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Posts posted by timouse

  1. again.

    PM me if you're interested.

    please don't PM me if you've been kicked off already, or if you have, please give me a different e-mail address.

    edit to add - wow, that was quick!


    thanks for playing.

  2. as a Halton resident, i've never been particularly crazy about mr turner, but i do give him credit for attempted populism (although the "public meetings" of which he speaks are not particularly well publicized throughout his riding).

    i also give him credit for standing up for the ortiginal intent of the clean air legislation. harper nicked a line from the bushies about reducing "greenhouse gas intensity" rather than reducing emissions. intensity has to do with emissions with respect to the growth of the economy...which allows the conservatives continent wide to promise a "...significant reduction in the intensity of emissions" based on slower than predicted economic growth, and with no real action to effect emission levels.

    if turner does join the greens though, he will need to do a lot of finessing in regards to his comments about david emmerson crossing the floor after the last election...while the circumstances are very different, the conservative spinmeisters are like political rumplestiltskins, spinning bullshit into political gold :(

  3. thanks for the info!

    the news was telling us one minute' date=' but i'll start boiling it longer now.


    I believe the safe range is five minutes really (5-10 anyway), but its always better safe then sorry. I've also read conflicting accounts about giardia (for example) that state it dies before the boiling point, but again, I rather wait a few more minutes then get beaver fever. Of course, this was for lakes, rivers, ponds (still waters) etc.

    you would probably do well to run it through a coffee filter first....if it's as bad as they say, then a lot of the particulate (dirt etc) in the water is providing habitat for the bacteria. filter & boil for 5 minutes & you oughta be fine.

    sheesh. sure hope they get this fixed soon, i can't remember a major urban centre having this sort of water trouble...

  4. i deal with a lot of morons engineers.

    Me too. I love pointing out engineers mistakes for them. They get so offended. It's quite amusing.

    hey cowboy' date=' welding, is it an art or science? (The current argument around the plant)



    the best one i have ever had was a guy that sent me a layout for a bent & welded steel cube enclosure with (wait for it) all seams welded water-tight (including the top). i finally had to have him come to the shop and watch guys bending to impress on him that at least one side had to be open so that he could get his electronics in before we welded it closed.


    and fwiw, welding is a science that when done well becomes an art form. our main fabricator has produced several sculptures for a local artist and fabrication in the right hands is totally art....

  5. an update to the story...happy cat went to the vet this week and got shots, a checkup and...ummm... *snip* :P

    he is currently hanging out and sleeping and purring a lot, healing nicely in preparation for his big move to waterloo next week.

    Ah, jambands.ca ... is there anything it CAN'T do?

    Bringing stray cats and katladies together since '01.

    Brings a tear to the eye, it does.


    what she said.

  6. this is up there with "let's solve the greenhouse gas problem by burying the CO2...we can put it in the holes where the oil used to be!"

    how about strongly advocating conservation and planting lots and lots of green things to utilize the CO2 in the air?

    the idea of somehow launching SO2 into the stratosphere sounds a tad far-fetched. "I sazw this in a cartoon once, but i'm pretty sure it will work."

  7. a diesel vehicle is generally better in a lot of respects. diesel is a less refined fuel, so less energy input per unit of energy output. they have the added bonus of running on biodiesel (as opposed to dino-diesel :) ) diesel also burns cleaner, at least chemically speaking. diesel exhaust has a higher % particulate (visible black crud) but less VOC's and other nonsense associated with gasoline.

    there are some problems. biodiesel "gels" in cold weather, you will want to mind the temperature if you are running on biodiesel...depending on the source of the "bio," it will start to get weird at -10C. the municipal works yard in halton hills went biodiesel until the weather got cold :P

    hybrids seems like a good alternative, but you then have a consumable battery to replace. basher ownds a honda hybrid, he would be a good source of info as far as battery life, composition and cost.

    as a rule batteries are evil, but all cars have 'em...

    there's my $0.02

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