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Posts posted by StoneMtn

  1. Alas, that is true. I am just a simple caveman. Your scientists thawed me from the ice after many millions of years. Frankly, your jambands scare me. The amplifiers at their shows confuse me. Is there a little rock band in there playing music? Are there evil spirits in there? I just don't know. What I do know, however, is that if my client slips and falls in front of a bank, he is entitled to no less than $500,000 in general damages, and $200,000 in punitive damages. But what do I know as I am just a simple caveman. - The Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer

  2. Im glad you cleared that up, because I must admit I was reluctant to spend my evening watching covers of "Rio" and "Hungry Like the Wolf", even if played by an awesome musician. Is he just a fan of the movie "Barbarella"?

  3. I am curious how well-known this band is. They are from Whistler and are more of a funk band than a jamband (although there are obvious similarities). They sing almost exclusively about sex. Musically they are mind-blowing, and their lyrics are hilarious. Are people out there familiar with these guys, or are they only known in Whistler? (Rumour has it they have played with nero in the past, but I have not confirmed that.)

  4. I have never posted to this Board before, however, after this Pharewell show, I have to comment.

    I was one of the unnamed friends of Velvet who joined him in this extravaganza.

    As you have likely read Velvet's postings, I would think you can understand that it is hard to post anything about this experience in a truly positive light.

    Frankly, I was more than a little annoyed that Phish seemed to begin lying to us months before the show, and continued to do so until the Saturday morning. Further, despite Mike's contention over the air on "the Bunny" that they "considered every option" to get the heads into the show, but there was "no choice" but to send everyone home, I find it very interesting that somehow tens of thousands of us made it in on our own. In my view, Phish took a very casual attitude toward its fans, who often travelled surreal distances at great expense to be there. I thought I had it rough, travelling about 5,000 kms, until I met people travelling from Switzerland and Japan! The fact is, Phish should have done SOMETHING. They did not have to leave us all out on the freeway plotting our anarchic solution as to how we would get in. All it would have required would have been a few shuttle buses picking us up along the highway to drive us in, with an assurance that our cars would be there on Monday morning when we returned. If Phish had merely offered that much, I would be much more forgiving right now. Instead, we had to figure it out ourselves.

    I can certainly understand how nice of an ego-stroke it is to watch 70,000 people scramble around rural Vermont to salvage their roadtrip and see your band play, however, that is hardly an excuse for shutting us out and just sitting back to watch us suffer and freak out.

    I feel really badly for people who actually left the show, and found out later that they could have gotten in!

    Now, that being said, I am glad I went. Although the situation was far from ideal, and these were two of the weakest shows I have ever seen the band play, at least I have closure. In fact, I think I have the very closure I need to move on. Goodbye Phish; and frankly I don't know if I will truly miss you or simply my memories of what you used to be.

    I know that some of you are going to read this and think I am just being negative. I even expect to receive replies that argue with some of what I said. Before you write those replies, though, think about it. Everyone deserves respect, and treating your fans as Phish treated us is hardly respectful.

    Okay, I'll end on a positive note ... Chalkdust Torture rocked and I am glad I made it.

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