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Everything posted by zero

  1. Sarah took the time to conduct a fairly in-depth interview with me recently which can be read here: Sarah Page interview Barr Bros.
  2. Fuck you're in the loop eh Jakis. Yeah it was a Harry Nillson tribute night it was weird actually, we were randomly talking about influences - he had completely left out WEEN and presumed he'd talked to me about it which led to a sizeable digression. I mentioned in passing the Harry Nillson thing (Me and My Arrow I had for instance always thought was a Golden Dogs original - Dave said 'I Wish!')... anyways yeah him and his bass player were playing a couple of songs. He genuinely doesn't feel part of any 'scene' as much as Zeus/Collet/everyone adores him. I mean he's a self-educated guy from Thunder Bay with massive chops that's had a tonne of really great musicians pass through his band. It's funny he's so modest and almost nervous about going out and being social with musicians he doesn't know.
  3. Here's a bit of a teaser transcript of our most recent interview, I think it's noteworthy given how Dave and I 'met' that the very last question I asked him, that even occured to me to ask, was about his influences (that part is admittedly really juicy though and they have dreamed up an album of covers they'd like to release for free!) Dave Azzolini (The Golden Dogs) interview
  4. I'm working on something about Conan's appearance. I'm pretty sure the working title is It's All Over Now Baby Blue or Conan's Tired Eyes.
  5. Thanks guys. I'm almost finished hashing it out - the label needs it pronto. I thought you'd get a chuckle out of the 'reconnection' part I should have said he laughed heartily after that. He also said, and I was genuinely puzzled about what he was talking about at first, 'look man I've done so many stupid things at shows I'm just so past that, sure that's on my Permanent Record (killer tune off Coat of Arms)...'
  6. By a simple twist of fate it's fallen to me to write the biography of The Golden Dogs thus far and as they move forward with their soon to be a classic release Coat of Arms. Dave (Azzolini) and I had a funny ambling chat yesterday afternoon after a long process of back and forth interviews with he and his wife Jessica Grassia. Essentially at the end of our chat he said basically that I seemed like the right man for the job and that 'there should be a reconnection technically'...
  7. They're totally authentic, pissant douchebags if you ask me. I've spent alot of time with this album, read a ridiculous amount about what they've said about what people have said about what Pitchfork has said about them. They strike me as likely really good guys with a pretty good but not unbelievable album that fits into Pitchfork's mold (or only Pitchfork and American History majors get it). Basically I'd agree about Theme from Cheers (just added to a playlist for the bartender at my restaurant today for instance) and Richard II but - for me at least- the album as a whole doesn't bare further listening. I'll have to look for it but there's this whole back and forth satirical blog thing that happened where someone wrote something as if it was a member of Titus and the guy responds and also there's this other FUCKING HILARIOUS story about buddy from the band getting paid obscenely to play at a Vice mag party and then complaining about how much he was paid to play (and getting kicked out of the venue, snuck back in and ensuing hijinx).
  8. I hate to agree with NewRider but seriously I'd be getting me a copy of As Real As It Gets by Young Jeezy featuring Jay-Z.
  9. Tom Walsh is an anglo clearly but speaks perfect french of course. He's like a Cassidy type figure in the Quebecois free jazz scene. His group N.O.M.A. is legendary for playing exceedingly infrequent concerts and his elaborate concepts around not just tromobone the instument of his choice but his use of micro-samples triggered through keyboards. Got this email from him not that long ago.
  10. I know all those francophone guys Jean Derome is the only 'dude' in the bunch, Lussier's a hair tosser. Basically my only improvements made in my french apart from talking to the occasional neighbour were from working the Guelph Jazz Fest and chatting with those cats. And Tom Walsh! That guy's legendary.
  11. What about any of the players you've heard about associated with this. I've noticed that for instance Patrick Watson and presumably his cronies have been involved.
  12. So I'm slightly confuse O Patro is a venue which like Sala Rosa and Divan Orange has improv themed nights but that... the moondata lab projects are at O Patro or various venues.
  13. I think those were the ones I was thinking of but forgot Divan Orange thanks.
  14. I'm guessing Blane or BradM or a handful of you know the answer to this question. Basically what are the venues that these sort of open 'jam' collaborations happen at in Montreal. I know Barfly is one of them, the other one I always forget the name of but I thought someone from Godspeed owned it, there's one with Spaghetti in the name or maybe that's a night. Where can I find info on these sorts of shows? The players who collaborate or how would I describe this scene to an outsider?
  15. I'm guessing Google knows all about the Nero reunion weekend because it's been schilling Canesten vag gel ever since. Although admittedly Velvet uses it for his cats.
  16. Technically I'd imagine it'd be difficult to ever get a media pass again but mainly because it's by committee and it's not Sam Baijal the artistic director's direct say (except it is pretty much) - we've kissed and made up he was as embarassed about the 'wooden gun' thing as I was. It was such a bullshit weird thing that just got taken to total extremes. Like the cops dismantling and defusing this capgun flintlock pistols 'firin mechanism'.
  17. Should it be easy peasy to get them by ticketpro or is it be at an outlet at 9:00 or on the phones variously pressing redial.
  18. That seems like a small lineup but I know there's always additions that said it's got a distinctive flavour that suits me fine. As in less indie rock more country rock. Los Lobos, Calexico, The Beauties, Zeus, Jason Collett - those bands alone would be worth the money for me. How do I get tickets for sure on Saturday, guelph guys?
  19. I didn't want to post on the article page but wondered if anyone liked this piece. Apart from the sprawling interviews I've done recently this is really the first article proper that I've written in, well, ages.
  20. ... The Myth In The Sky CD release show the Great Hall, Friday April 30th. Mutherfuggin' Kittens.
  21. God (Ween, Satan) Loves Us.
  22. Much respect to Mr. Sheffield and his Hold Steady love but is he being serious about this? Maybe I'm reading that wrong but it seems a bit of an over the top assertion.
  23. Are you all still high or am I blind? What did they play?
  24. I actually have really good DV footage of that entire Slip and Friends set. Eery good, Abe was up front with a really nice pro DV camera we'd borrowed. Lauzon is sooooo fucking nervous before he goes on, you can see this fear in his eyes and the steam coming off his nose like a bull's. It's hilarious too because, I don't know how to put this tactfully (not my strong point) but everyone was angling to be involved in the Slip and Friends set. Brad had approached Lauzon after their set saying that he'd played 'the best set of the festival', he genuinely admired/s Dave's tone and style. So that was an obvious choice, as was Heisholt and the third was JSB's conga player at the time whose name I've forgotten. In any case Dave was so nervous and probably understood the depth and sophistication better than the others such that accompanying was an odious responsibility - in any case he was so nervous they left him a whole pocket to solo through and he just kept accompanying. It worked but it's funny to see on tape.
  25. Was that the first year they played with the Stand By Me that stopped everyone in their tracks because I'd die to hear that too. I remember thinking 'who are these guys' - I still do.
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