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Hal Johnson

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Posts posted by Hal Johnson

  1. I've been saying this forever - the ISP's are guilty of ripping off the entertainment industry as much as any individual. If they were held accountable, internet service prices would likely have to increase quite a bit. But I'm sure they'd work it out.

    But it’s worse than that. It turns out that Verizon, AT&T, Charter etc etc are charging a toll to get into this neighborhood to get the free stuff. Further, companies like Google are selling maps (search results) that tell you where the stuff is that you want to loot. Companies like Megavideo are charging for a high speed looting service (premium accounts for faster downloads). Google is also selling ads in this neighborhood and sharing the revenue with everyone except the people who make the stuff being looted. Further, in order to loot you need to have a $1,000 dollar laptop, a $500 dollar iPhone or $400 Samsumg tablet. It turns out the supposedly “free†stuff really isn’t free. In fact it’s an expensive way to get “free†music. (Like most claimed “disruptive innovationsâ€it turns out expensive subsidies exist elsewhere.) Companies are actually making money from this looting activity. These companies only make money if you change your principles and morality! And none of that money goes to the artists
  2. I basically just watch HBO shows. I find them to be the most satisfying. Veep and Girls, as mentioned, are really good.

    For some reason though, and I don't know what the draw is, I watch that freaking Storage Wars wayyy too much. Yuuuuuuup, I'ma loser.

  3. This thread is proof that this has not been a scintillating final.

    I hope NJ can at least push it to 6. Game 7 would be sublime. Prolly Kings in 5 though.

    True, but I have enjoyed watching the Kings. I was hoping they'd close it out at home the other night but oh well. They really do have a great team.

  4. It's tough to say without Bautista and Lind doing much of anything. Everyone is kind of just waiting for Bautista to break out, and we have to assume he will. As for Lind, it's tough see him hit so poorly because we all know what he's capable of, but he's been in this funk for a pretty long time now (dating back to last year) so maybe its time to bring up Cooper. But I'm totally with you - Prove me wrong Jays!!

    (^would be a hilarious sign to see at the park)

  5. Hamels Misses Face

    May 8, 2012


    Philadelphia Phillies starter Cole Hamels has admitted that he hit Nationals rookie Bryce Harper on purpose in the first inning Sunday night, and today apologized for the act.

    “I don’t know what to say. I messed up,†said Hamels. “I hit him in the small of his back, so I missed my target by about three feet, as I wanted to hit hit square in his stupid goddam face. My lack of control on that pitch is not acceptable. I expect better from myself, and I will forever regret not plunking him square in his douche head.â€

    Hamels says he thinks he knows what happened on the pitch.

    “I got so excited about the opportunity to smash his face, maybe to the point of knocking his helmet off and tearing a bald patch in his faux-hawk, blood pouring down his sideburns and into his mouth, that I overthrew,†said Hamels. “I won’t make that mistake again.â€

    Hamels also stressed that trying to hit Harper in the face wasn’t anything personal.

    “I don’t know him at all,†said the pitcher, “although anyone who has met him says he’s unbearable. I wanted to hit him in in the face based on appearances alone, nothing else.â€

    Nationals manager Davey Johnson says he understands that certain things happen in baseball.

    “Look, I see Bryce Harper every day now,†said Johnson. “I totally understand wanting to hit him in the face. But coming from Cole Hamels of all people, well … I know many hitters in the National League who try to hit him in the face with a line drive when they’re batting. I would respect where Cole is coming from on this if he looked less, you know … Cole Hamelsy.â€

    Harper also responded to Hamels’ admission.

    “Brah, ya know, brah it’s like … nah, feel me, brah? I’m just like braaaaah maaaah naaaah aaahhhh,†he added, before departing with some sort of complex handshake/hug routine.

  6. I'm hoping Kings/Yotes in the west final but I have no idea who I'll go for from there. I like the King's team more, but love the the Yotes story line.

    As for the East I'm kind of hoping for Washington to make it. I like how they completely blew their chances years ago when they were supposed to win but are now playing a strong, focused game. Not sure they have the depth of talent though.

  7. Rangers in 5 -close

    Bruins in 4 - slightly incorrect

    Flyers in 7 (I'll look real smart if I'm right) -closer than I thought I'd be

    Panthers in 7 (and again) - Fuck you panthers

    Nucks in 6 - HAHA

    Preds in 6 - Was I right, or was it in 5?

    Blues in 6 - Hey-O! Or was this in 5 too?

    Hawks in 5 - woops

  8. In all honesty I am looking forward to trolling during tonight's game! I tried last game but you guys were so caught up in the most classic game ever that you completely missed it!! If I'm not stuck watching some home reno show with the wife, I'm all over it!!

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