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Posts posted by timouse

  1. static electricity is a killer for electronics. you can kill memory chips and IC's with a tiny bit of static. circuit board assembly shops keep the humidity high to keep static low.

    you can also wear a ground strap :)

  2. My recommendation is to fix yourself a sandwich for lunch.

    My last two or three experiences at Subway have been horrible. Hello, asspiss.

    I avoid it these days.

    Also, I have a real problem at getting "fast food" - a sandwich and a drink, and shelling out $11 for it.

    marco, you're awesome.

    not just that but your "sub artist" is probably underpaid and may have a relaxed attitude toward hygiene.

    never mind their atomic toaster. my last subway experience (i should add only because it was nearly 11pm and they were the only option in the area) was a "toasted" BLT. the guy told me that they toast subs (and cook the bacon...eeeh....) in a high speed high temperature toaster. damn crunchy edge bits cut my mouth up pretty bad :(

    find a small independent place. you're more likely to get real food that hasn't been flash-cooked, and the person doing the work might actually be the owner...quiznos, subway, and many of their competition are giant US franchise outfits.

    from http://www.subway.com

    It is the world’s largest submarine sandwich chain with more than 21,000 restaurants in 75 countries. As a matter of fact, the SUBWAY® chain operates more units in the US and Canada than McDonald’s® does.

    ...or take a sandwich from home. that's good too.

  3. I'm surprised noone has brought up that McKenna is a member of the Caryle group.

    Yeah' date=' that is perfectly creepy.

    Rock could probably come through on charisma, but has a few gaffes in his political past that his opponents would doubtless capitalise on. Rae? I don't know if his neo-liberalism would help him out very much, nor the stink that still lingers, unfairly or not, from his premiership.[/quote']

    i don't know how mckenna got through an entire year as US ambassador without this ever becoming any sort of issue...i'm our town environmental committee, and before each meeting we need to declare "pecuniary interest" (financial benefit from the outcome of decisions made) in any of the items on the agenda and sit out discussion on the item in question.

    there must be something similar in frank's world. how is it that our ambassador was allowed to profit from the decisions made by his host government? not that he actually has much of a say in what goes on, but it's certainly a filter through which his advice to ottawa passes...

    oh well, he's out now, freeing up my time to concentrate on fresher, more recent tragedies :)

  4. When and how did Bob Rae regain enough credibility to make this short list?

    from the same Globe and Mail article:


    STRENGTHS: Should Liberals wish to go for an outsider, Mr. Rae would fit the bill, given that he is a former New Democratic premier. Through recent assignments advising the new Iraqi government and conducting a review of the Air-India bombing, Mr. Rae has come to be referred to as a "statesman" and there was speculation last year that he was in the running to become governor-general.

    WEAKNESSES: Ontario voters do not have warm memories of Mr. Rae's period as premier during the early 1990s.

    SUPPORT BASE: Given that he has been involved in non-partisan activities since his government was defeated in 1995, Mr. Rae does not have an official organization. His brother John Rae was one of the most influential advisers to prime minister Jean Chrétien.

  5. You don't need to guess who I'd be putting my money on. I'm predicting Harper's first 'lube-up-bend-over-and-take-it-nicely' reaction with the U.S. Get used to it.

    These are such sad times for this great country.

    (We need Tobin to fire a couple rounds across the decks of vessels challenging our sovereignty. That was him wasn't it?)

    Yep, that was Brian Tobin indeed.

    Interestingly, the globe and mail has him on the short list of potentail liberal leadership candidates :)

  6. according to today's Globe and Mail, the big seven are:









    all of the folks on this list get a big "meh" out of me.

    I would happily have Allan Rock run, particularly for his pragmatic views on pot (decriminalized) and other drugs (they are a health problem not a legal problem).

    "arrest the addiction, not the addict."

    of course, this would be another opportunity for reality TV to solve political dilemmas.

    "Who Wants To Be Liberal Leader?"

  7. very sorry to hear about your loss. dogs are a very special kind of pet, particularly ones that travel and experience your life alongside you.

    Homer: "he's going to doggy heaven, where there are fire hydrants everywhere and everything smells like another dog's butt."

  8. Global trade agreements have become perhaps the most important tool for corporations trading in water and their allies. All of the multinational governing bodies, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT), and the World Trade Organization (WTO), define water as a commodity. As a result, water is now subject to the same rules and regulations governing other commodities like oil and natural gas. Under these combined international rules, a country cannot prohibit or limit the export of water without risking censure by the WTO.

    this is the single scariest thing that's happenned in terms of the future of water on the planet.

    d rawk, and everyone else interested, pick up "Blue Gold" by Maude Barlow. It will scare and depress you but may also galvanize you ion to action.

    because water is now a "commodity," rather than a basic human need, copmpanies like Vivendi, Bechtel and others are running around the world putting in pay as you go water taps in poor communities, and turning a handsome profit for their efforts.

    The US has unilaterally been an asshat to other countries to protect it's national interests, and while i don't expect troops to come across the border carrying a big hose, i'm sure that they are looking at us and licking their lips :(

  9. Yeah it'd be funny if... IT DIDN'T SUCK!

    Hey' date=' aren't you supposed to have a qualifier in there like "if I THOUGHT it didn't suck" ;)?

    Granted, not quite seamless or anything, but Cassia got the biggest kick out of it, which was good enough for me :).

    It actually got me thinking about that contest on an episode of [i']WKRP where they ran .5/sec. segments of tunes together in a desperate bid to prevent anyone from actually winning, after the impossibly lucrative contest had been unwittingly announced (and of course the first or second caller gets all ten songs right). I think I must have figured out 30-50% of the sources for the material used here.


  10. Hey - thanks for the well wishes everybody! The past few days have seen more than sufficient celebration, and it's not quite done with yet (gotta love the birthday gauntlet).
    ever since hearing saxamophone on the simpsons i find myself putting the extra syllable into most words. is there a simpsons reference in your screen name?

    Yep. Hart is my first name, and I got into that habit pretty bad a few years ago, to the point where people started calling me "Hartamophone," which is what I now use for a handle whenever applicable.

    Thanks again, folks - sincerely appreciated!

    that's fabulomous!

    glad to hear you had an excellement birthday :)

  11. agreed' date=' but there's constructive criticism and then there's just criticism.[/quote']

    And then there's the "no shit" factor to a lot of this stuff. You know, like, thanks for pointing out the obvious. Give us a little more credit.


    Hey man, that wasn't meant to be a shot at you or anything. I was expanding upon your statement really.

    Unless I misunderstood your smilie.

    nope. you have correctly understood my red face. i however misunderstood your comments. in fact moments after posting i was reflecting on the redundant nature of what i had just typed, and of this thjread in general :)

    cheers, ollie!

  12. im absolutely F****ed in the head right now.

    Ah' date=' well, if that's the case, and it's not good for you, here's what you need to do: tell whoever's fucking you to stop fucking you, have whoever was fucking you to move about two-and-a-third-feet [i']towards your feet*, and then have whoever was fucking you to resume fucking you.

    I hope this helps.



    * I measured on myself; If I recall correctly, we're about the same height.

    bradm for PM!!

  13. agreed' date=' but there's constructive criticism and then there's just criticism.[/quote']

    And then there's the "no shit" factor to a lot of this stuff. You know, like, thanks for pointing out the obvious. Give us a little more credit.


  14. personally, i think djed hit some excellent points

    -not many jambands are good

    -too many ppl eat too many drugs

    -rose coloured glasses suck

    agreed, but there's constructive criticism and then there's just criticism. the double edged sword about this place is that lots of folks know lots of other folks in meatspace, and as we all seem to gravitate toward the same sorts of shows, odds are that you will eventually meet lots of these folks if you try. that being said, people get hed to somewhat of a higher standard in here. if you wanna bash a band, you'd better be prepared to defend yourself.

    i'm always sad to seee anyone have a bad time here, but this place is largely meant for entertainment, and if DJEd is no longer entertained by what goes on here, then what's the point.

    i won't miss your current avatar. it's terribly disturbing :)

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