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Posts posted by YearsAlongTheSea

  1. If Ottawa can bring the weird lights, The Martian Midget Assault Squad will decend on Ontario's Capital.

    And, if Chatham needs shovelling assistance, it better be offering over-time pay or double kick-down rates, as this is my day of rest. Along with yesterday and the majority of Friday.

  2. This thread remind me of this time I was giving my roomate a ride to school (in Boulder, CO) and as I was turning onto 28th street to head west, she says "you should have taken 30th, it's so much less commercial."

    I almost kicked her out of the car. Walking is a lot less commercial too.

  3. YATS....get yerself a fucking tutor, already!!!

    I'm new around here. I'm sure I could name a 101 tid-bit, no-name, local festivals that ya'll have never heard of, so drop the holier than thou attitude about your heady little ongoings and send me a memo next time.

    Should that have been in purple?

    See, I never got the memo. And there's no cover sheet on my TPS Reports, and they took my stapler......It was a swingline.

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