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Everything posted by Whitey

  1. Never, I am just super busy at work. No time to stir the pot. It should be an interesting game tonight. Hopefully the Leafs can give a better effort.
  2. Hey, I thought you said the Dolphins were going to beat the Packers. Go Leafs Go
  3. It is 7 games, you have to wait until 7 games.
  4. Complain away Dave, but I find it very funny how quickly people turn on their team when times are a little tough, especially 6 games into the season. Go Leafs Go
  5. Keep those coming! Have you checked the standings in the paper lately?
  6. You are and why can't I watch an Ottawa game?
  7. You have to use the whole quote Dave.
  8. That's tonight. You should check the schedule. I watch Sens games and I throughly enjoyed last night's game.
  9. You make a lot of valid points, but this is a team that has been dominant in the regular season for a long time. I think things will turn around and these players will start playing more like they did last year. It is a different team, you have to give them some time. When it is game 20 and things still are the same it is time to worry.
  10. Booing top line players after they have scored a goal and their names are being announced. As I said, we are 6 games into an 82 game season. The game was 2-1, do Sens fans not have any patience?
  11. I agree that if your team sucks fans should voice their opinions, but come on it is 6 games into the season. Talk about fickle fans. Where are all the diehard Sens fans now? Probably cheering for Sabres.
  12. Whitey


    Nice job Mats!!!A beautiful shot from the blueline nets him a hat trick and his 500th goal. Go Leafs Go!!!
  13. At least the Senators fans aren't quite so talkative this year.
  14. I have the Super Sports Pack which is amazing. I was ordering Leafs TV today and if you order it online from Rogers you get Leafs TV, Raptors Tv, Espn Classics, and a bunch more for free for 4 months.
  15. Great pictures AD! What was the temperature when you were up there? Did you ever go out and meet any of the locals?
  16. Wasn't a whole lot posted from the Sens fans this morning, was there? 6-0. It was nice to whip your butts in your own building. Also, it is great when you can hear the stadium erupt in cheers when the visting team scores.
  17. Check the stats, I am pretty sure the Leafs will have more playoff wins over the last 10 years.
  18. Wasn't that supposed to be your Stanley Cup year? HOw did that turn out?
  19. and then lose in the first round in the playoffs.
  20. Any thoughts after last night's game?
  21. It was only the 2nd game of the season, but what a great game last night. Gerber looked like sh*t. The mighty Sens were beaten in every aspect of the game. So many Sens fans and Leaf fans have been spouting off after one lost. Give me a break.
  22. Another dominating performance by the Buckeyes on Saturday night in front of a very hostile crowd. Minus their game on November 18th, the Buckeyes schedule looks pretty sweet after a very challenging September. The Buckeyes are #1 in the Nation!!! Go Bucks!!!
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