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Everything posted by localcrew

  1. Well being in Seoul I see this is very real for you. This is the problem many people have with these issues; there not immediate and real to them....people can distance themselves and philosophise carelessly, justifying with their own pet peeves and political views...ie 'it's all the Americans' fault and they deserve it'-I heard enough people with that opinion around 9/11 that i couldn't stomach it anymore. There is a huge difference between a country like the USA having nukes and countries like North Korea and someday soon Iran and then who knows where-Libya, Syria etc etc......those are the kind of countries that will actually USE them or let them fall into the hands of organizations that will use them. This is gonna make the cold war look like a tropical heat wave....I can't even really believe it; we kind of thought it was over when the Berlin Wall came down-wishful thinking I suppose....
  2. Well how is N Korea not to blame for developing nuclear weapons? It's not like someone snuck into the country and did it without them knowing....they did it themselves. And what on earth do they need them for that you say they are so necessary?
  3. ...the US has demands on N Korea (if for no other reason than the US under Jimmy carter gave them nuclear technology to help them with the clear undersatnding that they would never produce weapons from it) to not build nuclear weapons...the leap of logic that they should then build them and incur the wrath of the US as a means to avoid their wrath is a leap I'm not really making....?....?....?...
  4. Yikes....there is nothing shrewd about a totalitarian madman with nuclear weapons and no source of income.....when nukes start going off not far from here (yes there is much collaberation between North korea and terrorist groups from the Middle East etc)I really don't care how shrewd you think it is... ...you need to give your head a shake if you think all these lost and hopeless countries in the world need nukes to stave off invasion from the hated imperialist Americans.....these countries need to get their acts together, stop buying arms at all and start feeding their people...this goes for everywhere in the world from Africa to Asia to wherever you may care to name... Sometimes I think people's hatred of the Americans is way over the top; when you appreciate nukes in the hands of crazy regimes you might want to consider whether terrorists and weird nutjobs like the one in North korea would hesitate to use them against you-you may want to sympathise with them a little less.....
  5. Well neither is he standing up to US nuclear policy; he is building an arsenal to threaten the world into sending huge wads of cash to feed his totalitarian state and fund his lavish lifestyle.....and he will most likely sell nukes to rogue states who may very well set them off down the street from where you live.....I don't personally admire this much myself. Do you at all know the N Korean history of acquiring this technology under the understanding of not developing nuclear arms; robbing Jimmy Carter, lying to Clinton and now bribing Bush.....that's the long and short of it.
  6. ...and he imprisons 13 year old concubines to satisfy his warped sexual desires to protest that Much Music doesn't have all the young scantily clad females in the world......and he starves his population to feed his massive goose stepping army to protest the fact that Hitler can't be the only one to have had a million goose stepping fanatics.....yes, you've chosen quite a role model!
  7. Thanks, Iforgot about these guys......I wonder what happened to the Waterboys as well....I'll have to look them up....
  8. ....should be able to spray scales in early spring with soap and water before they develop their shell by which time there is no point spraying them at all...unless using high pressure water just to send them flying...I've had scales on my Yew tree for years and they haven't killed it yet ...
  9. I couldn't have had more goosebumps than I did during and after Baba Oreilly!!
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