... well, you should have known better than to leave George up against "Sir

    Jerry" ::

    George Harrison has not only influenced more people than Jerry Garcia, Harrison has influenced more professional musicians than Garcia.

    Funny how that group that Jerry Garcia was in actually covered songs by the Beatles. I don't remember too many times when Harrison covered a song by the Grateful Dead.

  16. I also have that Rochester show you were at Tim.

    Thanks Greg,

    Wow that was fast! It doesn't take long does it? I have a few things to pick up from you, like this Dylan show and the Morrison show from Toronto that we attended. I really appreciate it!

    Are you going to Benevento/Russo next Friday? I can pick them up from you then.

  17. Looking forward to that program of 60 Minutes! I've been on a huge kick of one of my two all time favorite artists lately.

    What with Bob Dylan's official autobiography that just came out, seeing Dylan in Rochester on November 13, with his twelve songs that made the Rolling Stone 500 Greatest Songs of All Time list and with Masked & Anonymous being on The Movie Network a lot lately.

    I can't wait for my next Dylan show and I just saw him!

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