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Hal Johnson

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Posts posted by Hal Johnson

  1. I've watched entirely too much hockey in my life Ollie. That's all you need to know.

    So you're saying you're an expert?

    C'mon, can we put it to rest already? Am i on trial? You asked what other broadcasts I've watched. Do you want me to put it in chronological alphabetical order? I've watched a billion! I'm somewhat obsessed (although curbing it lately) - it's a problem I have.

    You guys make talking shit way more of a chore than it needs to be. HOLY COW.

  2. Yes Hal, that's what I said, all colour commentators are the same. Way to read between the lines of my statement that local broadcast colour commentators are generally homers and get right to the nut meat. You're an insightful man.

    But agreed, it was nice to see the Sens dump the Leaves when it matters more than usual.

    Your missing my point completely. The Sens are in the same league as the worst offenders. You never once denied this, instead you inferred that ALL local commentators are equally horrible. Which is simply not true.

    It's nice to see that the Sens can dump the Leaves in semi meaningful regular season games. Makes the playoffs all the more special.

  3. You're absolutely right Sloth, in reality all colour commentators are exactly the same. ::rolls eyes::

    There's a fine line between adding insightful commentary and being a cheerleader. ANd yes, I've seen some of the local ballgame broadcasts and there's no way they're as bad as the ChiSox guys! Not even close!

    Anyhow, it was nice to watch a game that kind of mattered between the two. Here's hoping for a playoff series we can watch on the CBC!! :cheers:

  4. He's the worst. There is zero objectivity in the whole broadcast.

    Refs were garbage last night and how come the issue with Spezza's goal was whether or not he touched the puck and not whether or not the fact that he was sitting on Reimer may have caused interference?

  5. I've been watching/reading too and I'm hooked. The only thing is, I can't help but wonder how maniacal the writer must be. I guess any fantasy writer for that matter. I picture his room resembling that of Russel Crowe's character in "A Beautiful Mind". Seriously though, how the crap could anyone keep track of such a world? I'm amazed.

  6. The script of "Fourth and God" (Grantland) is playing itself out.

    I was thinking it would be kinda like "Any Given Sunday" where winning the one playoff game would be enough to satisfy the audience, but then I learned that Tom Brady and New England is next. This is why Denver will win:

    From ESPN:

    . Patriots get the easiest draw: Last week the AFC East blog did a poll asking readers which team they thought was the easiest opponent for the Patriots. Overwhelmingly, respondents selected Tim Tebow and the Denver Broncos -- and for good reason. The Broncos are the easiest possible matchup of the four AFC teams playing on wild-card weekend. New England manhandled Denver in Week 15 and cruised to a 41-23 victory. The chances of Tebow outdueling Patriots quarterback Tom Brady on the road in the rematch are very slim. I think this is as close to a free pass as New England can get in the postseason. The Patriots were close to hosting the reigning AFC champion Steelers, who beat New England in the regular season. But Denver did New England a big favor by knocking out Pittsburgh in overtime. Now, the Patriots have a much easier path to get to the AFC Championship Game.

  7. hmmm...just got an X box, maybe I'll try switching it over. Thanks man.

    Also, to add to the convo, I started watching Breaking Bad - you guys were right, the show kicks ass. I just finished watching season 2 episode 2. Totally hooked.

  8. Just got it on the wii and the loading drives me freaking insane! Sometimes during show it doesn't get inturrupted at all, and then others, like right now, it stops to load every minute and a half. Any suggestions on how to deal with this aside from throwing a sewing machine at the TV?

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