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Posts posted by livingstoned

  1. I hear ya slippery - haven't heard that particular diddy yet but our "forced" music in my office here is soft rock, easy listening or really bad 80's and 90's crap...(its a feed from our store upstairs through our phones) -retail music boo..if I hear milli vanilli one more time I swear...

    - we were all just complaining....then my

    creative asked me a question - and my automatic response without even trying to be witty was

    "sorry Roy can you speak up - my ears are bleeding"

    hehehehe....so yeah - boo.

    I miss the old manager that used to play classic rock upstairs.....

  2. Where there's a will...

    You called? ;)

    I'm into sitting and slouching mostly. Sometimes I record music and spend hours figuring out how to upload it to archive.org. Other times I obsess about the tags on my MP3s and work to clean them up.

    get a job you bum - why don't you think about using those techy talents and maybe even start up your own company or something like that - be you're own boss - you'd solve the slouching problem you mentioned - get up off your ass you'll feel good about yourself!

  3. sometimes dancingbear doesn't check in for a few days on end...don't take the lack of response as a sign to f off.

    in addition dancingbear did post a month or so ago for a final plea for those who didn't send last years gift to get on it before this years is initiated....so I would give it a few days and then see.

    I still didn't receive my gift but that's ok because a) I never got around to giving mine out until May so I figure it's karma and B) I moved in September so who knows my secret santa may be as much of a procrastinator as I am and sent it to my old address after I moved.

    ah well whatcha gonna do.

  4. Jesus livinstoned have i ever been to golftown.....i could spend weeks in that store. It's like dying and waking up in Golf heaven.

    hahaha!! I know exactly where your coming from.

    Are you a leaderboard memeber? If you shop there or just love it there you should sign up - lots of perks, discounts, contests, demo events, exclusive events not open to public...etc. (Free to sign up just have to put up with the emails)

    we'll if there's a gift exchange this year and I get you I'll know what to send you! :P

  5. I am - you thinking about it?

    Thinking about it. I'm supposed to be going out with my dad for some dinner and comedy before hand... I was not planning on having a late night' date=' but I would like to see these guys.

    I'll keep you posted. More enticing if I know some friendly familiar faces will be there![/quote']

    it's a friends b-day, myself, Margaret and a few others will be there - hopefully we'll see you!!!

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