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Posts posted by YearsAlongTheSea

  1. I feel you on the lifespan front of the poster situation and I like what I'm hearing on the policy front. But I will say, I'm a big fan of great artwork being used as a promotional tool as long as these pieces aren't wasted, aka torn down on placed over, but maybe distributed or displayed more effectively. And yes, Phish (forget the artists' name), and a great number of other bands have put out amazing pieces of art comemorating their shows.

  2. there's no way i'm clicking that link

    Agreed. I feel like it's going to have some Tampo-Sexual agenda I don't feel like getting involved in. Tampo-Sexuals are fine with me, until, that is, you're stuck in the bathroom with a tampon staring you down. Sleezy Tampons.

  3. If you're going to insult my qualifications you should:

    1. Use purple

    2. Know more of my employment history; and in doing so, you'd realize how uncomfortable I am in XXXL Yellow, Steel-Toed, work boots. Not to mention, the last time I worked at McDick's, my dog got fired cause he cornered a small child and would not let him leave until said child relinquished his happy meal, including Toy Story Figurine. Maybe I should stop bringing my dog to work you say? Hell no.

    And, for Toronto. Don't hype it up too much, this city's already under a lot of pressure to live up to the jive. And, both places have a lack of quality music for the most part in my opinion, maybe I'll work on that for ya'll.

    And it's only a 5 hour drive. :)

  4. Yeah, dude, we all know Biscuit Wooks wear their LRG hats slightly to the left while Old School Phish KidZ wear their hood hats slightly to the right. I like 'em both and keep my hat along the straight and narrow. It's all very confusing. At least I don't piss on jackets and get kicked out of hotel rooms for fucking your younger sister.

  5. I was a huge catalyst in the Anti-Homosexual Penguin Movement of the early millenium until someone put a towel over my head and I fell asleep. Now I'm a Parrot Abuse sympathizer.

    The point is, if we put a huge towel over Missouri and all the other red states, would they go to sleep and stop over-analyzing gay bird agendas?

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