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Posts posted by StoneMtn

  1. I can't "advise" you this way, but I can give you general information, based on what you've said, and direct you to find an appropriate lawyer...

    Presuming you can show you are right (and most of what Nibbler says is pretty good advice, although the last time I tried to define property boundaries by way of GPS the Surveyor told me it is impossible, but perhaps technology has improved in 5 years) you need to retain a lawyer to commence an Application in Superior Court for an immediate, permanent injunction enjoining him from doing this. Then, if he continues, he is in contempt of Court, and that same lawyer can go back to court and have him fined (or theoretically imprisoned, but not in real life).

    Once you have an Order by way of Injunction, too, the cops are more likely to help you on an immediate basis, too, at least to tell him to stop pending return to court.

    Conflicts in small towns are a problem, and it sounds like Nibbler knows there are many conflicts up there. You may need to find a lawyer from somewhere else, but they need to go to the nearest Superior Court near Haliburton. (Issues over land need to be dealt with at the Court in that jurisdiction. You can't just go to any Superior Court location for the order. That is somewhat particular to land-situations.)

    Bottom line is you need a civil-litigator, and ideally a pretty good one, although this is not the most complicated matter. Someone with experience in real-property issues, of course, would be ideal; to state the obvious.

    I am usually leery about "going public" with any story, but perhaps that's just because I spend a lot of time defending people against defamation lawsuits.

    *The above is for informational purposes only, and does not create a solicitor-client relationship. I am providing information based on facts as set out here, and this could change if any facts are somewhat different, or other facts come to play. This is not legal advice, rather it is a direction to contact a lawyer, retain that person, and get actual advice.

  2. I just learned from Jodie Emery that my longtime very close friend, mentor, and freedom fighter Marc Emery will be extradited to the US to spend 5 years in federal prison for selling marijuana seeds over the internet. Marc turned himself in at 9 a.m. Monday morning to await his fate.

    It is a sad day for Justice in America and Canada. I talked to Marc Friday evening and he was in good spirits and still holding out some hope that the Canadian Injustice Minister Rob Nicholson would refuse to sign the extradition order. Monday was the last day to sign it.

    Marc only sold seeds from a natural plant that grows wild all over the earth. How is it that we have allowed our respective governments to outlaw nature and cruelly persecute those of us who refuse to bow down to their tyranny?

    Truth is, Marc's case has nothing to do with selling marijuana seeds over the internet. There are many other Canadian based marijuana seed sellers, located on the exact same block as Marc in Vancouver, B.C. The only difference between those seed sellers and Marc is that Marc used the millions of dollars he made to fund a movement to end marijuana prohibition, which does more harm to society than marijuana will ever do. He was a brilliant, loudmouth, belligerent, indefatigable, non-violent, civil disobedient thorn in the asses of the American and Canadian governments for many, many, years.

    Marc used his proceeds from the sales of marijuana seeds to contribute to nearly everyone working on ending marijuana prohibition on every part of the globe. He funded rallies, marches, ballot petitions, organizations, campaigns, and individuals. He founded political parties and ran for office nearly every election and inspired others to do the same. Yours truly, included. He was my sole funder from 2002-2005. He hired me to work for him as news anchor for web based Pot TV News. He sent me all over the US, Canada, and even to Colombia, South America, to study and report on the disastrous consequences of the drug war. He inspired me to stand up and fight marijuana prohibition in the scariest and most difficult place to bring about change in the US, and quite possibly, the entire world. Alabama.

    Marc convinced me to run for Governor of Alabama. His influence in getting the conversation started in Alabama about the dire need to end prohibition cannot be overstated. In short, Marc inspired me and thousands of others like me to stand up and fight back against an immoral and deadly government policy that goes against the very principles upon which the United States of America was founded. And the American government hates dissenters.

    His success in organizing a global battle against prohibition is why he was arrested. Not because he sold marijuana seeds. But, because he fought the government.

    The other seed sellers pocketed their money. Not saying there is a thing wrong with making money or keeping the money you make. I'm just saying that if Marc's arrest was really about selling marijuana seeds then the other marijuana seed sellers, on his same block in Vancouver, would have also been arrested and extradited to the US.

    Another thing that confirms that this is political persecution is the very words of former head of the DEA Karen Tandy on the day Marc was arrested.

    "Today's DEA arrest of Marc Scott Emery, publisher of Cannabis Culture Magazine, and founder of a marijuana legalization group - is a significant blow not only to the marijuana trafficking trade in the US and Canada but also to the marijuana legalization movement. Hundreds of thousands of Emery's illicit profits are known to have been channeled to marijuana legalization groups active in the US and Canada. Drug legalization lobbyists now have one less pot of money to rely on."

    I guess Tandy and the DEA thought that all of the thousands of people Marc inspired to fight back would just pack up our bongs, go home and get back into our smoke-filled closets and hide from the all powerful government. I guess she didn't count on us actually believing in what we are doing and that, while having money to fight against prohibition is nice, lots of it isn't really required. It doesn't cost much to email a letter to the editor, stand on a busy street corner with a sign, talk to your elected officials about the drug war, talk to your family and friends about the drug war, or get involved in the political process. Money is secondary to true freedom fighters. We fight every day whether we have money or not.

    What former head of the DEA Tandy and current head Michele Leonheart have done is galvanize a movement. Shit....they thought Marc was a pain in the ass on the outside...just wait til he gets settled in prison and starts organizing from the inside. Heh...my mouth is watering just thinking about it.

    To all of those inspired by Marc over the years, hold strong. Marc Emery is the strongest willed individual I have ever encountered. He already has the next five years of his life in prison planned. He is going to learn French and Spanish. He's going to write a book about his amazing life. He's going to communicate with the troops on the outside, and inspire those in federal prison with him. Within a week or two of his arrival I can almost guarantee that there will be a demonstration of some sort outside the prison where he is. No one knows where that will be yet. When he gets out he is going to run for Prime Minister of Canada.

    This case was started under the Bush administration and should have been dropped when President Obama took office. I think petitioning President Obama to pardon Marc, or, at the very least, allow him to serve his time in Canada, is in order.

    This is America and there should be NO POLITICAL PRISONERS here.

    Marc Emery is a Political Prisoner.

    We're now on par with the former Soviet Union, China, and many third world despots who have, throughout history, imprisoned their political opponents and political dissenters.


  3. I actually totally agree with this review. I am a bit pleasantly surprised to say that last night's show was one of the best concerts I've ever seen; bar none. I had no idea that the other three members of PiL were unbelievable musicians.

    Johnny not so Rotten at PiL show


    The sneer and sarcasm that former Sex Pistols singer John Lydon is known for is occasionally still there, but has often been replaced by a wide-eyed grin.

    Well, that and some cheeky Ed Grimley-like dancing.

    Lydon's post-Pistols project Public Image Ltd. (otherwise known as PiL) played an impressive, workman-like two-hour set Friday night at Toronto's Phoenix Concert Theatre as part of the band's reunion tour, their first in some 17 years.

    And despite the long absence, Lydon and his tight trio (three of an estimated 39 former band members by Lydon's count) felt initially as if the decent-sized audience wasn't giving enough of themselves.

    "Move you f---ers!" the 54-year-old Lydon uttered early on in the show. "Seventeen years and you don't give me 17 f------ seconds."

    Perhaps what was most surprising is that Lydon definitely more than held his side of the bargain, routinely wailing in an equally grating and bombastic manner on the opening This Is Not A Love Song and later on during a groove-fuelled Tie Me To The Length Of That driven by bassist Scott Firth.

    Clad in black, a lyric stand to his left and a garbage can/spit bucket behind him, Lydon was all business, rarely taking a breather between songs that definitely demanded a lot of stamina. This was particularly evident on the dance-rock Death Disco and the strange Albatross which guitarist Lu Edmonds seemed to go to town on.

    That's not to say Albatross stood out in terms of structure, for most of the tracks followed a radio-unfriendly, groove-nestling trek lasting six to seven minutes that was anything but formulaic. Primarily Lydon spent the night wailing and shrieking each line with either Edmonds or Firth setting the tone alongside drummer Bruce Smith.

    Following the Middle Eastern touches on Flowers Of Romance from the 1981 album of the same name, Lydon adjusted his lyric stand before uttering another barb. "It seems appropriate that this (venue) is next to the nuthouse!" he said prior to diving into Psychopath.

    Lydon also tried to rile up the audience on a few occasions, referring to Canada as a "retirement home" and telling the crowd that "less staring and more sharing" was needed to make him satisfied. Thankfully, the vocalist had to be happy with an enigmatic roadie - who resembled an extra from Inglorious Basterds with his short haircut and nifty suspenders - consistently marching on the spot throughout the gig on the side of the stage.

    After the ambling, poppy In The Sun survived a monitor glitch and an annoyed front man, Public Image Ltd. nailed the dance-saturated Bags. From there the vitriolic rock rant dubbed Religion with its forceful bass line wrapped up the main set.

    The three-song encore opened with two crowd-pleasers in the punk-ish Public Image and the lighter, infectious Rise.

    "We are Public Image and we don't f--- around!" Lydon said before the encore.

    In the eyes of many fans this night, they certainly didn't.


  4. I seem to remember it was downtown in Kingston, but a barn. Like, really a barn. I think it was right down by the water. You went down Princess to the lake, turned right, and it was there somewhere on your left; I think.

    (I was only in Kingston for one year 97-98, so I just don't remember street names or even the names of most places I went at this point.)

  5. Drawing on a major study of Dutch file-sharers, Prof. Nico van Eijk of the University of Amsterdam concludes, "These figures show that there is no sharp divide between file sharers and others in their buying behaviour. On the contrary, when it comes to attending concerts, and expenses on DVDs and games, file sharers are the industry's largest customers... There does not appear to be a clear relationship between the decline in sales and file sharing."

    In fact, the study found that file-sharers often buy more content, especially when it comes to films and games.


  6. May 3,2010

    Sylvie Paillard


    Local environmentalist John Buchanan said he got the thrill – and scare – of his life this weekend when he found himself eyeball to eyeball with a grey whale.

    “Very exciting, I couldn't sleep for two days,†he said.

    On Friday (May 1), Buchanan paddled his canoe near the Squamish Estuary to the mouth of the Squamish River when he encountered the hulking creature, which can reach a length of about 16 metres and weight of 36 tonnes.

    “I'm just drifting in the canoe where it's feeding. It knows I'm there. Swam right underneath the canoe, came up beside me and had a B-line with my eye and had a look at me and carried on with its feeding,†he said.

    “It's a bit frightening, I got to tell you. When he comes up, he's four feet away from you. You don't know where he's going to come up. You have no idea.â€

    Buchanan returned Saturday and Sunday (May 2 and 3) and took video, which he posted to Youtube. He also sent close-up shots to the University of Victoria whale lab along with reports of his observations.

    “When he was off to the mouth of the Squamish River where the water was a bit deeper, he would act differently out there,†said Buchanan.

    “But when he went in the central basin, I started to get a bit worried there because he was in like four feet of water, on his side, stirring up the bottom feeding on the organisms on the bottom.â€

    Calls to the university's whale lab were not immediately returned.

    Buchanan said despite the thrill, he'll be happy to see the whale resume its three-month migration, which the mammals make each year starting in October between their feeding grounds in the Bering Sea and mating areas in southern California and Mexico.

    “I don't really want him to hang around here too long. He should be going up to Alaska where he belongs,†said Buchanan.

    There have been a number of reports of grey whales washing ashore along the Pacific Northwest over the last month.

    On Easter weekend, a whale died on the shore of East Sooke Park. Another landed in Oakland Bay in the southern reaches of Puget Sound. Shortly afterward, a grey whale beached at Samish Bay near Anacortes. The next day, another dead whale turned up north of Whidbey Island in Deception Pass. And a few days after that, a grey whale died near west Seattle.

    Buchanan said he had never heard of a grey whale getting that close to the estuary, and wondered if the past few years' attempts of reestablishing local herring populations attracted the crustacean-eating mammal.

    “We had a huge [herring] hatch out about a week ago,†said Buchanan.

    Herring has long used pilings to spawn their eggs. During the 1960s herring was plentiful in the channel, according to reports, but something occurred in the 1970s that caused the population of the fish to decline.

    In 2006, Squamish Streamkeeper co-ordinator John Matsen discovered the creosote meant to protect pilings was poisoning herring eggs and killing them.

    Since then, the Streamkeepers have been wrapping the pilings with material non-toxic to herring eggs. Since then, the population has boomed, and along with it, the sea life it sustains.

    Buchanan also had another theory, however.

    “Well, The whale seems to know his way around,†he said. “The Squamish Nation had a pole raising ceremony last year – this could be one of the old, wise Squamish chiefs coming up for a visit.â€


  7. When you capitalize "society", after giving it your own definition, you change the meaning of what I wrote.

    After close consideration, I confirm I did not err in not capitalizing, but thanks for the suggestion.

  8. Sunday, May 2, 2010

    5 marijuana plants = 6 months mandatory prison? Tough on crime on the provincial dime ...

    Leave aside the obvious point -- five plants is more likely a kid in college than a small grow op -- note the sentence will send the hapless marijuana cultivator to Provincial custody.

    Tough on crime but on the provincial dime.

    So long as Canadian law keeps marijuana illegal, grow ops will continue and they are dangerous. But grow ops have at least 60 plants -- usually far more. The cut-off of five plants is absurd.

    Tories may revive minimum pot sentences as part of tough-on-crime agenda

    By Mike Blanchfield, The Canadian Press

    OTTAWA - The Tories are poised to revive a bill that would impose mandatory-minimum sentences on people convicted of growing small numbers of pot plants.

    The Conservative government will re-introduce its drug bill this week in the Senate, as part of its continued re-tabling of tough-on-crime legislation that died when the last Parliament was prorogued.

    Justice Minister Rob Nicholson dropped broad hints Sunday that the new legislation would revive a controversial provision — a mandatory six-month sentence for people convicted of growing as few as five pot plants.

    Posted by James C Morton at 10:06 PM


  9. I absolutely do not rule out the possibility that African Americans are, on average, genetically predisposed to be less intelligent. I could also obviously be convinced that by controlling for the right variables, we would see that they are, in fact, as intelligent as white people under the same circumstances. The fact is, some things are genetic.


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