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Posts posted by SmoothedShredder

  1. Hmmm... some may call these bands the core... Not like I've been to many festivals... but the ones I do go to usually have a group that keep comming back and give it an identity or musical compass if you were... besides, I didn't see Classified there last year... he's unreal! Nor Chris Brown ! (okay I know not a thing of this dude :P)... but the crowd alone (minus 24hour DJ's in the campground this year hopefully) is enough to bring me back again! :P


  2. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v609/jaydawg420/MMJpuppetsend.jpg

    My mind just got back from Bonnaroo and I must say, that on so many levels this 3rd installment was the best yet. Except for a couple bumps in the road, this festival ran about as smoothly as the mud between my toes. There was so much to do... I have hours of video of me and my mates just walking from one bizarre and interesting attraction to the next. The highlights in this respect were the bamboo forest which I caught the glorious last few minutes of it's existance on video... the Silent Disco... the Disco Arcade (Must remember how to play Dig Dug!)... the sonic forest.. and the good ole fountain which stayed suprisingly clean this year.

    On the Music end of things here's my two cents... My Morning Jacket was my favourite... but perhaps it was because Sunday was fantasitc already and because I came back with 60 of my 90 Miller High Life, and I spent less than $30 on 'extras' I was good to go, and had the legs to make it to the front of the stages everyday... I mean I literally ran, in pants, from Matisyahu (AMAZING) to Toots, back to Matisyahu (EXTRA amazing) on the sonic stage for his radio performance.

    Umprhee's: Umprheal!!!

    Modest Mouse was great, though not the best perfomance seen by my hardcore friend fans. I like the yelling though... there's just something about the relation of his vocals and words to the steady floaty melody of the music... nice bass too from 10ft deep. Holy shnikies those guys climbed that tree high!!! 100ft I swear!

    Super Jam: It's always great to run into ?uestlove unexpectantly... mmmmmMontreal ;) And it's just really bizzare to keep bumping into Herbie everywhere I went...

    Now digging back a little bit I'll go by what I remember:

    J5 was great... and when I was introduced to the crazy puppets from Kentucy which eventually ended up populating the My morning jacket set. NuMark played a Desk, and then hardcore classical music on a sampler... I AM HIPHOP... great Vibe... lots of jumping...

    ABB... played the Band... VERY WEIRD vibe when Warren belted out "They should of never taken the very best"... Played Midnight Rider... Very satisfied.

    Herbies set... all 70's classics... done with respect, and done well... there was some guitarist there the ladies were swooning over too... young dude, tonnes of potential.

    Bela: On FIRE... but I had to run to:

    DUO: FREAKING ON FIRE... foam was fun, Mike works... but maybe adds too much for me to handle... DUO on the Sonic stage was outstanding and Hilarious... admitted on Satilte radio that he did Acid and had not been to sleep since the performance the day before... and playing a set at 3am in the Comedy Tent wearing a mask... then went on to introduce a song "This song is called 'Eat Green Cheese' which is the same amount of syllables as 'FAcK George Bush"... mmm Satilite Radio, Schmatilite Radio.

    Nap time with Dave doodling away... sounded great though, I had a wicked wicked campsite right close to the main stage... but I needed sleep so I could Rock the midnight set... Saul Williams was intense... Galactic was very showy and groovy... Mars Volta were impressive, and STS9 were lots of fun... I did burn out though (after getting rid of those 15 Highlife the day before "This is private property, you can start drinking now sir" 7am local time, said to me in my car, by an official from the venue with State Troopers 15ft away.

    Saturady was great:

    Ozomatti was fantastic... High energy:

    Ran accross the venue to Tea Leaf Green catching the other, unmemorable acts. Tea Leaf was alot of fun... you want that 90's Phish Vibe... check these guys out.

    King of Leon Rocked.. 4 Brothers... the word Mom showed up alot in there peircing rough and young lyrics.

    Gov't Mule Rocked, but could of Rocked harder... though I'm talking about Warren here, so I should be careful I don't ask for perfection... Warren you rule.

    Mouse on Mars: Das Ist Ausome!!!

    Yonder Mountain... thanks for grooving with the Mouse on Mars... definately a nap for the ages!!!

    Mr Rudd: You've got peoples attention, but the tent was too full for me to get a good spot to hear! re: Gabby La La f/Clay

    Pariticle: Good times... but I was a Zombie at this point which was soooooooo perfect for:

    Comming up to the Black Crowes jamming out Don't Do it from the band to open there set on the main stage... a light switch got turned on and I was back!!

    Jack Johnson: You've really got peoples attention... I'm guessing the biggest crowd? But who knows... it was good, but I was too far back to really enjoy it.

    Keller Fuckin' Williams: Though the dude he brought up with him made no sense... That guy's freaking fun to watch how he constructs all his tunes.

    Iron and Wine... Nice and relaxing... never got above a 6 on the whole "Permission to Freak out" Scale.

    Widespread Nap

    Perceptionists: Good, not great

    RJD2: MF'nCFATFA great!!! 4 turntables... you can count to four cant you... and just to make sure your paying attention... hes rocking chords on the Drum Macine... Soul Food... Mm. mm. Mm. mm

    De La Soul... great, but they had a chip on their shoulders... damn it guys... we're exausted... you party with us, and then cope with someone yelling at you to get your hands up at 2:30 in the morning... just play the songs... and let us flow into it... :P

    Secret Machines: Enh

    Oh yeah... Thurday... the free stuff

    Signal Path was my favourite... they played a great set the next day on the sonic stage..

    ALO was fun... and talented... just more for the CHUM FM Jam band crowd.

    Perpetual Groove was pretty decent... very Jammy...

    Then Gabbly La La was nothing so special...

    That's about it!



    PS I'll resize or remove this picture soon... I just havta run now.

  3. what happens in ottawa on canada day?

    of course, fireworks and such...

    any other fun events?

    i'm sure it must be a lot more fun here! (i've never spent one in ottawa). nobody does anything fun for canada day in b.c.

    having said that, i think i'm going to be in montreal this time! but there's always next year...

    It is very, very fun... no city does drinking at 11:00am with such class... and everyone wears red, and then their faces catch up from the sunburn... and the rainstorm last year... forget about it! :)


  4. Heights and loud noises... also fast speeds and corners... espcially in the rain and ice.

    I like Bee's :P, And Ghosts, well pretty much any demon which inhabits this world. Especially the devil ;), he's a friend of a friend of mine.


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