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Posts posted by Deeps

  1. A couple having trouble goes to a marriage counsilor and they won't even talk or look at one another.

    The counsilor tries for an hour to get them to talk and get's nothing but sighing and eyes to the floor.

    He goes out back and from his vehicle produces an upright bass. He wheels it into his office and starts riffing on it

    du doon doon dunta dunta buppa doon doon boopadee dun dun

    In about 2 minutes the couple starts talking ... after another copule of minutes they are laughing and smiling.

    The counsilor stops and the couple turns to him and asks what did you do? how did you do this? we are amazed!

    The counsilor turns to them pearing around the neck of the upright and says...

    Everyone talks during the bass solo.

  2. Brutal kinda feel bad for the guy, but at the same time if he was breaking into my house i woudl have shot him in the face. prescription drugs are no excuse or any drugs for that matter, sorry bout your friend but he deserved it

    And then there are some things we may want to keep to ourselves.

  3. Speaking of bears. Don't name one of them Mohamed.

    Sudanese Islamist Awesome-ist - Link to full article.

    Hundreds of Sudanese Muslims, waving green Islamic flags, took to the streets of Khartoum on Friday demanding death for the British teacher convicted of insulting Islam after her class named a teddy bear Mohammad.

    "No one lives who insults the Prophet," the protesters chanted, a day after school teacher Gillian Gibbons, 54, was sentenced to 15 days in jail and deportation from Sudan.

  4. I really enjoyed the 2 weeks I spent there.

    It's a pretty interesting slice of Canadiana.

    I was there in the summer mind you with 24 hour daylight not 24 hour darkness.

    I have a friend up there that would be happy to show you around if you end up going...she may be leaving for Victoria soon, but if she's not around someone else might be.

    I'd say go for it! The low lying rock made me feel like I was on the moon :-)

  5. Westboro Church Ordered to Pay 11 Million To war Vet Families

    A fundamentalist church that picketed a US soldier's funeral because it believes military deaths in Iraq are punishment for American tolerance of homosexuality has been ordered to pay almost $11m compensation.

    Albert Snyder, the father of Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder, who was killed in Iraq last March aged 20, sued the Westboro Baptist church claiming that the protests ruined his son's funeral.

    The church, based in Kansas, routinely pickets funerals of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, carrying signs with messages including "Thank God for dead soldiers" and "God hates fags".

    Writing on a website dedicated to the late Lance Cpl Snyder, the family said: "Using innocent children to deliver their twisted message of hatred and fear, the defendants in this suit have sought to attack the memory of our departed heroes, to strip their loved ones of their dignity, and to use abuse and intimidation as a tool for preventing surviving family members from reaching closure over their loss."

    Mr Snyder's lawyer, Craig Trebilcock, had urged jurors to award an amount "that says don't do this in Maryland again. Do not bring your circus of hate to Maryland again."

    A Baltimore federal jury awarded Mr Snyder a total of $10.9m (£5.2m) after ruling that the group had violated the family's privacy and intentionally inflicted emotional distress.

    The church's leaders reacted defiantly to the verdict, saying it was "an act in futility", and pledged to continue to picket military funerals.

    The church's legal team had argued that the burial was a public event and that the protests were protected by the first amendment of the US constitution, which guarantees freedom of speech and religion.

    Fred Phelps, the church's figurehead, said he was confident the verdict would be overturned on appeal.

    "Oh, it will take about five minutes to get that thing reversed," he said. The assets of the church and its three leaders are less than $1 million.

    Before the verdict was announced yesterday, Mr Phelps had stood outside the court holding a sign reading "God is your enemy", while his daughter, Shirley Phelps-Roper, stood on an American flag with a sign proclaiming "God hates fag enablers". Supporters sang "God hates America" to the tune of God Bless America.

    The church, whose 75 members are largely composed of Mr Phelps' relatives, is regarded by some as a cult and blames natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina and the September 11 attacks on lax morality.

    Good to see these assholes can't get away with this hate mongering.

    Man! People are just something else. Their ability to warp even their most warped ideas is incredible.

  6. This thread kind of drives me crazy in the same respect as those who think extreme muslims represent all muslims drive me crazy.

    Not saying that anyone in particular participating thinks whacked out fundamentalists represent all Christians' date=' it's just this threads very existence... and perhaps its title.[/quote']

    Gets me wondering - where is Deeps, anyway?

    I think of it as a kind of cultural duty to deal with fundamentalists in our own culture, since we're more or less powerless (shy of military or other rude sorts of power, unless you're a well-connected theologian) to deal with others'.

    Maybe I'm just "getting old", but I grow increasingly impatient with these characters as time goes by. Not like this site we have here draws many into its orbit or anything, but I think of this thread as a good place to keep mutually educated about the depths of stupidity that people can go to abuse the concept of "God" to slake their own insecurity.

    No, of course fundamentalists (which is a problematic term, for historical reasons) don't represent all Christians. Those Christians, though, whom I respect don't rely on their identity as "Christians" to be, for themselves (and, imo, the rest of the world), good Christians; those people, one way or another, seem implicitly to follow the axiom of St. Francis - "Preach the Gospel - use words, if necessary." Trouble is, fundamentalists make the biggest noise, and tend to make life awful for people whom they don't (care to) understand. Fwiw, I like to think that Jesus would be at least as impatient with them.

    Similarly, I've known Muslims, Hindus, Jews, etc., who are authentic people and who respect the depths of poetry within their traditions to bring real love into the world. And they are just as aware that assholes within their traditions have hijacked those traditions to (to cop Cockburn's phrase) "project their shit at the world."


    I've been on a journey of sorts that has brought me a greater appreciation for why I may have started this thread.

    I am the product of an extended family that has a matriarch who spends her entire existence in the pursuit of catholic unity. She practices Vatican 1 catholicism....latin masses...you're with us or going to hell and the whole 9.

    The fear infused in a woman who believes her children will be sacrificed to eternal damnation as a result of not meeting the standards set forth in the Vatican 1 view of the bible is palpable and the destruction of the family accountable in 40+ combined years of estrangement of these kids ... my Dad along with his brothers and sisters from one another and their parents directly.

    I am not saying that buying into religion will do this to everybody. In fact in playing with Kae Sun I saw a shining example of a Christian who passed on the evangelical train and seems better off for his faith.

    What I will postulate is that somewhere along the way my grandmother, who may suffer from undiagnosed mental illness, had her senses set to Fear by the evangelical movement.

    I do not blame my grandmother for this solely, but I do hold accountable the overinflated, sexist, righteous, ostentatious, patriarchy that has consumed the voice of balance and altruism in Christianity and further I find it very hard to ignore the danger this movement poses to the weak, the innocent, and the feminine soul in us all.

    I hope the clergy of the future seek their own interpretation of the good book and realize that in between the lines they read a manifesto intended to control. I wish them to have the presence of mind to extract the good and admonish the tired mistakes of the insecure men who sought to twist the Christian story instead of leaving it to the natural and true devices of myth and folklore.

  7. Being invited is key, and listening to what the inviting act is setting up before launching into something is also a good idea.

    It's their show and thereby their aesthetic that needs to be celebrated and enhanced by the jammer's appearance.

    That being said it's somewhat easy for jammer's to be overzealous in the guest slot, whether it be sheer excitement, insecurity, over-inflated sense of self or jitters, it happens to most jammer's in their lifetime and can produce over or under playing that really isn't all that helpful.

    The existence of this possible negative outcome should be realized by a jammer and mentally avoided prior to taking the stage me thinks.

    It (jamming) whether guest or within band is about empathy; understanding the collective energy and your place in it. Strange and difficult art form it is.

    As for time allotted, if you're empathizing then you'll know when it's time to get a move on.


    PS what happened?

  8. Interesting sidenote Meatloaf (the artist) actually made me throw up.

    I had been drinking yes and smoking yes, but when I sat down in the hotel room and my friend insisted on watching Meatloaf behind the music of Bat Out of Hell.

    I began to feel disturbed by the overacting, y'know when you're under the influence and disingenuine or fake things really hit you hard because you have many doors of your mind open? Well this was in full bloom as clips of Maetloaf girating were interupted with serious toned interview segments where he postulated he might be channeling some greater powers to make his art.

    I couldn't bear it, my friend thought I was kidding, I puked.

    The End.

    Steven Vincent De Piante

  9. Though I feel bad for these girls in that they are floundering and wasting thei opportunities, I have no remorse for them on a public level.

    They have been an abomination in terms providing positive role models for young girls, so their very public crumbling, Lohan (drug addict), Brittany (pregnant/has child/drug addled), Nicole Richie (pregnant, addict), Jessica Simpson (divorced at 21?) is living proof that if you act like a tramp and sell your body and soul for the sake of making money and gaining fame there are serious consequences. Hopefully people are watching and learning.

    My .02

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