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Posts posted by timouse

  1. Actually, CJ, you want of these. (CAUTION: not safe for viewing at work.)

    And if you get one, patching-in can easily be provided (at least, I can give you the cable...hooking it up is up to you) at any show where I'm taping. ;)



    mr m, as always, thank you for your encyclopedic knowledge of the weird shit available on the interweb. i tip my hat to you :)

  2. I forgot to mention the one I just finished: On A Cold Road by (Rheostatics member) Dave Bidini. It's part road journal of a touring band in Canada, part history of and look inside the world of the Rheos, and part piece-meal history of rock music (or the musicians' experiences of rock music) in Canada. Bidini writes amazingly well, and it's a very fun, engaging, and worthwhile read, especially for music junkies.



    indeed! read that a couple of years ago, and thoroughly enjoyed it.

    just finished re-reading the massive all in one hitch-hikers' guide to the galaxy and started in on "songcatchers" by mickey hart.

  3. I think the National Playlist on CBC is awesome.

    agreed. phish aside though, i'm not so sure i'm crazy about freestyle...i mean the management geeks that were on during the strike on average did better shows :)

    your mileage may vary.

  4. i assumed this was going to be a discussion of a particularly nervy thing that he did to his bandmates. i had no idea that we'd be talking about his wang. but as marco brought it up, jeebus it appears big.

    yet another mental image that will re-appear in my head at a really inappropriate moment. gotta love the interweb.

  5. I can vouch that they have a house filled with quite ravenous cats' date=' rats, and a turtle ;).

    Tim, I always admire your accounting skills.



    DIMP's (Double Income Many Pets)

    dimps indeed...and not to trivialize the amount, $25 a month probably keeps a couple of cats in style. and for those further up the economic food chain, the 1% may become more significant. the depressing thing is it is a consumption tax. people can consume more and pay less tax, and we're all meant to feel good about it.


  6. so i'm the money guy at home, and in order to work out exactly how our money disappears evey month i have a spreadsheet that keeps score for us. i feed it reciepts and it does the math to tell me that we're spending a month on food/groceries/car/mortgage and so forth.

    i got thinking the other night about all the stuff that we as a 2 income no kids household purchase, and how mucg of it is subject to GST in order to asess the impact of a GST rollback.

    here's what i worked out.

    GST eligible purchases:


    GST on said purchases:


    if GST rolled back to 6%:


    rollback savings:

    $14 a month or $168 a year.

    Yep, $168 a year. That's what a 1% rollback amounts to.


    Vote Green!!!

  7. if you want to delve more deepy into the platforms of some of the fringe parties, there are 15 minute interviews of party leaders being hosted at http://www.radio4all.net

    i found the Christian Heritage Party leader to be very interesting. they basically gave him a full 15 minutes worth of softball questions about his party platform, and the guy managed to wedge his foot squarely in his mouth :)

    it started off ok, and surprisingly, their environmental and public health policies are quite progressive...but the moment they got to "promoting the traditional definition of the family" it got a bit hard to take.

    scarily, they seem to have a lot of support in rural canada. anyone who thinks that harper is a right wing god squad ideologue owes it to themselves to track tthe CHP's manifesto down :)

  8. in the words of the Master of the Telecaster, Mr Albert Collins...

    I'm Not DrunK (I'm Just Drinkin')

    -- Albert Collins

    Every day, baby

    When the sun go down

    I get with my friends

    And I begin to drown

    I don't care

    What the people are thinkin'

    I ain't drunk

    I'm just drinkin'

    (But you're so high) Oh man, you know I ain't high

    (But you're so high) I just take a little bit every now and then

    (But you're so high) Aw man you oughta be ...

    (Stay drunk all the time) Aw c'mon, don't y'all be like that

    Come home last night

    All a lush

    Baby get in a fuss

    I say, "Honey, hush"

    I don't care

    What the people are thinkin'

    I ain't drunk

    I'm just drinkin'

    (But you're so high) Aw, I ain't drunk, I done told y'all I ain't drunk

    (But you're so high) I'm just havin' fun

    (But you're so high) What? ....

    (Stay drunk all the time) I don't know why y'all talkin 'bout me like that

    You done the right thing

    I wanna thank you too

    Now let's have a little drink

    Just me and you

    I don't care

    What the people are thinkin'

    I ain't drunk

    I'm just drinkin'

    (But you're so high) Who me? I ain't high, man.

    (But you're so high) I don't know why y'all are talkin' 'bout me like that

    (But you're so high) You better mind your own business, brother

    (Stay drunk all the time) You gotta watch yourself, too, you understand what I'm sayin'?

    I wanna tip you baby

    Before I go

    I'll be back tomorrow night

    And drink some more

    I don't care

    What the people are thinkin'

    I ain't drunk

    I'm just drinkin'

    (But you're so high) Oh, no, you're the one who's drunk; look at your eyes, man

    (But you're so high) Don't you pee on my leg, man...well, I ain't had but

    (But you're so high) four...five...six...

    (Stay drunk all the time) eight...nine...ten...

  9. i just heard #4!!!

    "you're the reason our kids are ugly" is by conway twitty, and it's brilliant!

    You're the reason I'm a-ridin' 'round on recapped tyres.

    An' you're the reason I'm hangin' our clothes outside on walls.

    An' you're the reason our kids are ugly little darlins'.

    Ah but looks ain't everything,

    And money ain't everything.

    But' I love you just the same.

    You're the reason I changed to beer from soda pop.

    An' you're the reason I never get to go to the beauty shop.

    You're the reason our kids are ugly little darlins'.

    Oh, but looks ain't everything,

    And money ain't everything.

    But' I love you just the same.

    I guess that we won't ever have, everything we need.

    'Cause when we get ahead, it's got another mouth to feed.

    And that's the reason my good looks and my figure's gone.

    And that's the reason I ain't got no hair to comb.

    An' you're the reason our kids are ugly little darlins'.

    Ah but looks ain't everything,

    And money ain't everything.

    But' I love you just the same.

    Conway, why in the devil don't you gon and shave an' put on a clean pair of pants?

    Loretta, look at yourself.

    I wish you'd take them curlers out of your hair an' go put on a little bit of make up.

    An' get out of the housecoat before supper.

    Ha! Well let me tell you somethin', Conway.

    Considerin' everything I went through today, I look like a movie star.

    Yeah, Ruth Cassidy!

    Thank you.

    Besides that, all of our kids took after your part of our family anyway.

    Oh they did, huh? What about the one's that's bald?

    Well, I guess you might say they took after me.

  10. Happy bday doll. Thanks for all the music you opened up in my heart as well as the late-night drunken laughs and bullshit. I think your greatest gift to me is the confidence and inspiration you have provided in my life. Holly is one lucky girl.

    You go grasshopper!


    Won't you scratch my itch sweet Annie Rich

    and welcome me back to town

    Come out on your porch or I'll step into your parlor

    and I'll show you how it all went down

    Out with the truckers and the kickers and the cowboy angels

    and a good saloon in every single town

    Oh, and I remember something you once told me

    and I'll be damned if it did not come true

    Twenty thousand roads I went down, down, down

    and they all lead me straight back home to you

    happy birthday!!

    3 cheers for catphish, and 3 more for andre for the gram parsons quote :)

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