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Everything posted by localcrew

  1. Thanks all. This is probably my most 'listenable' release so far. Is it not at all dial up friendly? Maybe try loading it and see because the page doesn't change at all once you open it. The only thing that happens is the music streams.
  2. Thanks I love to do it. I have no way of knowing whether anyone ever listens to it so thanks for the kind words.
  3. ....er....'album'....you can listen to it at my site: http://hydrophonica.com/ The new one is called 'The Last Laf' ...perhaps you can dig it.....and perhaps not....
  4. btw the victim is in need of ventilator etc just to breath and have a heartbeat. First his legs went and then everything else. Thanks for the well wishes but he is a bit of a villain to my friend and there is actually no love lost-not that one would wish this kind of circumstance on anyone but the WORST villain....
  5. Well in so far as he was fine/got the shot/was suddenly paralyzed I can't see them as being anything but connected. As far as anyone from the health care system saying the shot is to blame then they are unconnected I guess. That's just not the way it works; they will never accept any responsibility unless under extreme duress (ie told by a jugde that they are to blame).....their official line is that he must have had a preexisting condition (such as non paralysis I suppose).....He's rolling with that for now-we're so polite in Canada. I can tell you I would be suing everybody from the parking attendant to the CEO!!! And I'm not the litigious sort.
  6. As it turns out a very good friend of mine has his father in law laid up in hospital paralyed from the nose down after getting this shot. He started off losing the use of his legs but it has spread.
  7. WOW! Here's a shoutout for Neko Case too!!
  8. JJ Cale - Call Me the Breeze Grateful Dead - Ramble on Rose - Going Down the Road (trad) - The Music Never Stopped - On the Road Again (forget author) - So many Roads Me - Chevyford - Highway - Memphis Hideaway - On the Road
  9. BITCHES BREW It may be obvious but not everybody may be exposed to the same stuff so I'll add this one just in case. Everyone who likes to get high and trip on music should trip to this at least once!!! My first suggestion may not have been the most suitable and this one is not electronica either....but there it is-I'm more the type to find cool music from posts like these than offer great suggestions....
  10. http://hydrophonica.com/ Though it isn't strictly instrumental I might mention my own music as it is written and recorded with the idea of being such a journey as you mention. I haven't received much feedback though my friend who is a soundman on first hearing it said "..smoke much dope Dave...?" ....I thought it was apt..... I might assume that it's hard on people's ears since noone is very interested but I can say that it is straight from the land of inspiration and thereby may be inspiring in certain circumstances...the inspiration certainly is transcendental if the resulting music isn't....I can't be objective enough to tell....
  11. A few interesting lines from an article ...the leaflet also says four of 253 people studied experienced “severe adverse reactionsâ€. Three of the four were deemed to be unrelated to the vaccine, but one case of hypersensitivity (which can mean anything from an allergic reaction to autoimmune disease) was determined “to be related to vaccinationâ€. That one serious reaction might not sound like a lot, but it actually translates into a rate of 395 cases per 100,000 people. That’s more than 50 times the rate of hospitalization due to H1N1 itself: 7.3 per 100,000 Canadians. btw this is not related to the batch of vaccine mentioned in the above article but general h1n1 vaccine testing.
  12. Thank you. I always think of my Grandfather who was at Vimy Ridge, Paschendale and all the other Canadian hot spots. Got gassed and shot. Luckily when he was shot he was reaching for ammunition and the sniper's bullet aimed at his heart hit his arm. Thanks Grandpa
  13. Maybe he's gonna do the American Songbook like Rod Stuart....I wonder what songs haven't been done by a rock singer now what with Linda Rondstat (sp?) etc .. ..hey maybe Just a Gigolo.....oops already done... ....hey maybe a bluegrass version of Love in an Elevator.... Actually I love American Songbook stuff and even Rod's takes on them....I can't see Tyler doing it though... 'I left my heart in San Francisco YACKA YACKA YACKA YACKA OOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEE!!' If he's just gonna do more rock why not do it with what he's got; one of the best rock bands of the seventies which had plenty of the best rock bands ever!
  14. Yes, much like the 'global warming' argument-it's only good science when you agree with it or are moved by fear and/or propaganda to believe it. Say, does anyone know if the human body has an endless supply of antibodies that can be biased towards fighting certain diseases?
  15. I tend to think that people that are wary of over or unnecessarily 'medicating' themselves are not so much conspiracy theorists as they are people who have some doubt as to the wisdom of the myriads of chemicals and toxins we pump into ourselves by various means. We all pick our poison to some degree...unless the government forces us of course. It is not hard for some to have less than complete faith in our government and pharmaceutical corporations' judgment in these matters. There are plenty of doctors and scientists on either side of this issue....just like there are experts here on either side....
  16. I think I touched on that in my essay....
  17. Here's a little documentary revolving around the Dakota and the Beauties via Serena Ryder. Cool scene.
  18. It is not simple.... There are many who feel that vaccines are more dangerous than beneficial including many doctors, scientists and even REPUBLICANS (yikes!) Health care workers refuse vaccines routinely claiming as a main reason the fact that they deal first hand with patients whose bodies and lives are ruined by these medicines.... We (generally)assume that science and doctors understand fully the immune system and the effects of using these techniques. This of course is not the case. If we understood as fully as that we would not need vaccines and other dangerous medicines. We are not even 100% sure that the vaccines offer immunity to the diseases they fight. There is evidence that they do as well as evidence that they don't. There is evidence that they kill and maim large numbers of people and evidence that they don't. There are doctors and scientists that claim they are safe and doctors and scientists that claim they are not. Health care workers seem to be split themselves at (generously) 50/50 whether to use vaccines or not. The odds of the vaccines being safe are meaningless when you take your baby home who was minutes ago vibrant and happy in a vegetative state after a 'needle'....or as in the case of an Ottawa mother a few years ago...paralyzed for years after a routine vaccination....she learned to walk eventually at roughly the same pace as her baby. She will not be getting a flu shot any more. Likewise there would be not even cold comfort for a parent who refused the vaccinations for their children on the basis of the ample evidence of their dangers if their child then died of a disease they could have been (allegedly) vaccinated against. There is also discussion as to whether the rise of auto immune diseases may be related to our aggressive manipulation of our immune systems; who knows? To suggest that doctors administer these 'medicines' knowingly as harmful is like suggesting politicians raise our taxes in hopes that we'll all go bankrupt. As in politics doctors find many things out of their control and go with the trend and try to reconcile and modify as they go. Their decisions are often motivated by political decisions as the bureaucracy desperately needs to be seen as being responsive....you know what I mean. The media drives these health care decisions as much as they drive politics as well. Then there is the money involved in these huge pharmaceutical companies, the bread and butter doctors get from administering vaccines and their need to comply with standard medical practices for their own survival and the question of whether or not vaccines are curing diseases becomes an afterthought.... ....I doubt a discussion here is going to draw unanimous agreement.....let alone understanding.. The only thing you can do is choose. At least here we can choose as opposed to some states in the USA where police are authorized to enter your home and forcibly have you inoculated against H1N1.... We choose.
  19. Interesting note.. I was operating followspot at the Islanders' game and the Islanders' net was nearly right below me......the first goal should definitely not have counted...the puck definitely hit the mesh and dropped back behind the net..... I was very surprised that the play continued....I was so shocked that I almost forgot to light up the players....that and I actually started to clap.....oops.... ...ah well every team gets a break sometime....we certainly had the refs against us... btw...I love my job sometimes....
  20. Focusing is always the key when running a follow spot-I learned that the hard way years ago. There are hundreds of cues being given to dozens of people. It was harder not lighting up some of the gorgeous audience members who clearly wanted the spotlight-and would have looked good given the poses and outfits they had going. Nothing too out of the ordinary for this show except for the massive amount of equipment and trucks.....and money spent-some of us did 24 hr shifts$$$$$ The odd thing was the NDA we had to sign to do the show and picture ID. I haven't seen that outside of David Copperfield which is much more understandable.
  21. I went but it was to run a follow spot....so I have a perfectly valid excuse.....they had me set up on a platform in the 100 level so it was kind of fun regardless of the 'talent' I was dealing with....biggest show on the road right now....
  22. There are so many good young bands (and relatively old as well) that I feel overwhelmed sometimes... ....might be time to cull the herd....anyone wanna help?
  23. Weather is always difficult to deal with obviously, which is why there are fewer outdoor events held in Ottawa than there used to be....too bad....though understandable. Organization is always the key. Your example is a good one as it surely would have been known that the stage had to be moved in advance so really that strike should have been organized from the get go. The problem there is most likely someone at the top trying to skimp and not being successful. The crew I work we make them compensate financially for trying to overwork us or making last minute changes-of course they are always aware in advance of the price difference so usually organize themselves much better. A couple examples come to mind; when we did the Rolling Stones at Landsdowne Park the rig was 2 days late arriving as they had trouble getting the set out of Boston due to heavy restrictions on how they could work on the Baseball field, using a cheap unskilled work force (cost them more in the end-it usually does) and a hassle at the border after a driver was found with dope. So we worked around the clock and got the show up in half the time that were given in every other city. We made big overtime.....my longest shift was 23 hours which is tough when you're talking big steel-I mean you could have built a bridge with this stuff. The key is having trained people overseeing the safety aspect...even when the situation calls for drastic measures.... In the end we ruined the football field as well which the production company paid for-it was either that or cancel the show as there was no time to be careful with the grounds. We all got paid lots of overtime and noone got hurt. Axle Rose also made a lot of money for us when he played here last.....his plane didn't get to the ariport until 11pm as the show was already in progress.....there was a crew of 100 making overtime for sitting on their asses waiting for the show to end which was about 4 hours later that scheduled.......I wasn't one of them because I knew that would happen and didn't want to work until 4am......I took an easier though less lucrative shift at the NAC.....Axle knew it would cost him but didn't care.....that's his prerogative... You have to be careful when dealing with certain road crews as well. A lot of them are real cowboys and have little regard for safety. I remember at Edgefest years ago at the horsetrack having a situation that I felt was unsafe. I had a guy in a golf cart with one eye, one leg and one arm (not birth defects) telling me "GO ON IT'S SAFE!!!"......I'm glad my outfit has higher standards as I told him to do it himself.... Union crews are always the safest...what can I say....?....
  24. I actually forgot.....ah well... Miss ya Jerry!
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