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Posts posted by TheSloth

  1. I am already over it.

    That's how it goes when you spend the whole night curled in a ball, crying. You're better by morning.

    Sorry to disappoint. 14-2 should be good enough for a home playoff game. Which I will go to. Again. Life is fucking awesome.

    Yeah, those high flying Packers put up a big 12 points on the Ospreys thereby ratcheting up (down) their scoring average to a whopping 19 points a game but worry not, this Green Bay team is known for their defence.

    Hopefully your 14-2 Packers can get past the 15-2 Foreskins at FedEx Field in the Conference Championships (we’ll go to that game also, owner’s box all the way) and then deal with the 16-2 Raiders in the Super Bowl (which I assume Booche will do the hosting honours).

    Life is great. Wish I had another Lowenbrau right now.

    Jokes aside, and I know we texted about it last night, and yeah I thought it was slightly hilarious and I’m glad it happened because the crap needs to be exposed in the national spotlight, but Jesus Christ, that was a fucking travesty. Beyond even the blown joint possession call (sorry but two hands, clutching the ball to the chest as another guy slides a single arm in there, arguably when the play is dead, isn’t joint and I was cheering big time for Seattle) . There were two pass interference calls that were missed on that drive (one against each team) and the refs seem unable to spot the ball even close to where it should be. The basics. They had to be challenged constantly and it kills the momentum and flow and if this is the level they are operating at then give the coaches two challenge flags a half because they’re going to need them to correct the calls and declare that the games are now officially 4 hours long.



    Nearly sprayed coffee on my monitor. That's the best.

  2. Who would have thought the Raiders had a comeback in them! Against the Steelers too! Ruined my $5 for $64 Proline that had Steelers, Texans and Falcons.

    That was my first email to Booche this morning, I couldn't believe they came back from 10 down. My second email I went off on the "refs".

  3. Ladies and gentlemen, your undefeated teams of 2012/2013 ...... the Dirty Birds (both of them) and that other team in Texas that isn't the Cowboys.

    Patriots, you broke my heart.

    Skins, I said you needed 40 to win, I wasn't joking.

    Miami, you fucking suck, like Washington suck. Damn it, you had the Jets bent over, that win would have imploded the Jets and the circus would have been in full force Monday morning. All Tebow all the time. For the laughs.

    It's going to take a serious beatdown by the Seattle tonight to salvage this weekend.

  4. The Baltimore - Philly game on Sunday afternoon was awesome. Like, totally awesome.

    Caught the end of it, wish I had watched more. The Philly fans were going apeshit.

    Did you watch last night's spectacle? It was kind of rough at times, pretty bad flow, a lot of frustration showing. I'd like to see the refs get paid so I can be properly annoyed by a blown call.

    I might have to start watching this foot ball you speak of because of the NHL lockout to get my sports fix.

    I doubt you'd enjoy it, no one gives a fuck about what jersey number someone is wearing and who wore it in seasons past.

  5. Aw ferfucksakes....Now what sloth?

    DE Adam Carriker is expected to undergo surgery after seriously injuring his knee in the Redskins' Week 2 loss to the Rams.

    Carriker went down on the second play of the game and never returned. He'll have an MRI on Monday, but the Redskins are not optimistic. "It doesn't look good," coach Mike Shanahan said. The 'Skins also lost OLB Brian Orakpo to another pectoral injury, leaving a gaping hole in their pass-rushing stable. It's good news for their Week 3 opponent, the Bengals.

    Don't worry, it's all about Robert Griffin (that's right Punk, I'm going to write Robert Griffin every single time now), the Skins don't need a defence.

    They're fine. 40 points a game is all they need, piece of cake. (losing Orakpo is devastating, Carriker is a huge blow as well, Bengals are going to light it up)

    For all those who don't like to "blame the officials," are you ready to say that good officiating makes a difference yet? I'm actually having trouble enjoying this season cause the stupid replacements can't get anything straight, most annoyingly the flow of the game. brutal.


    solve this shit!

    I don't think there's a person that follows sports that isn't going to say good officiating makes a difference but I think a lot of people are going to say once you get the best you think you can get out there then it's time to live with the calls and hope it evens out.

    That said, what's going down now is bullshit. I'm not going to blame the officials because all of the officials are sitting at home. These D-grade schlubs aren't cutting it but you can't really blame them, the next best set of refs are working college, after that who really has the experience to handle what is being asked of them.

    I'm sympathetic to fact that it's a tough job and they're doing their best but it's just not good enough. The NFL rakes it in hand over fist, they need to resolve this, the real refs have clearly demonstrated what their absence means, pay them.

    I'm not buying the players/coaches are pushing it, they've been putting up with this crap for 6 weeks now and they're sick of it. If your boss was making millions and brought in obviously incompetent people because he didn't want to fairly compensate his employees, and the new staff was screwing up your work, you'd be fucking pissed beyond belief. That's what's happening now, except the pay schemes are in the millions, not thousands.

  6. Pass the grape kool-aid' date=' the Skins are Super Bowl bound.[/quote']

    How you feeling about things now my friend?

    Still delusional and loving it.

    Robert Griffin was disgusting again. The Skins 4th quarter defence ...... not so much. They're picking up where they left off last year.

    Lets not forget the Skins almost blew a 14 point, late 4th quarter lead to the Saints last week. Many issues have to be resolved, the important thing is they have tons of draft picks to shore things up ...... wait, what?

    Also, I see you have connived a friend of mine into being a greasy Redskins disciple of yours. For Gods sake Dinghy, pull out! While you still can!!!

    No! Hop on the bandwagon early and then claim you're a life long fan when RGIII leads them to eight consecutive SuperBowl victories.

  7. Ha! Funny but true.

    For Game of Thrones fans

    Also I'm mildly surprised you just let this .......

    Toss in the fact there seems to be multiple Bears fans in attendance, by far the most disgusting, disturbed, dishonest, deluded, stench ridden, shit stained, cross-eyed, villainous NFL fan base to have ever existed, and I think I'm coming out ahead.

    ...... sit there.

  8. Okay, I'll concede that beats my 50" Plasma with my laptop streaming the alternate game via an extremely crappy, stuttering feed but my room is free of both islanders and Packers fans so it has that going for it.

    Toss in the fact there seems to be multiple Bears fans in attendance, by far the most disgusting, disturbed, dishonest, deluded, stench ridden, shit stained, cross-eyed, villainous NFL fan base to have ever existed, and I think I'm coming out ahead.

    Also, my dog is better than yours. There, I said it.

    (kudos on taking the loss so well, I was hoping you'd be in tears)

  9. God Bless the NFL, and keep our players and favourite teams and meat animals safe. For this we pray, amen.

    How you feeling about things now my friend?

    RGIII is looking amazing in his debut.

    I told you he was looking great in pre-season but it's nice to see him play well on the road in a real game. Pass the grape kool-aid, the Skins are Super Bowl bound.

    That Alfred Morris kid I was telling you about ran the ball great as well.

  10. "I am eager to get rid of the stench of last year's season..."

    Hahahhaa. Good one.

    See those 5-10 game package ticket prices? Jesusfuck. Its getting close to me being priced out of the market. When a large draft is 15 bucks and a Molson Zone ticket is getting close to the same price as a mortgage payment, its time to take stock. I absolutely love my trips to MTL with the boys more than most things in this world but the price gouging is getting out of hand. One trip for me this year, at best.

    Well, the good news is it's still 22 bones to stand at the rail at the Corel Centre and get absolutely shit faced (and it's kind of a home game for the Habs when they're in town).

  11. Yeah I knew it was coming but christ, send him to Spain or Italy. Devastating to see him go to ManU but Chelsea would have been worse. Good thing about RVP is he's always an inch away from injury (not that I hope he gets injured......mmmmmmm.......that's not entirely true)

    Following that up with the Alex Song transfer (who I loved last year) becoming official and it was a pretty rough weekend for Arsenal fans.

    How many pounds is that total for Fabregas, Nasri, RVP and Song? Close to 100 million I imagine.

  12. Thanks Ashleys! You guys stunk it up.

    The complete lack of finishing made for an interesting game but England didn't deserve to win anyway.

    Congrats to Italy on earning the right to get hammered by Germany.

  13. Yeah, I thought the Thunder would have done better but they're young and the Heat kept it together better.

    They had plenty of chances but couldn't put it together at crunch time in Miami. I thought the non-call on Durant in game 2 was a heart breaker but such if life, I think the NBA is generally officiated poorly overall, I'm not going to blame the refs on this one.

    I blame Harden and maybe Perkins for not boxing out Bosh more. The coach takes a bit of heat because despite Westbrook's bonehead play the coach should have made it damn clear that there'd be 5 seconds on the shot clock.

  14. The most cowardly of posts you stinking bum Hal! Posting after the series is over, for shame :)

    If I had known anyone was watching I'd would have been posting all playoffs.

    I never said he wasn't good, I just said he shrinked and hide from it last playoffs (which he did). But, credit where credit is due, he played like a champ. That three pointer when he had a severe leg cramp made me want to cry (tears of rage). He played great, he took and made shots......yeah, christ. At least he told Chalmers to shut the fuck up in the third when he started yapping.

    Lebron's numbers were disgusting, just disgusting.

    Bosh deserves a lot of credit for dominating on the boards at times.....fuck you Perkins.

    Harden was just awful. Good for two ridiculous charges a game. Just put the ball down and drive straight into someone. Take notes from Westbrook Harden. His shot disappeared and after that you could tell he was hesitant.

    Also the Thunder missed so many layups, painful.

    Feel bad for Westbrook and Durant but if they can keep that core together they'll be back. They're young and they played like it.

    Ah well. King James it is for now.

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