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Everything posted by Whitey

  1. That is amazing. Who would have thought?
  2. I am already looking forward to the Patriots and Dallas game. It should be a good one.
  3. That is very impressive. Great job in the scouting department.
  4. Why the hell is Buffalo playing on Monday night? As if the schedule makers did not know that they were going to be terrible in June.
  5. Ohhh the Leafs. It is only game one, but very undiscipline play. Too many stupid f*cking penalities. I would agree with Maurice, we need to continue to play as we have the last 2 games. The Sens are a great team, eastern conference champs, and we held our own with them. I don't like losses, but both these games were very close. On a positive note, it is great to see Steen and Stajan playing well. We will definately need those guys this year.
  6. Absolutely Vic, what the hell was he thinking? He was standing right beside Heatley and all he had to tie up his stick or get in front of him.
  7. Overall, it was a pretty good game for the Leafs. Too bad about the OT loss, but they played a very solid game. Even thought they took the play to the Sens for most of the game and I loved the physical play that they came out with. How about Jason Blake? Wow, he is speedy and physical. I was pretty concerned when they were starting Raycroft in net, but Maurice's explanation made sense. Let round 2 begin. Btw, Heatley is worth every penny.
  8. Yes, from what I know their back-up is hurt and he will fill that role. I was also told that he was their best goalie in the pre-season. But I would agree with you Dave, I think he will be coming back to London.
  9. Yes, but he was an over-ager last year, so he was gone for sure. Definately going to hit up another Bulldogs game this year to see him play.
  10. Good and bad day for the London Knights yesterday. The good is that Pat Kane, Sam Gagner, and Steve Mason all stuck with their respective clubs and all have entry level contracts. The bad news is that the Knights have already lost 3 games and they were counting on at least 2 of the 3 guys to come back and help win us the Mem Cup.
  11. Horrible hit, but 20 games is pretty severe. Especially when you look at the list of the longest suspensions in the NHL, Downie's hit doesn't really compare.
  12. Agreed, but this team just missed the playoffs. And right or wrong, we basically have the same team. So, hopefully with a little luck and a few less injuries, we can make the playoffs.
  13. Man, how about we wait for the regular season to start before we write off this season? One bad game and you are thinking of next year.
  14. You post in here more than Leaf fans.
  15. You are correct, it was a beauty set up. My mistake.
  16. Beauty OT goal last night by Spezza.
  17. I like Kyle Wellwood and his contributions to our team, but who cares what his Dad thinks.
  18. Did anyone watch the Bengals' game yesterday? Man, their defense continues to give up big play after big play.
  19. Yes, if you have the digital box it is free on Rogers, channel 77. I love the NFL Network, there is always something to watch.
  20. Hey, it is not all bad. Didn't the Habs sign Smolinski?!
  21. Yes, the season starts with a home and away with Ottawa.
  22. I picked New Orleans and I am now eliminated.
  23. Agreed, Nebraska scored some points on a team that has only lost 3 games since 2002. Love Tebow from Florida, last year he was the running option, but this year he is doing it all.
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