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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. In a division with the Yanks, Sox and Rays, I think it'll be hard for the Jays to emerge but at least there's a glimmer of hope and potential. 86 wins.
  2. I wonder if he's friends with Mike Fisher? If not he should be.
  3. .........from his heart......... He'll be bleeding from his arse if you don't take your cack out of it. I nearly spat water onto my keyboard and monitor, thanks.
  4. I think we're getting away from what's really important here, which is how awesome that 5 on 3 7th goal was.
  5. Attaboy McElhinney! Seeing as Anderson is probably still out on a coked fueled binge that our well paid, number one goaltenders are prone to do, it's nice to see Curtis come in and lay an egg.
  6. Yeah, probably, but what can you do? Maybe he'll get hit by a puck while sitting on the bench.
  7. Was just coming in here to post that......good stuff.
  8. How 'bout that solid goaltending? It's a sick, twisted joke, even by my standards.
  9. I was mid emailing Booche to say Roller gets extra bonus points for that shop. Good stuff Roller.
  10. And who is going to assess those big ass fines? One of the major issues isn't the punishment, it's the punisher.
  11. Damn you, no you wouldn't! Times infinity! That's all I got, I'm on empty, I've got to get some work done.
  12. But it was for instigating a fight not taking someones head off. Jesus, is there a single Hab fan that can maintain even the slightest bit of perspective?
  13. No, I'm agreeing that his record is clean what I'm saying is if Chara cleans someones clock his record isn't truly spotless, what he did will come into play. Sedin was implying it wouldn't.
  14. I thought the article was interesting but I absolutely disagree with Sedin that by not suspending him means his record is clean in a sense therefore he'll never get suspended. His record isn't clean now despite not getting suspended, this incident has, at the very least, been noted and Chara's leash is shortened. I just don't agree with his logic.
  15. You should dig that up, I'm curious. After bitterly fighting with my girlfriend's dad last night (irratonal Hab's fan but I talked him off the edge) we moved onto signing Anderson and whether or not he wants to play for a rebuilding team and we thought he'd be out of here. I hope he takes the bucks.
  16. I heard was a pretty decent player and I think the Sens made a great choice in picking him but if he dies, he dies. He'll have died a Senator doing what he loves and he'll enjoy all the virgins he gets in hockey heaven because he died a martyr for the greatest cause of all.....my viewing pleasure.
  17. Glad to see I'm getting under your skin, there's something to be said about someone that gives it but can't take it. There's even more to be said about someone that gives it a whole lot and can't take it a little. What I'd like to suggest is that you grow a pair. Did you really go for a "Won't someone think of the children!?!". In writing? Jesus my friend you've struck rock bottom. Try this, don't watch contact sports. Don't get me wrong, what happened to that kid sucks and Chara should be suspended but you don't think you could go through that again? You okay dumpling? Tears dried up, shakes all gone? Tell Lynn to give you a hug and go squeeze your kid, you'll be fine. It sucks every time someone gets carted off the ice/field, it really does but to overreact so massively and pathetically like you have is lame. Montreal fans have limp dicks. Confirm'd. Im glad the guy is doing okay.
  18. Telling Air Canada to eat dick is on the short list of things Bettman has done that made me smile. I'm in the "a sponsor has the choice to sponsor or to not sponsor, not dictate what the product should be" camp. I'd like to see the NHL tell the Montreal heat to do their jobs and go solve a murder or rape case. Shit, go direct traffic at least.
  19. Sorry Bud, missed your intent there. I was actually guilty of just skim reading and waking up at the time.
  20. I should change my avatar before my door gets kicked in by the fuzz.
  21. Uuuuuuuuuh, that's a whole lot of butthurt.
  22. I think the NHL, by not suspending, is definitely leaving itself open. Talk of a suspension for the rest of the season is ridiculous but not giving two or three games? I think they might have made a mistake. Like you said Dinghy....
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