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Freak By Night

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Posts posted by Freak By Night

  1. Indirectly this effects the pot smoker as well. Sure the ban is not about pot smoking. It's about Cigs. As Weed is Illegal (for the most part). So not having other people smoking cigs around you will make it much easier for them to pinpoint the pot smokers. But I think when everyone is in the middle of a crowd it will be impossible to catch either smokers or puffers. Will be interesting to see how they approach it.

    Indeed RobL - I posed this dilemma the pot smokers face, to his worship, the Mayor.

    His response? "Let them eat cake"

  2. Burgers priest in Toronto, the high priest. Best burgers I have ever had.

    The "Burger Priest" was on Canada A.M. this morning, looking somewhat disheveled. Interesting guy, he was actually working towards becoming a priest, but discovered running his own burger place was his true calling.

    The reason he was on TV was because his restaurant was just rated 3rd best in Toronto by Zagat's. I'm going to check it out next time I'm in the t-dot.

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