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Posts posted by StoneMtn

  1. I don't actually even know what the band was called those nights (if they even had a name).

    Email Derek ("Deke") at Upstream Entertainment. I'll bet he'll know right off the top of his head what the band was calling itself, if the shows were taped, who did the recording, and how you can get your hands on recordings.

  2. About eight years ago or so I actually saw a whole bunch of impromptu GM shows without Fareed playing, when the rest of the band was stuck in Vancouver for a couple weeks, without planning to be.

    Don't get me wrong - I love Fareed - but I can tell you that he is far from the whole band. Those little shows with the rest of the band alone were amazing.

  3. I knew a guy who worked behind the desk where you go to complain your luggage was lost by Air Canada. He once told me:

    "Unless you're just lost and I can direct you somewhere else, you're definitely in a pretty bad mood if you're coming to see me."

    He was a surprisingly upbeat guy, actually, although he did say he has the worst job ever.

  4. We're currently in the process of signing up music influencers, musicians, celebrities and more. For example, right now we have Kyle Lynd Music Supervisor for the hit UK television show Skins (which MTV is now bringing to Canada) signed up. You can check out what Kyle is listening to which is cool because chances are some of those tunes will wind up on the tv show he works for.

    With respect, I think you need to post these ads on a pop-music site, if you're trying to reach MTV fans.

    As a wise man posted here:

    Good luck, I'm just not in your demographic.
  5. Some of you are from BC, some of you have just heard about this, and some of you may be interested because if it happens here first, it's just a matter of time until it happens elsewhere.

    BC has enacted amendments to its drunk driving laws, to make them tougher. Normally, this is probably a laudable thing, but in this case there are good arguments that we've just granted vast power to non-elected, non-court-related police officers, basing their decision on unreliable technology.

    If you're interested, here's a good article on it, which makes this comprehensible even to me:


  6. Okay so the encore ended up being disappopointingly short. Pretty underwhelming end to the festival.

    Overall, it was a good time, though. The fest was well done. There were also only a few thousand people in total, which was cool. There were other nice touches, such as the concessions being all run by local, high-quality caterers. (I ate prawn pad Thai and Moroccan chicken while I watched shows, and the coffee was all organic.)

    I expect I'll be there next Labour Day. You should come too.


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