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Posts posted by livingstoned

  1. In these troubled times - times of soul searching - looking for anwers or if just filled with questions of faith. Where does one in search turn! There are so many option, so many answers!

    OK - let me first give the backgroud story behind this post - Willy and Deeps may recall as they are my witnesses....

    Rummaging through my pocket just now for some quarters I found this card - after the Beck show in October while conversing with friends we were approached by a man who handed us his card!

    Here is what the card says:

    Front of the card says:

    Planet Zentar

    First Church of Zenta

    Rauk Zenta

    High Priest / Master of Space and Time

    "Put your head in the Sky And Your Feet Wherever you find them"

    raukzenta at hotmail.com

    kotjmf at hotmail.com

    Back of card says:

    The First, One and Only, True Church of ZENTA,

    holds the following TRUTHS to be self evident:

    - Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

    - Live and Let Live

    - Different Strokes for different Folks

    - SKY CHURCH is in the moment, Rock 'n' Roll Salvation!

    - The LOVE You Take is Equal to the LOVE You MAKE!

    - RAW POWER has a Healing Hand!

    - Kick out the Jams, MotherFucker!

    Thought I would share what put a smile on my face this fine day!

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