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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. What does it take to become part of the PEI Plan? Some rubber boots and a tractor or just a fishing net?
  2. THE HOCKEY GODS SHALL SMITE THEE, STAND AND RECEIVE THY PENANCE. No, that was all my own fault and proof that the Hockey Gods exist. I knew I had to change the avatar back before the playoffs started or I'd be jinxing the Bruins, I even emailed Booche and said exactly that a few weeks ago, but I fucking spaced it and changed it 19 minutes into the playoffs. They were displeased, I can tell, but I'm making ammends.
  3. Awesome, it's talk like that that gets the Hockey Gods riled up. I, on the other hand, want to congratulate the entire Habs organization on a well played first game, kudos, all the best. May they remain healthly and injury free along the blue line all playoffs long.
  4. Goats have been purchased, virgins have been identified and the avatar has been changed back temporarily.......all this and more will be done to appease the hockey gods. Boston in 4.
  5. Obviously he tied his tie the wrong way yesterday, I hear that's very influential in the rotation and lift of lottery balls.
  6. Maybe you should keep those random thoughts to yourself.
  7. What! They slipped one spot! What are chances of that happening! A billion to one? A kazillion to one is more like it! meh. Great luck on the Devils part however, 3.6% chance of winning, that's a pretty good day.
  8. 15 views, no replies. COWARDS. I'll play Dinghy.... Washington 7 Buffalo 6 Boston 4 (please god) Pittsburgh 7 Vancouver 5 (if this series goes long just watch the Canucks choke, cmon Vancouver this is your year) San Jose 6 Detroit 7 Nashville 7
  9. I despise the man. Not just dislike, I despise him. I have no idea how he'll do as a GM but I don't necesarily want the Sens to be the team that finds out. He has no GM experience and he's interviewed for two teams and lost. I'd like someone with a bit of experience. That being said, as we've talked about, I have no fucking clue who but that's not my job, all I have to do is watch and then either cheer or bitch. I'm very curious to see who gets interviewed (if anyone does at all).
  10. As an advisor, I think we're currently discussing him keeping his GM job.
  11. But I think that was more of a case of Eugene saying fuck it to another mid-season fire and hire. Now that the off season is here who's to say Eugene doesn't support a proper potential coach interviewing process with Murray at the helm. Sadly Murray's reputation (I believe) was that of a builder and not a finisher and I'm praying Eugene doesn't buy into that.
  12. Says the guy who claims that soccer is unwatchable in its current form but has no problem gloating when he reads about an amazing Man Utd result. Okay I was about to jump in here and not necessarily attack Ollie for watching MSL and CFL (but I reserve the right) but to just ask a question. How the fuck have you conned your girlfriend into watching so much fucking sports? You catch fucking everything. Sens(NHL), NCAA big games, CFL, NFL, EPL and now MSL. Does Chrissie just sit there and knit or does she follow it along with you?
  13. Watch him ride that Anderson trade.
  14. For you, one out of three really isn't that bad.
  15. Nope. Do you mean when people thought this team should be blown up? I don't think anyone had a problem with the no one is safe but Special K mentality. I mean if the Sens had traded Spezza and we got something good in return I could have lived with that as well but I'm glad he survived. I can't remember if I posted it here but I definitely rambled to Booche and Dinghy plenty about the three Sens that should be safe during the blow up. You're pretty stupid but I think you could guess the other two. Hint: this was all pre Anderson.
  16. My Heater hate has subsided but I'm sure it will rise again if the Sharks make a run. I have this nightmare scenario of the Sharks meeting the Habs for the Cup. Anything but that. I'd actually cheer for Heater, on some sick level I could enjoy it. I think Spezza's having a great year despite that cheap shot injury. He showed a lot of leadership down the stretch but we played with nothing to lose, we'll see how he does next year. I do think he's played his way into the captaincy when Alfie hangs it up. I don't see Phillips getting the C. That Spezzer laser beam goal we saw, when we literally had the best seats in the house for, against who the fuck ever it was, I was too drunk to remember, is probably one of my favorite goals I've ever seen live.
  17. Spezza has been playing great since coming back from that injury. Glad he survived the purge. Also, I can't wait for this season to just end.
  18. I'm not sure how to take that. Should I attack you?
  19. Some of the misses were ridiculous. How many times did the ball just roll across the rim after an almost automatic lay up or tap in? I don't think Butler scored in the paint until the 12 minute mark of the 2nd half. Kentucky vs UConn was closer to a championship calibre game and a lot more enjoyable than that brickfest.
  20. I kind of view Old Balls as a term of endearment.
  21. That was a craptastic game. I don't think I've ever heard the ball clang off the rim so many times in my life (unless I was shooting). For a couple of stretches it was almost comical how Butler just couldn't get the ball to go down, sometimes it'd be half in the cyclinder and pop out. Terrible night of shooting, god awful game.
  22. Jesus Christ Arsenal, way to carry March's play into April. Mother fucker.
  23. Yeah, I've read the Rays bullpen isn't nearly as strong as it once was, hopefully those teams topple.
  24. Fun tournament, a lot of upsets but I'm very disappointed UNC is out. I want to cheer for Kentucky but I don't think I can root for Calipari except for maybe rooting for him to be the only coach to have to vacate Final Four appearances at three different schools. He's fucking slimy as they come.
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