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Posts posted by YearsAlongTheSea

  1. but if i'm going to a bar...i might consider putting on a NICE pair of jeans...and maybe a button up shirt or somthin...

    the encourgment of being a shleprock in the jam scene never made sense to me...just because you listen to a certain kind of music doesn't mean you have to wear a raggady ass lot shirt and only own 1 pair of jeans.

    sure at a fest, or when i'm doing a multiple show run or whatever..you get dirty and you're in a mind set where wearing your most comfortable shorts/jeans and a lot shirt that always makes you smile just makes sense..

    So, if you take the proper precautions to blend in you should be able to gain access to most anywhere. I like it. I can do the robot.

  2. A question from the Marijuana Party Headquarters that was never submitted to the debate:

    So, this is all like, a lot of, like, he said, she said, crap...... ya know. And, the thing is, we were wondering, like, why didn't we get invited. We have people with things to say, and like, we totally know people who can manage cash and, like, make sure it gets into the right hands or whatever. So, just legalize it and let us step up, and like, we'll get in touch with these people that know all this shit and have all this pertenent shit to say and everything will settle down. And we just thought of something. If that guy wants Quebec back, why don't we just sell it to him. Imagine all the herb and extra cash we'd have to give to that guy my buddy knows who knows all of that shit about economics. Dude, think about it.

  3. All I can gather from this is:

    Jack Layton needs your help. Yes, you. Please.


    The guy from the Quebec bloc just wants his swingline stapler the other parties took while at a conference in Montreal back in 1999. It would be nice if they let us succeed but we're over it. A little pissed off, but mostly, mostly, over it.

  4. Sorry, I was raised all over the world, and when I make up words, I don't really take little things, like dialect, into consideration.

    I'll try and get with the "programme"

    Just do me a "favour"

    and cut me a 'lil slack

    I bet you say potato(e)

  5. If a bar doesn't want me there due to my style, it's the staff and patrons that really suffer the most due to lack of exposure to my happy-go-lucky appeal.

    You keep on knocking but you can't come in.

    Everyone is jumping on the Euro-Train these days.


  6. I thought this would be a thread regarding the end of these far-fetched, unconfirmed reports regarding Anastasio.

    Oh well.

    I heard he was spotted in Princeton, New Jersey eating a hoagie and talking to autistic children about his new album and the H-Bomb.

    Double-checking sources as we speak.

  7. You can purchase one carton of cigarrettes going into America, duty free, and one coming back. Going into America, you are at Canadian Duty Free and the selection of American cigarrettes is bleak and weak. Coming back however, you shop on American soil and hence a wide array of American cigarrettes are available.

    But, if you get two cartons, it works out to $1.80 a pack, and all you need to do is pretend you thought the "double" carton counted as one.

    Ooops, jokes on the U.S.

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