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Posts posted by YearsAlongTheSea

  1. That is fuggin' HILARIOUS. That guy has wook jargon down to a science. I'd strive to be that funny but I care about my health.

    Oh man, too good.

    Edit to add: Bob, on second thought and in hindsight, if you're likening me to Heady Epic I'm going to have to be insulted and ask which part of me is so very wookie?

    And then I'm going to have to scold you for getting in a car with a 'wookie' like me. Bad call.

  2. When the nicer weather comes, though, I'll try my hand at busking in the Market. You might get ticketed every now and again, but it's consistent work, at least :)

    Hell yeah, I have a djembe and will sell my soul to the street with you. Thank you all for the insight and by all means, keep it coming.

    Looking forward to meeting you all.

    Countdown begins: T-2-3 days (give or take)

  3. I've done everything blue collar with a little white collar and black collar tied in. So in a nutshell, my resume is all over the place and so, I'm in a "I'll take what I can get' type situation. But, if at all possible, whatever it is I wind up doing, I'd like it to be relatively laid back until I really figure out what I'm doing long-term.

    So, thinking records stores, serving tables, entry-level bull....

    Hope that makes sense.

  4. So, there's been rumors, speculation, hype, and even conspiracy theories going around, so, I thought I would chime in and solidify a few things:

    I'm moving to Ottawa. I really know nothing of the joint. I just moved back up to Canada last september after a 25+ years of ex-patriot status and I'm shifting my residential gears towards the Capitol. I've 'been all around this world' (long story, maybe one for setbreak banter or party small-talk) and I'm really excited to just be. While I do have a great situation up there, a few things are lacking. And before anyone pulls up the clickable text, I'm well aware of the "Who's got my heady TO Job" thread I made, so......

    What's the employment situation? This is now a 'Who's got my heady Ottawa Job?' thread. And any general tidbits of knowledge are more than applicable to said subject.

    Anyways, all arrogant overtones aside. I look forward to re-meeting all the people I've already met up there, and crossing paths with those I've yet to meet. Seems like a cool town and I'm psyched to make it my home, and, hopefully get to know a few of you O-Town Skanks.

    Thanks in advance.

  5. I'd like to take this oppurtunity to welcome the new you with more poo. I hear you lost some weight at a museum since last we spoke. Congrats!!!. Anyway, I'll open the door to anyone else who might like to take a moment to drop a deuce or a few kind words your way.



    Well, either way, glad you got your shit together. Stay afloat buddy.

  6. Awsome. Let me say. This has been classic. Thank you to everyone who played and made this thread so special. And hopefully we all learned something. There is nothing funny about Psychedelic Instant Defication Syndrome. Nothing at all. In fact, more Canadians than you think suffer from PIDS and other fungus caused spoilage every day. Thank you Dimahrrea for shitting light on this understated issue. Thank you.

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