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Posts posted by YearsAlongTheSea

  1. YES Bones, awesome song from an awesome album!

    I'm listening to:

    Bob Dylan & The Band - You Ain't Goin Nowhere (The Basement Tapes)

    Maybe the best song ever??

    I've been loving on that song since I was 8 years old at Canoe Camp.

    And Clap Your Hands Say Yeah are dope, and that tune 'Let the Cool Goddess Rust Away' is a killer kick-off track.

  2. Yeah.....Dima.... I'd say this thread, entitled 'A Message For Alexis' with a small name drop in your direction, is hardly a thread devoted to you, or your shmegma sucking shennanigans.

    I'd say you're a douchebag holding on by a copper thread.

  3. News update: The temp agency called and I'm going back to work at some other factory type setting. It's been an awsome bout with unemployment but I guess it's back to the grind.

    That being said, as I delve back into the world of what is guaranteed to be a terrible job, I would still appreciate any heads up as to good jobs open in and around the GTA as job hunting is tough when you have a job.

    And Basher, I know what you're going to say and I'm honored; but I haven't gotten around to finishing University and I don't think I'm qualified to be CEO of Basher Enterprises.

    Any record stores hiring?

    Any promoters need assistance?

    Do I need to whore myself out to the auto industry or should I pimp myself to the executive crowd downtown? Sell my body to the street so to speak?

  4. I've heard of this guy. We spoke of said harbourfront and I looked into it and they aren't hiring for a while and the pay is a little *megh* if you don't weld. I also heard from this welder fellow that you may be coming to the GTA. Stellar.

    And to everyone else:

    If you feel like hiring me,

    And the spot is open,

    I'll second that emotion.

    Edit to add: This is post 411; the infamous "information post"

  5. I think the initial post was directed at the grammar police and when presented with yet another oppurtunity to use his ever-clever posting strategy known as 'I've said it once, and I'll say it again' he redirected his post at dancingbear.

    bokonon, you and your ever-clever avatar are in the clear, but your gender just got let out of the bag.

    Hopefully this clears things up.

  6. So, I was recently 'laid-off' from a temp position that I held for one month, where I counted out auto parts in a warehouse. While the job came through in a pinch monetarily, it left a little to be desired in the 'worker satisfaction' department, and I couldn't be happier with my new-found unemployment. But, such is life; a new job is needed.

    So, if anyone knows anyone who is hiring for anything, please let me know. Have their people call my people. I've done just about everything you can rip out of the back of a classifieds section, from serving coffee to building yatch sails and beyond, so, any help is much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

  7. oh, and wookiefoot...they are crunchy, heady and totally rage it.

    Go see wookiefoot. You love them. You love Minnesota. And most importantly, you love Fargo; but don't get your eggs over easy 'cause they'll give you a hard time.

    edit to add: Dima, you are one heady, crunchy wookie.

  8. So I see wookiefoot moved from their RV to the main venue. This is now officially wookfest. Don't go walking in the forest at night; there are wookies afoot.

    Edit to add: This is in response to the thread title and first post, the drama that pre-and-proceeds my post will be back in a moment.

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