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Posts posted by mattm

  1. SATA = faster

    If you get an entire new computer, go SATA with everything. New motherboards can handle quite a few SATA devices which are faster and also the current standard (in other words, if you buy a drive right now, the standard is sata and IDE, the old standard, is being fazed out).

    If you just get parts and build your computer and want to keep your old hard drive/dvd drive (which should probably be fine although things plugged directly into the motherboard might have been fried, there's actually a good chance they are fine too but then who knows, it's a case by case type thing). Anyway, back to what I was saying, if you just build a new computer then you'll want to make sure it has at least 1 IDE if your old devices were IDE.

    If you want a used computer and can get out to merivale there's a used computer store in the merivale mall which has pretty good prices but you can build a computer for fairly cheap if you don't have to replace the hard drive and dvd drive, just ram/mobo/processor and use the old case (make sure the new mobo fits by checking it's form factor).

  2. Do it, it's good practice.

    Before you do, split your hard drive into multiple partitions (2 of them). You can look up how to do that in google (partition magic works great).

    After you have 2 partitions setup on your hard drive, always store information on partition 2 (say your D: drive) and install everything onto partition 1 (your C: drive).

    This way you can reinstall windows by formatting C: drive all you want and your data will always be good on the other partition. Saves a tonne of time in trying to back everything up.

    Things to remember when backing up:

    -My Documents

    -Email (email client should have export)

    -Bookmarks/other files

    ----I use firefox and save a copy of the entire profile and then just copy all the files into the new profile and boom, all passwords, bookmarks, etc are there again, even the stuff I've typed in search boxes.

    -Check programs for where they store files by default and make sure you grab the files

    ----quicktax stores the tax files in it's own folder I believe, though that might have changed, and there may be other programs that do that as well.

    -Settings wizard

    ----Open up accessories in the start menu and you'll notice a settings wizard. Use it and you can save all your settings, etc, to move them to the new computer (background, windows preferences and pretty much anything you want). WARNING: I find it's better to tell it not to backup any files and just grab the files myself as it will backup files based on type by default which is way too much.

    Before the format/reinstall:

    -Get all the programs/files you need ready to go.

    ----For example, I make a drivers folder and download all the current drivers into it. I also make a progs folder and download all the latest versions of the software I use (good time to upgrade if need be). Store these folders somewhere like a USB driver (or partition 2 if you have the setup I mentioned before) and you'll save yourself some time. You'll also save yourself some headache if for some reason you lose network after the re-install, this way you have your network card drivers ready to go and don't need the internet right off...

    -Get the latest service pack

    ----You can download an installable file with whatever the latest service pack is. Download it and keep it with the other files. This will save some update work once the new windows is up and running.

    That's about it. Make sure to resign yourself to losing valuable info (that inevitably doesn't make it into the backup) and then, as nike would say, just do it.

  3. Hmmm, if it's charging the ipod then there's power which means it should technically work (should being a keyword here).

    Personally, I would reinstall windows and if that doesn't work, just go out and buy a USB 2.0 card (don't go to futureshop/bestbuy unless they have a mad sale on them, get an OEM one from a small computer store like PC-Cyber or Sprint Computers).

    Isn't much else you can do. I talked to a couple guys here and they say the same (we design, build and program custom hardware here so the guys know quite a bit about drivers and electricity in computers, etc, etc), sounds like some pins may have come un-soldered or something on those lines (can happen, or they can become eroded, etc). So you might have power but the data pins might not be on correctly. If there's a wire involved, replace it and/or make sure it's firmly in place. If the ports are built directly into the motherboard, well, you're out of luck.

    PS: Good luch, problems like these suck

  4. Try this:

    Go into device manager. Go to the usb section. Uninstall everything in it (once everything in it is uninstalled it will cease to exist). Reboot.

    If your USB still doesn't work then it's probably hardware.

    WARNING: Do the following at your own risk (though i'd do it in a second on my own computer I take no liability for the suggestion, that being said, I've done it with other drivers before and it's worked and I don't think there's any danger except that some things may stop working and need to be reinstalled if you do something wrong, that's about it.)

    One other thing you can try, is to do the above step (uninstall all usb related things from device manager) and then delete the driver files from the computer.

    Driver files are located in:


    They are files that have .sys for the extension. If you look down the list in alphabetical order you'll notice a bunch of usb ones there. Delete em and then reboot. You might be asked for the windows disk when the system reboots or it might have exclamation points or whatnot in device manager meaning you need to run the mobo's chipset driver program again. Either way, if the files for USB have somehow become corrupt, they will be replaced this way.

    If none of that works then you have two more options.

    1. http://pccyber.com/?v=product&i=IO-LACIE-130813

    (PCI USB 2.0 card, $30 there from PC Cyber but if you just go in and ask for one, they probably have cheaper ones, I got mine for $15, 4 ports)

    2. Maybe even before buying a PCI card, reinstall windows. Backup everything you need and just reinstall the thing. I do it every couple months just because it keeps it clean but it's not hard to do at all. The hard part is getting all your programs and settings back how you had them but after doing it a couple times even that becomes pretty easy.

    3. Yup, there's a 3. Buy a new computer. I just upgraded my mobo/ram/processor but used all the old parts and it cost something like $250 for a pretty sweet new machine. Granted my DVD drive is 5 years old and loud, my case was disgusting (thanks to work for a new one), etc, etc, it's the computer inside that counts. If your stuff is new enough you might even be able to get away with just a new motherboard and keep all your ram and processor and whatnot.

    That is all

  5. I remember when we got to thailand, my buddy and I were warned that if we went to the movies or something like that, the anthem would come on and that we HAD to stand and be respectful to the king, to do otherwise could result in jail or worse (and be respectful anytime we heard the anthem or saw a picture of the king and to never make fun of the king, even jokingly where no one can hear you).

    Now, we thought that sounded pretty absurd but also figured "when in rome..."

    I'm now glad someone mentioned that to us since they seem to take it quite seriously...

  6. A 911 call from a premises is probable cause to search the entire house.

    I kinda thought that but wanted someone else to say it as the phone could have been given to the child to make it LOOK like it was the fault of the child...

    I'm always paranoid of little Trey calling 911 since if he sees the phone, he immediately goes after it and I think it's designed that holding down 9 will dial 911...

  7. The previous message was Steph posting as me. What I wonder about is:

    With that mystery solved, officers began inspecting the residence and soon discovered a 500-plant marijuana grow-op.

    Don't police need a search warrant to start searching the premises or is it different if there's been a 911 call (even one that was plainly and obviously the child, though in that statement, plainly might not mean factually and assumptions do make an arse our of U and Me...)

  8. Here's something kinda funny. I was looking up other transit strikes trying to figure out the longest one (looks like 9 months in quebec) and see if we could have a record (long way to go still, BC had 4 months I think as well).

    Either way, I stumble upon this article. It's not too long. You can skip most of it but read some of the top section and then read the bottom section, PROVINCE ONLINE POLL. hehehe


    PS: Has nothing to do with the strike today, it's about some strike in 2001 and the funny part, well, you'll see.

    PSS: This is safe for both sides to read, for or against, it's completely irrelevant to the part that's funny.

  9. Hey Steve, no problem, I didn't get much time for the socializing myself but well worth it. Little Trey enjoyed Dave and Luna (although he probably didn't understand her, maybe for the better, he did like the parts with violin especially).

    If you hear anything about the shades let me know but I've pretty much gotten over them. I'm the type of person to lose things normally so me with little Trey by myself was pretty much a guarantee that I'd lose something or other (as mentioned, first outing type thing we've done just the two of us, normally it's all three of us) :).

    Thanks again Steve, it was great to get out. Thanks again Dave and Luna, quite the entertainment.

  10. Apparently Ontario's Elementary School Teachers are about to go on strike, after turning down a 12+% raise over four years.

    I heard an interview with some of the teachers. They said they don't want the money in the form of salaries. They don't want a 12% raise, they want 1500 more teachers to be hired as next year they are looking at a shortage of teachers, something on those lines. The actual raise they want is somewhere around 4% over the couple years spread.

    Can't quote me on it, it was an interview I saw on the news while I was at the dentist (ctv news channel).

    To counter that, though, I do see stuff like this:

    But the union claims the real sticking point is a perceived funding gap between the younger grades and high schools.
  11. The reason I'm wondering is that only 1300 of the strikers originally decided to vote. Now, there may be some borderline people that either don't care either way or just don't want to put in the effort to vote (especially if they have to go somewhere to do it and can't get there). So if the case were that if you don't vote, that means you want to go back to work, that would force those that are really dedicated to the strike to head out to vote. If, however, a non-vote is considered a vote to keep striking or isn't counted, then I think it's much more likely that the same 1000 or so that didn't vote last time (or others), might also not vote this time.

    I wonder about the post or article on here where someone, velvet I think, talked about the mob mentality and it got me thinking that if a non-vote were considered a vote to go back to work, that would force the union members to actually take a good look at what's going on, at the offer on the table, and would lead to much fairer and more realistic results. I also believe that people can change when they are part of a group and will exhibit different behaviors than otherwise, probably because it's easy to feel empowered when you have lots of other folks to feel it with you but when it's just you, it's not so easy. Also, Ollie, I agree with what you had said to that in that we are all responsible for our actions but I have observed riot-like behavior and it does change people, even if it brings out their true selves, people do act differently for whatever reason while a part of a mob (my opinion).

    Bottom line: I figure that if the case were that a non-vote is a vote to go back to work, there is a higher chance that the buses will come back then if the vote doesn't count or is considered a vote to keep striking. This is from observations such as 1300/2300 voting in the first place and ~200/2300 picketing. Doesn't show all that much effort being put into it all from the majority but if forced to go back to work unless they vote otherwise, I think we'd either see the effort that should be there or we'd see some buses rolling down the road.

    Even shorter version: It's easy to avoid doing something if you don't absolutely have to do it but it's not so easy when that's not the case and you have to put thought into something and make a decision from it, good or bad.

    I want the buses back :(

  12. I have a question but I think only rubber might be able to answer it. What is a no vote considered? If you don't vote, does it get counted as a vote IN FAVOR of, AGAINST or not counted at all.

    In other words, if only 1300 vote again, will the other 1000 get counted as votes to keep striking or to stop striking (or just not be counted at all)...

  13. Trey and I had a blast. It was our first real outing without Steph for any length of time (without the busses we just haven't been taking him out much at all). Trey loved it, smiled and was happy all the way through except during the really trancy parts in which I think he got super tranced out. He'd just stare at Dave and then all of a sudden start bobbing his arms for a minute (like when you're in that heaven of a good jam playing with your mind and your arms just lift and beat with the music).

    He got tired, though, so we had to leave a little early.

    It sure was nice to get out and see some people and hi to anyone I missed (I was a bit preoccupied with the little guy). Thanks for the comment arcane, he sure is a cute little guy, I think your little one was quite taken with him :)

    Only down point is that I left my sunglasses there, I think sitting on the pool table or underneath it where my stuff was.

    Thanks to the Owls for hosting this and thanks to Dave for the nice sounds. Little Trey loves guitars and music so he says thanks too.

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