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Posts posted by livingstoned

  1. Regardless of what is being said it's a good article Shain.

    both songs critical of the scene the band represents

    I don't think that those so quick to jump down your throat actually read the article....

    unfortunate but whatever - do you deserve it no, should it bother you - no.

    And you answered your own question - here in your above post

    We are trying to do both. There is a whole bunch of stuff in the pipelines right now, both 'indie' and 'jamband.' My job is to diversify international coverage, and I'm trying to do that by covering both North American band in Europe and European band in a local setting. To me, good music is good music, so throwing in a review about a band that doesn't fit the bill peresay, but I believe deserves the coverage seemed fine; I knew this shitstorm would happen, but atleast, or I hope, that I am making people think. Check for an iLiKETRAiNS feature soon, a band people should hear about but hasn't yet. I like Barcelona is similar, but we only have so much room.

    you felt it deserved coverage...

  2. WOWZERS IS RIGHT - what a fantastic night - thank you to everyone involved - and everyone who made it happen and a big huge thanks to BNB for sharing your 10th anniversary in such a special way. All the guests were such a treat and added a little extra special to the night.

    Great to see so many fine friends in one place pre, during and after - great to meet some new faces as well.

    Can't wait to see and hear the show again.

    NYE is calling a little louder for me that's for sure.

  3. I have decided taht I will be going this year, whether any of you kind folks come or not. I'd much prefer company though, so let me know if you're in.

    #1 it's my birthday weekend

    #2 I can't let you go on another adventure without me!

    I'd like to see the rest of the line-up but I think it's doable.

  4. LS...I put you on a mission this year...find the long black glove you lost at 40 main last New Year's. I KNOW it's there, somewhere

    hmmm good idea perhaps it is still there with the piece of my sanity I lost that weekend too - I'd be happy to find either or really.

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