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Posts posted by phishtaper

  1. I have a bestbuy passcode... not sure that I'm going to use it.....

    offered it to a couple friends, if they don't want it then someone here can have it...

    is the passcode a word that anyone can use? if so, would it be cheesy of me to hope that someone posts it here? hint hint

  2. Theme: Songs with numbers in the title

    1. Paul Simon - 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover

    2. What The Thunder Said - Three Blocks

    3. Jimi Hendrix Experience - If 6 Was 9

    4. David Sylvian - Zero Landtime

    5. Springsteen - American Skin (41 Shots)

    6. Bob Dorough - Three is The Magic Number

    7. Dylan - Rainy Day Woman #12 & 35

    8. Damien Rice - 9 Crimes

    9. Chicago - 25 or 6 to 4

    10. Prince - 1999



  3. Theme: Songs about astronomical phenomena:

    1. The Polyphonic Spree - It's The Sun

    2. Bruce Cockburn - When The Sun Goes Nova

    3. Modest Mouse - The Stars are Projectors

    4. The Fifth Demension - Aquarius

    5. Pink Floyd - Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun

    6. Madonna - Lucky Star

    7. David Bowie - Life On Mars

    8. James McKenty And The Spades - The Great Asteroid

    9. Grateful Dead - Darkstar

    10. The Orb - Supernova at the End of the Universe

    11. Waterboys - The Whole of the Moon


  4. Theme: Songs about astronomical phenomena:

    1. The Polyphonic Spree - It's The Sun

    2. Bruce Cockburn - When The Sun Goes Nova

    3. Modest Mouse - The Stars are Projectors

    4. The Fifth Demension - Aquarius

    5. Pink Floyd - Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun

    6. Madonna - Lucky Star







  5. Theme: Songs about Death

    1. Our Lady Peace - Superman's Dead (ewww)

    2. Billy Bragg and Wilco - Another Man's Done Gone

    3. Lucinda Williams - Sweet Old World

    4. Placebo - Infra-red

    5. Joy Division - Dead Souls

    6. Metallica - For Whom the Bell Tolls

    7. Oingo Boingo - Dead Man's Party






  6. perfect for a monday morning rant ...

    Copyright group seeks digital music levy


    Canadian Press

    OTTAWA — Canadian music industry representatives are re-opening an old debate about MP3 players that could see the average price of the devices climb by as much as $75.

    The Canadian Private Copying Collective, an association of composers, recording artists, publishers, and record labels is asking the Copyright Board of Canada to re-introduce a controversial extra fee into the sale price of MP3 players in Canada.

    David Basskin, a member of the CCPC's board of directors, said it's time artists be compensated for the copying of their files onto the digital devices.

    "We'd all like lots of things to be free. But those who create the music deserve to be compensated. When you go and buy an iPod, the retailer gets paid. So you can't say that the people who make the music should get a free ride."

    The effort on the part of the CPCC comes just over two years after the Federal Court of Appeal struck down a similar levy attached to the price of the hard drives of MP3 players. At the time, these didn't fall into the category of "audio recording media" because, unlike CDs and cassettes, they can't be separated from the device that plays the sound on them. Under current legislation, the Copyright Board isn't allowed to place a levy on a playing device like a CD or tape player.

    The decision meant that manufacturers had to re-imburse the $15 and $25 retail surcharges on MP3 players to consumers. In total, the CCPC had to re-imburse almost $4 million.

    Now they're asking the Canadian Copyright Board to consider MP3 players as a whole, hard drive included, under the category of "audio recording media."

    "When you look at the device as a whole, it's hard not to believe that its sole purpose is to record audio," said Basskin. The CCPC is now seeking levies ranging from $5 to $75, based on the capacity of the player's hard drive.

    But some analysts are skeptical about whether the new approach will work given current copyright legislation. The problem, said David Fewer, an intellectual property law professor at the University of Ottawa, is that MP3 players fall into both the categories of "player" and "medium."

    "They're really getting quite existential here. They're asking the copyright board to look into the sould of an iPod and determine its true identity. That's hard to do."

    Basskin said he doesn't anticipate any difficulty.

    "When parliament passed the law in 1997, they could have attached a shopping list of media but they chose not to do that. They chose to let the law flex with the technology because there were none in 1997," he said. "What the court hasn't dealt with yet is the status of an iPod (as a whole)."

    Brian Gray, an intellectual property lawyer with McCarthy Tetrault, said he doesn't anticipate the levies will be approved, despite Basskin's argument. But he said he's happy to see the issue back before the Copyright Board.

    "Important issues like this deserve debate," he said.

    Both Gray and Fewer recognized the legal need to compensate music producers when music is copied, especially in cases where "private" copies are distributed to friends and online peers.

    Fewer said that while it's unclear if the levy will be approved, the CCPC's initiative is a step in the right direction because the other legal alternatives are impractical.

    "It's a good way to get our government to start thinking about policy in a different way than it has," he said. "Digital copyright under the past few years has always been dictated by the big labels, which adopt the perspective that fans are thieves and that the lock 'em up and sue em strategy is the only way to go."

  7. Tony Bennett's plug for Target was tacky. I can't believe he did that.

    sure, but that's old school, like him and it's forgivable.

    the disturbing thing was that the grammy awards show itself was presented by target. kinda makes ya wonder how impartial the awards vote/selection actually is, eh? :confused:

  8. BC is not a no-fault system, like Ontario.

    i love that term. it has resulted in a whole new generation of bad drivers who keep insisting that "it wasnt my fault" when they slammed their mini-vans into the mini-mart or rear-ended a school bus. it should have been called the 'reduction of overall litigations costs to prohibit lengthy civil action against stupid drivers and save insurance companies money" system.

  9. the highlight of the evening was the look on justin timberlakes's face when john mayer won for best pop vocal album. poor justin looked shocked and bitter. hats off to the dixie chicks - "not ready to make nice" is a pretty powerful song. and wow, two more grammys for Dylan.

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