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Posts posted by StoneMtn

  1. If someone can direct me to a good place to upload Bob Loblaw's eponymous debut cassette, "Monkey Do", I will be happy to do so. Anyone feel like instructing me how and where to do that?

  2. ya ya ya ya, Velvet. i still feel bad about that one! for what it's worth, I really did love the program, and I still have it. Also, my apologies to Super Freak. My failing memory must be catching up to me. I thought I was certain that the no-smoking thing was only at the Ian Anderson solo shows, and I thought I knew that because I have not missed a Tull tour in Canada since 1989. That being said, early Alzheimers might be to blame...

  3. Pet dog averts gun massacre

    From correspondents in Toronto

    June 25, 2004

    A WANDERING dog may have saved the lives of countless people, after leading a heavily armed gunman to abort a planned shooting spree in Toronto and turn himself in to police.

    The man, in his 40s, from eastern New Brunswick province, drove to Toronto in a car packed with a shotgun, bolt action rifle, a semi-automatic weapon a machete and more than 6000 rounds of ammunition.

    "He is in custody and told investigating officers that he was in Toronto intending to shoot at people," said Police Constable Kristine Bacharach.

    After visiting a park in the west end of the city however, the man changed his mind and drove around until he found a police officer, she said Thursday.

    The Toronto Star newspaper reported that it was a chance encounter with a dog that averted a potential massacre.

    "He happens to be a pet lover and decided that if there was such a nice dog in the area the people were too nice and he wasn't going to carry out his plan, the paper quoted Detective Nick Ashley as saying.

    "This could have been a very dangerous situation had his plan unfolded," said Ashley.

    "It's scary how close it could have been. We have a dog to thank somewhere."

  4. The "craziest" thing I saw at work was not amusing in the least. As I looked out my window of my office I saw three scumbags chasing a grouse around Whistler and throwing rocks at it. (For those of you unaware, grouses are big, fat, stupid, friendly, waddling birds.) I went outside and had a word with these young lads. One of them (about 6 foot 4 I might add) did not take kindly to my instructions that he will leave the grouse alone and get out of my sight. He explained that he planned to grab the bird by its wings and put his foot on the bird and pull the wings off, tortuously killing the bird. This would then afford him a tasty dinner. I had a few things to say about that as well. In the end, after I made it clear that I was prepared to go to great lengths to protect the poor bird, the tall-scumbag saw the light and left.

  5. Grateful Dead, Landover MD 1989. During a cop-started riot on the second night, I saw a guy sitting on the ground among the rioters masturbating, naked. Not the weirdest act I've ever seen, but pretty weird in the middle of 50,000 heads being herded around a parking lot by cops on horses wielding tazers.

  6. A guarantor has to know you for two years or more, apart from being among the group that is qualified. BradM is correct, though, that you can get a Statutory Declaration in Lieu of Guarantor. You have to get the prescribed form, however, from the passport office. It used to be available on their website, but they have changed the format of the Stat Dec. and I have been told that it no longer appears online. Once you get that, you have to go and swear it in front of a notary. (I swear these all the time, so I'm not just making this up.)

  7. Okay, there must be some other Ottawa-area phreaks who remember these guys. Who else is still waiting for a reunion?

    "You mean everything to me 'cause

    you are the one I despise" - Bob Loblaw (oooh ya!)

  8. I've noticed a few misguided people posting disparraging comments about Rush. First, I would like to say that we should not thumb our noses at one of the few Canadian bands who have reached international acclaim. Second, I, too disliked Rush until I was offered free tickets to their show in 1989. I had nothing better to do that night, so I went. The show blew me away, and I ended up coming back the next night to pay to see them again. I have also seen them a few more times since. I still have no Rush discs and don't count myself a fan, but if you haven't seen them live you really can't comment. They rock hard, live, and they are incredibly accomplished musicians. (Also, I agree with the post about the SARSfest, however, I think Rush was the second best band there. AC/DC kicked my @ss at that show! The Stones, of course, were a disappointing embarrassment.)

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