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Posts posted by Deeps

  1. I think we can all agree having a band like slowcoaster in Canada is a good thing and it would be good to see them keep it going. It's a hard thing to do in this country.


    Please also note that at no point in this conversation would I list my band. We are young and evolving and haven't hit our stride anywhere near to the level that ALL of the bands I did mention have.

    I understand my place at the table and offer any of my thoughts as a person who is interested in debating music and not as a member of a band that "deserves" better. We're not entitled to anything, but hopefully will earn some of what our brothers have already got. Respect.



  2. Calling Steven from SlowCo a wanker and likeing NERO' date=' BnB and The Fatties unabashedly is a conflict of interest and not seeing that Steven is ahead of the game in terms of the quality and approach to the instrument in some realms is well IMO ... blind.[/quote']

    All of which would make sense to me, except for the fact I have read just as many (probally more) bad reviews/opinons on here about each of those bands as I have about SloCo.

    Sorry man, but I still don't get where your going with this. What I see is alot of people like/love SloCo and a few don't.

    I haven't been around long enough to read the reviews of which you speak and as such my experience is only a slice of the picture.

    I'm seeing the bigger bands not get criticised and the younger ones take it on the nose. I guess the older bands already got that and not unlike this had little to go on, other than some people like and some people don't.

    I was hoping for the predictable and impassioned...the stories just aren't there with the young bands today and when I was young the wanking was better argument. To which I predictably retort...it's just different, and not worse.

    Music Rules.

  3. There's an implied comparision IMO' date=' and will lead to the opinion these guys are trying to expres, which is in fact just that an opinion, that has been extrapolated to say the roots is the truth and the youth is bunk, which I am reputing.


    I still fail to see any "implied comparison" in this thread to Fat Cats or "roots is truth, youth is bunk". Sorry, but I just don't see it. I have noticed though, this is a recurring topic for you, as this isn't the first time you've posed that question in some form or another.

    People like what they like.

    People do like what they like...and this debate was destined to get tired.

    I do tend to bring this up, it's a point of interest to me and not completely off the mark sometimes.

    Calling Steven from SlowCo a wanker and likeing NERO, BnB and The Fatties unabashedly is a conflict of interest and not seeing that Steven is ahead of the game in terms of the quality and approach to the instrument in some realms is well IMO ... blind.

  4. On comparing the Fatties to SlowCo...unnecessarily admittedly.....

    There's an implied comparision in some of the other members posts IMO and an explanation I hope would expose that that saying that SlowCo is not good is completely derived from previous likes when watching the earlier generation of the Jambands (NERO, BnB, Fatties).

    These likes seem to have been extrapolated to say the roots is the truth and the youth is bunk, which I am reputing, because I'm tired of some of the elements that are easily spottted in the afformentioned bands and the people who tell me how ground breaking it is.

    Mixing jazz and ska while giving a minimalist lyric is ground breaking.....singing me a song about a fucking train is old and in the way when I bring it into where I'm at right now.

    I like both under certain circumstances and can discern between the 2, but try not write a band off because I wasn't in the mood for it.


  5. There's an implied comparision IMO' date=' and will lead to the opinion these guys are trying to expres, which is in fact just that an opinion, that has been extrapolated to say the roots is the truth and the youth is bunk, which I am reputing.


    A- that doesn't make sense

    B- if it did you'd be wrong anyway

    The complexity of your answer is not up to snuff and therefore not good enough to respond to.

    Too easily repeated.


    Ps My wording my last post was poor and will be editted forthcoming.

  6. My call was for explanation from MarcO and Booche to explain what the fuÇk it is they are missing in new bands that they were getting from the old ones.

    Those that are missing the Good. How many times do we have to bring it up?

    I am introduced to new bands all the time and continue to pimp them but I refuse to even consider replying to the hypothesis you proposed a few posts back.

    Ahhh the "GOOD"...so much clearer now.

    What won't you respond to? ... the hypotheseis that you may love some of the bands you loved to the degree that you do because imbibing makes one more tolerant of musical idiosynchracy?

    Ohhh yeah completely off the mark I'm sure.

    Pffft. I think that it is possible that people are doing less drugs and thus more is expected from the jambands in terms of continuity. Not a bad thing' date=' but a thing nonetheless.

    [color:purple']Of course I'm just a young asshole.

  7. Since when is intricacy the benchmark for quality or even listenability of a band.

    Does a jamband need to expose all of their chops at every turn and essentially to be a jamband.

    It seems that the Booches and MarcOs want less wankery. Slowcoaster plays less notes in a night than Lauzon plays in a tune so by this measure SlowCo is better right?

    My call was for explanation from MarcO and Booche to explain what the fuck it is they are missing in new bands that they were getting from the old ones.

    It's inevitable that they offer up the superiority of the older bands and time and time again I fail to have any idea what they're talking about.

    Please hit me with an explanation, a concrete example of why I should bother with the Fattie's over SlowCo.

    Note this is obviously a matter of opinion and not one I would even feel the need to express if the young bands weren't always held to some standard they don't understand or even want to.

    I like being put against the wall in the long run, but sooner or later when your back is turned and no explanation as to why I'm being helpd there I'm gonna fuck off and join another game out sheer exasperation.

  8. I just simply fail to see the superiority of the Fat Cats' date=' BnB's or Nero's catalogue with that of Slowcoaster, JSB, or GTB.

    All provide fairly cohesive tunes with memorable movements and lyrical brilliance right along side lyrical fallability don't they?


    Please quote from the nero tunes that display "lyrical brilliance" (or lyrical anything for that matter). ;)



    My bad they were a late add and kind of stick out in this list...either way I don't recognize them as superior in any of tenets of composition in such a degree that would deem all that came after them missing the mark any more than they did during their tenure.


  9. Leave the analysis to Luke' date=' everybody else, dance.[/quote']

    this sentence pretty much sums up why so much of this "jamband" music sucks so much hard smelly ass.

    there, I said it.

    [color:purple]yeah, listen with your feet, not your ears!

    What would one need to do to meet the criteria of good?

    I think some of you are tired of jam music in general, and the only people that pass the test are those whom you've grown to love because you were previously much more trashed at bars and used to let how they made you feel dictate their credibility.

    You likely would have liked these young bands who you label as failing today when you were younger, but your needs have changed.

    I just simply fail to see the superiority of the Fat Cats, BnB's or Nero's catalogue with that of Slowcoaster, JSB, or GTB.

    All provide fairly cohesive tunes with memorable movements and lyrical brilliance right along side lyrical fallability don't they?

    Please elaborate.


  10. Listening to the first track from the Ottawa show.

    How it is that you can write Jazz??????????? and question my ability to discern if it's an ingredient in what their doing is beyond me.

    Listen to it. It's in there. They've got a jam band, jazz, ska, thing happening.

    [color:purple]Maybe you only hear jazz if there's golf claps after each solo though who knows?


  11. Thanks to all who are interested in coming early to catch our set. We're excited to be on this bill. As Brodie said, the Fat Cats will be on at their usual 12am. I would say that a logical schedule would be 10-11-12 for the three bands, but jam shows usually don't get started that early...why don't you all help us change that so we can get started at 10 and play a healthy set? Thanks!

    Glad I made it out to see the Achievers achieve a solid opening performance. Big fun watching you move between the electric and the Pedal Steel. Good singing too.

    Despite how young the band is and the excellent performances of the other bands you guys held up quite nicely.

    Go see the Achievers if they're coming through yo town folks.

  12. You like 2 chord vamps alot eh Dima?

    This is a grosse understatement of what Slowcoaster does in my opinion.

    They are all great players and tend not to play stagnant arrangements.

    The jazz that infiltrates their sound is refreshing and well handled. Great energy, good hooks, and rock solid groove.

  13. You talk a strange game for a guy that was dancing in the front row.

    You see the Droops are Kung's flavour of the week and his OVERINFLATED opinions and serious lack of scope ensure that everything before his introduction to them .... well sucks.

    It makes him feel better so I will agree, we are clueless and inferior Kung, and these comparisons are such an integral part the community's understanding of the scene.

    Oh and Jay-Z and Jerry Garcia --- tight comparison, [color:purple]you're really a brilliant man.

  14. Sure dude.

    Here's a little something that you were even privy to -- the entire Droops band was cheering us on as we were we they, and we will share a bill with them in the near future.

    At the end of the day we essentially brought more wood for the fire, the one we all sat around.

    WTTS @ GO!


  15. Sparsely populated but a good time nonetheless.

    SlowCo ripeed it up.

    The Jolly Llamas were on the bill too. Great dub/ska band fromt eh K/W.

    They'll be at the Fox and Fiddle for the Go! fest on Saturday with WTTS as well.

    Good to play some hip hop again. Kae is really coming along as a vocalist. You can here his recent work in the studio paying off already.

    William Schiestel was up in the bitch too.....niiiice.


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