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Posts posted by StoneMtn

  1. This is all pretty hypothetical, and I should say that I am not commenting on any known set of facts or how it would apply in any particular jurisdiction, so this is not to be relied upon for legal advice, but with that disclaimer:

    The word "accident" is unusual at law. If you are saying that it was an "inevitable accident", then that is a defence. The most typical example of an "inevitable accident" is a car-accident due to black ice.

    Your second suggested scenario seems to involve over-crowding. That could mean there is a third party claim to be made against whomever (presumably) jostled the person who broke the object, by that person. There would also be a likely claim against whomever controls the store, for "contributory negligence" in allowing the place to be overcrowded, leading to a hazard, leading to the incident that caused the loss.

    Simple stuff, really.

  2. It seems to me people are under a duty not to do harm or cause damage/loss to others. If someone's action or omission causes such a loss by damaging another's property, subject to some statutory exclusion or other liability defence, it seems to me that such a person would then be liable to make that other person "whole", by compensating for the loss/damage.

    The argument, presumably, would then be the replacement value of the property destroyed, but I would think liability would be pretty clear. I also suspect that the offering-price for the brand new object, i.e. the one at the store where the damage was done, would be pretty good evidence of the replacement value; i.e. damages owing.

  3. They played (together) from 8:15 to about 10:05. Then they abandoned Gener, who bumbled around until about 10:30. The venue would have wanted them done by 11, and would have let them push an encore for maybe another 15 minutes after that, so I figure we missed 45 minutes; tops.

    I don't care what anyone says. That was awesome! Totally worth the trip down to Vancouver.


  4. Ya. I wasn't going to speculate, but he did spend about 15 minutes lying down while the band kept trying to jam their way out of Reggae Junkie Jew, and whenever they almost did, he would reach over, grab the mic, and yell "Jew!"

    It was actually hilarious, and I got covers of Ace of Spades and Let's Dance, as well as a My Own Bare Hands, so I'm happy.

  5. I just saw Ween play. I've seen them quite a lot, but tonight was even weird for Ween.

    Basically, I'm pretty sure that Gener pissed off the rest of the band, so they walked off and let him play on his own. He screwed around with a guitar for awhile, singing and even trying to play some semblance of guitar-solos. It was ridiculous. (Frankly, I thought it was comedy relief.)

    Eventually he said, "I'm hoping the band comes back and joins me on this one."

    They didn't.

    So, he said, "Well, thank you Vancouver. Goodnight!"

  6. Maybe it's just my limited knowledge,or perhaps my imperfect memory, but I have been trying to think of songs written about, or dedicated to New Years. I can hardly come up with any. I would think they are innumerable.

    Apart from Auld Lang Syne and one song by U2, can anyone name some?

    Edit to add: I also just thought of 1999. So, apart from those three, anyone?

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