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Posts posted by timouse

  1. The National on CBC did a 'Green Party Primer' segment last night.

    Tonight (Wed. Dec 14th), they will be doing a Q&A session with Green Party leader Jim Harris. Since they won't be included in the debates this time around, it is worth watching if you're interested in the Green platform.

    i've known a couple people who shared polkaroo's friend's story about disorganization in the green party. having said that, i have been voting for them in the hope that they would land enough popular support to get federal funding and actually get it together as a political party...

  2. mental note - never accept a blender drink from lazlo.

    Don't ever accept a drink from me period.

    no? i would have thought the mystery of exactly what sort of drug you had spiked it with would be entertaining...

    "hmmm...could be acid, could be ex-lax, too soon to tell..."

  3. Is he, in fact, a cocksucker? And if so, was it actually relevant to the incident?

    you lay bricks for an afternoon and nobody calls you a bricklayer. you drywall your house, and still nobody calls you a drywaller. but suck one...well, nevermind.

    very unfortunate situation all round incidentally...

  4. internet translation continues to make the world a weirder place.

    Est-ce que ca vaudrait la peine de commencer un forum en francais ici? Je vois deja quelques raisons, parmi eux,

    a) nous pourrions pratiquer la langue que nous aurions appris des que nous etions petits,

    B) nous vivons tous ensemble dans un pays bilingue, un fait qui doit avoir a moins un peu de valeur, et

    c) ceci forcerait Bouche a apprendre plus de la langue de la province dans laquelle il vit a present, et cela ne devrait faire que du bon.

    Qu'est-ce que vous en pensez?

    Would Ca be worth the sorrow to begin a French forum here? I see already some reasons, among them,

    a) we could practise the language which we would have learned as soon as we etions small,

    B) we live all together in a bilingual country, a fact which must have has a less little value, and c) this would force Bouche has to learn more language of the province in which it saw A present, and that should make only good. What think you?

  5. No room for a dictionary until I pass that blender I hooped last spring.

    mental note - never accept a blender drink from lazlo.

    i wanted to be a fire truck.

    turns out i'm not metal enough, and hate the taste of diesel fuel. oh well. in the meantime, the buddhists told me to stop wanting things, and that seems to be working much better. this way, everything is an unexpected surprise :)

  6. happens to me all the time.

    i was laid off from a job, that very same evening my landlord came down to visit me with beers and a job offer. i was subsequently hired away from that job by a customer who needed someone with exactly the skills i had.

    driving through downtown toronto i was suddenly inspired to turn left, and immediately saw a friend that i've not seen for years standing by an empty parking spot which i took and had an amazing catch-up visit.

    In my humble opinion:

    1) its all coincidental

    2) you create meaning in your mind

    3) there is no grand design

    That's not to say that these opportunities and fortunate events are to be brushed off. What you do with these chaotic gifts is another matter altogether.

    maybe so, but as a wise man once said, "once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right."

  7. I aint trading nothing with you arses. My collection is pristine and it is all for me. If you want to give me $3.50 a cd, I will consider it.


    at $3.50 a cd, you're still a better deal than the I Tunes Vault (~);)

  8. Dennis McNally, is usually on the road w/ Ratdog - was he there in the studio when Bob blew off a big chunk of his audience?

    maybe that was mcnally snickering when bobby talked about "the information-wants-to-be-free" people...

  9. hux, you should really listen to the audio clip.

    i agree with most of what you've said, but i suppose it's his sense of sudden outrage that this was happenning that peeves me...it's only been happenning for three years, i can't believe that Bob didn't know about archive, and for that matter doesn't feel somewhat flattered by the effort that has been put in to collecting definitive copies of gd shows. his dismissiveness of a large segment of his fanbase (and his fellow songwriter) as the "information-wants-to-be-free" crowd, well, even you'll get a bit hot under the collar :P

    do listen to it...

  10. So its okay to possess...but the person who took the risk for you ought to be jailed?

    it's ok to possess, but nobody can produce under fear of stiffer penalties. it's like making alcohol legal but introducing the death penalty for distilleries :)

    this just in...steven harper has a tiny caucus and an equally tiny brain.

    Separated At Birth?


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