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Posts posted by YearsAlongTheSea

  1. I can see where you're coming from and how phish is a good example, but I have to disagree with you here. I don't think phish really changed their sound to facilitate a newer or expanded audience. They were already selling out MSG for NYE run in 1994. SCI really adulterated their sound and touring style with Phish's impending hiatus, and they didn't have an incredibly unique sound to begin with. Then there's Madison House. Yada Yada. I just think there are a lot more differences in the way phish attracted their crowd post-Dead than how SCI exponentiated their fanbase post-Phish.

    Just my two cents.

  2. I have no beef with Jambase, we just had that one "conflict" and since then I've lost the luster to write for them. No offense to them or their contributers. I would gladly write for them, I just don't write as much as I used to, or see as much music worthy of writing about as I used to for that matter. Good call though, I'll be back. I'll cover Lotus in the Hammer and maybe you can slip it back under the proverbial door for me Shainhouse.

    All aside, again, great article. Lots of elements, solid theme, great cases. gizam, I need a cup of coffee.

  3. I think singing is something that, for certain people, makes or breaks a band. And all of the mentioned artist, maybe minus the Biscuits, are relatively talented vocalists, just maybe not what tickles the voice-ometer in your brain. I like the way the Biscuits sing, but I can understand if you don't.

    So, like who you like, don't like who you don't like, tell people who you don't like, and tell people who you like, but in the end at least you like someone and isn't that what counts?

    Except the String Cheese Incident.

    There are little to no excuses for liking SCI and they are all lost on me anyway in light of the conspiracy I have against their rise to fame in Phish's wake. :o

  4. QQC and I were looking at this the other day (so some of these are his finds). There's prince, queen, sex pistols, lemonheads, cowboy junkies, 50 cent, guns n roses, eels, matchbox 20, nine inch nails, [color:red]rolling stones, red hot chili peppers, u2, garbage, led zeppelin, pixies, black flag, radiohead, eagles, black crowes, the police, hole, gorillaz, the cars, talking heads, jet... thats all i can see right now.

    blur is hilarious :)


  5. As a possible contender for North America's biggest Biscuits fan, I am speechless. I'm not even going to bother responding to this, because the debate is endless and in the end, it's "to each, their own." I've heard the singing complaint a ton of times. I've heard the complaints of the fans being too excited to "push" the music on people.

    But have you really been listening?

    Did you really look?

    Did they really make all that madness cohesive?

    These may be questions we should ask ourselves and if they are soundboard then I may take them. Unless of course they have Biscuits hating cooties :o

  6. Quote:

    We did do some traditional songs, and the acoustic instruments and the lack of the drum kit in our early shows gave the illusion of bluegrass, I guess. Honestly, the difference between then and now is the instrumentation; addition of keyboards, electric mandolin, and standard drum kit, for example. It evolved because everyone wanted to have a bigger sound, perhaps to fill the larger rooms we began to play. Whether it is improvement or not is hard to say - I'm just the guitar player.

    -Bill Nershi

    This proves theories I'd rather not discuss like the timing of Phish's hiatus and the necessity for SCI to fill bigger rooms.

    *cough* Sellouts *cough*

  7. It's a long story. To make it short: I was supposed to cover a music showcase ala SxSW in Vegas and couldn't afford to so when I let them know ( a little last minute in their defense ) they got pissed and accused me of only writing for them for free tickets and to meet people which was way off-base, considering I would have been covering the event on my own dime.

    Deanne Herman decided on their behalf to give me the cold shoulder.

    Journalistic drama?

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