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Posts posted by timouse

  1. Sarahbelle posted this in the politics forum, after reading it i wanted to expose it to a bigger audience.

    google "grassy narrows" and see for yourself.

    Hey everyone.

    I had the privelege of hearing 4 couragous women from Grassy Narrows speak last night. Grassy Narrows is a Native community fighting for thier land located in northern Ontario near a town called Kenora. Many years ago, they were told to leave their land because it was unsafe due to the mercury in the water from a nearby pulp and paper mill. Keep in mind that these people live off the land, They hunt and fish and harvest wild rice from the forests on THIER land.

    Over the last few years, They have been trying to protect the trees on their land, as 2 corporations are clearcutting like crazy on the land. On December 2nd, 2002, the Youth set up a blockade to prevent logging trucks from passing. SOme of the industries, Abitibi and Weyerhauser, refuse to stop logging. In additon, the government of Ontario also refuses to help them. The entire community is struggling. One blockade was the women and children from the community.

    "The clear cutting of the land, and the destruction of the forset is an attack on our people. the land is the basis of who we are. Our culture is a land-based culture and the destruction of the land is the destruction of our culture. And we know that is in the plans. Weyerhauser doesn't want us on the land, they want us out of the way so that they can take the resources. We can't allow them to carry on with this cultural genocide"

    -Roberta Keesick, Grassy Narrows blockader, mother, grandmother, and trapper.

    I can't even believe that this is happening. Why don't we all know about this! Please remember them and support them all you can because they need our help!!!!!!!!!



  2. will the circle be unbroken.

    as i got in to my car to follow my grandfatre's hearse to the cemetery, what should the random cd player pick but that tune (neville brothers version).

    every time i've heard it since i get a bit misty...fare thee well, dzaidzi.

  3. For some reason in spite of the plans presented outlining different locations the TWRC/TEDCO has decided to place concrete and Astroturf soccer fields...

    there's a new astroturf that's being put down in parks by the zillions of acres. it's plastic with rubber granules that *gasp!* have been found to leach contaminants.

    "However, the new artificial grass raises health concerns. In

    particular, the base of A-Turf and similar brands includes recycled

    rubber pellets that could contain harmful chemicals. What's more, we

    have observed that on many New York City fields, the rubber pellets

    are also present on the surface. When one of us (William Crain) was

    picking up some pellets by hand, a boy told him that after playing in

    the park, he finds the pellets in his shoes at home at night. Because

    the rubber pellets are much more accessible to children and athletes

    than we had supposed, we decided to analyze a sample for two possible

    sets of toxicants -- polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and toxic



  4. last night of the world - bruce cockburn

    he played it at harbourfront 1999>2000. i was there with the scullies, and had just started dating niffermouse. every time i hear it i think about all of those people and that moment.

    dammit! now i'm choked up even thinking about it :P

    thank jeebus for music!

  5. thank you chameleon for a brand new signature.

    harper makes me nervous. i looked up "the council for national policy," the people to whom harper made my new favourite ironic disparaging remarks about the PC party.

    eeeh...their member list is not made public, but is rumoured to include everyone other than McBain and Count Chocula :P

    and the national citizens' coalition isn't much better...they claim to be "...Canada’s largest non-partisan organization that stands for the defence and promotion of free enterprise, free speech and government that is accountable to its taxpayers."

    i repeat my eeeeh.

  6. alright...this is a jam for good health for those who are in need of a miracle. let's call it "I need a Miracle yearly fund raiser". how about every year around this time, x-mas, we all get together and actually help someone who really really needs it. How about we all use our greater sense of empathy, our musical talents, our big hearts, our brilliant smiles, our caring ways, and make a bigger difference to people than the organized community of doctor's, government, politics, and ACTUALLY help them rather than propagate indifference and acceptance of things that can actually change... we can have our community of jam-heads recognized and show people a better way of helping each other, we are the one's who are truly talented, caring, and "in tune" with creation... let's use this as an opportunity to create deep awareness in those who have forgot.


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