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Posts posted by SmoothedShredder

  1. Doesn't anybody have a strong opinion of this? Hehe just kidding. I like the roads, I like that all governments are concerned with roads. Parks are cool too, and all governments do great things for masses of people, then you can get into the finer details, and bam... drama city (aka Morontowa).

    Personally though, I think all of this is wonderful for democracy... and great for our country... this is what the assembly is suppose to do, create stability or instability based on the needs and direction of the party in power. The fact that the elections are so close, only says to me there's a giant power struggle, as big as Canada, or perhaps bigger, and in time, when it's really needed badly, one party will emerge as representing the views of the paradigm, and be able to express this vision (born out of this stuggle) with great clarity... hold on tight and get ready for a bumpy ride. Let the people win!

    And watch out for gas prices... there pretty much ready to hit the moon. Hehe (wait 20 years and when the US is up there harvesting fuel, gold, and water you might not think I'm so crazy) ;)



  2. I suppose it's a little bit of both... because ultimately it's the organizations who choose to use these techniques. And I can't really exclude my own human weakness, becasue I made a choice to buy this product... but I never said I was perfect. Then again I wasn't the marketing genius who came up with, or supported the idea of using ridiculous amounts of packaging. Besides the product inside the box is more ok then anything else I've used, and I've always thought that word of mouth was the best advertizing. That probably doesn't answer your question, but I don't feel very poetic today.


  3. So I buy to Microsoft Office upgrade today. And It comes in this paper box... inside a big plastic secuity box, and when I open it up, all neatly tucked in is a DVD box... nothing else, not even a peice of paper with distributers numbers or anything. Now I'm not rocket scientist, but is this really really nescecarry. I understand one plastic box isn't going to fill the oil reserves back up, but geez, 8oz of extra plastic and a toxic wax box all for a DVD case... am I the only one who thinks this is wrong. For crying outloud, they are a computer company, can't we just download the software, and keep the delivery trucks off the road all together... I mean if it's going to start anywhere useful (in this context) it'll be with Microsoft... anywho... just re-enforces my theory that we've jumped off the preverbal cliff in our Global Bus, and there's still a bunch of idiots out there ramming the gas to the floor screaming "FAster! Faster!". Damn acceleration addicts.

    Have a cup of coffee and catch your breath...


    Thanks for letting me vent.


  4. Yeah I know... It was the 4am thing... but I am a big fan of these flash animations... you can do alot with so little... example... I really did giggle when I watched that... so there's got to be some good in it. Or maybe I was just uncomfortable ;)


  5. Hey,

    A little bird told me that there will be bulk tickets for Come Together at the Gypsy Co-op's open Jam tonite (817 Queen West, in the Heart of Toronto's "shit we gotta fix this town" district. I know of one block of 30, or perhaps even two blocks of 30 being doled out, and there will certainly be some extra's floating around... so load up your heady extra fingers, and stuff your wallet with 60 clams and will see ya'll l8r.



  6. Hey!

    Yes, I've shirked my duties on this one... Sorry J-man, but I will admit I'm a little single minded when it comes to things coming together... , but yeah, I just saw you guys at the Elmo and it was fantastic... I can't wait to hear what you think of the room at the Gypsy... so far the feedback has been great... ditto for the Void, though it's been a little bit longer since I've seen you guys... this show with put the Jam in the Jam Gypsy Super Jazz Groove Urban Street series... I'm considering a shorter name too. Any thoughts?


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