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Posts posted by AWeeJig

  1. definitly reccommend what the bleep do we know

    Now that's an eye opener Tooly. I've wathced it 4 times now.

    I'd also reccomend...

    PIE (the symbol) - it's a movie done by the same director as Reqieum For A Dream, which is also a stellar film if you haven't seen it.

    Mullholland Drive or any other David Lynch movie if you like the mind fucking style he has. Some other movies by said director include but not limited to... The Lost Highway, Wild At Heart, Twin Peaks.

    Waking Life - is a good flick

    Where the Buffalo Roam

    Any Kubrick Movie - The Shining, 2001 Space Odyssey, Dr. StrangeLove, Eyes Wide Shut.

    If you have yet to see the retort to Michael Moores Farenheit 911, Farenhype 911 I reccomened that. It's a good watch.

    I could go on but I will stop now.

    Oh.. The Closing of Winterland.

    that is all

  2. what are they like?

    They're like cask-strength harsh smoky bourbon' date=' with a dash of tupelo honey added. They're like chewy grainy cornbread with jalapeno peppers. They're like a mother's love for her child, with her anger and disappointment at its failings and misdeeds. They're like raw human emotion and energy channeled into sound. They're like a band that's so inspirational you want to go home and practise for 12 hours straight, while so unattainably proficient you want to stop playing forever.



    brad, you should be writing blurbs for the Sisters full time. thast was bloody brilliant!

    I second that.

  3. Cheese And Rice!

    The storm that's headed your way within the next few days is a biggun too. My sympathies go out to ya. Being an avid "weather network" viewer it seems as though you folks out east have had an unbelievably harsh winter. It's as though you get a blizzard or blizzard like conditions once a week. It's been relatively calm here in Ontario. Just a little Cold Rain And Snow.

  4. Trey and Tom Trample

    Although Trey Anastasio composed the songs on his latest release Shine without the assistance of his longtime songwriting partner Tom Marshall, their collaborative efforts have not ceased. According to a recent post on Marshall’s My Space blog, he recently completed a series of writing sessions with Anastasio. Marshall writes, “Trey and I went up to a friend's cabin in the Adirondacks and wrote a series of new songs. It was a great trip -- we buckled down and worked our asses off to write and record these [10] songs. I'm very happy about the results…It gives an idea of the isolation we surround ourselves in to make it easier to think of nothing but writing…And drinking…And girls…Wait... Anyway, I can't wait to hear the songs live...played presumably by (70 Volt Parade) and possibly a combination of Mike and the Duo I suppose. His next tour could be very interesting. Trey and I spoke about somehow releasing our two most recent writing sessions -- just the raw sessions, recorded entirely by Trey and myself...just like "Trampled by Lambs and Pecked by the Dove" which contained the first versions of many Phish songs.â€

    from www.jambands.com

  5. (bigger yawn)

    wake me up when people start talking about bands that don't bore the crap out of me!

    sorry MarcO, I've tried so many times but the shows just aren't ever that enjoyable.

    What about the plethora of stunningly gorgeous women at DMB shows New Rider? After I saw him the second time I made the decision that it was in my best interests to attend DMB shows periodically throughout my life as there is always a new batch kicking around. I don't mind the band either. After hearing them too frequently I did take a well deserved break.

  6. Their first album, The Tea Party self titled, was not very well circulated actually. It was a garage sounding album that sounded nothing like the Jim Morrison stigma that haunted Jeff Martin and the band after the release of their second album, Splendor Solis.

    The self titled first album had anything but a Jim Morrison influence. I'd say very Zeppelin sounding if anything. There were a few good tunes on it, however the names of them seem to be eluding me at the moment. Splendor Solis was an excellent album in my opinion. It remained a staple in my sad looking collection (at the time) for quite sometime. Actually, I should reach into the pile and see if I can find that album. It's been a while.

    I agree with Chameleon. They should have stuck with the good thing they had. I saw them at Edgefest one year and they did a nice little percussion jam between the 3 of them.

    Just my 2 cents.

  7. Excellent name for a band Good Dr.

    One helluva disturbing post to Sugar Megs. But I liked it. Thanx for getting my mushy sleep deprived brain to work for five minutes. ;)

  8. hahahaha Charlie Hunter - Generic Hippy Jam Band.... too funny.

    If Charlie Hunter is one of those generic hippy jambands then I guess I haven't been listening to him properly. I'll throw some on right now and see if I can pick up on the similairities between Charlie Hunter and I don't know...... Moe.?

  9. bradm: you have some of the most intelligent posts on this board and god bless you for taping.

    AD: I don't know you but probably wouldn't have known about some of the bands I love now if it wasn't for your imput on this board.

    shainhouse: The hardest working CANADIAN man in show business! Shain has busted his ass to make something of himself and that's a pretty respectable quality.

    Gateaux: I don't know you either but Alexis says you're awesome and you look like a pretty sexy guy from your avatar... rock on! I also find it funny that you're the brother of a member of Nero and Dima would insult you as opposed to kissing your ass.

    booche: As the older brother you ARE the original! Post drunk more often please.

    backbacon: Probably has a better head of hair then anyone else on this board, a great dj and has a hot girlfriend.

    c-towns: Is originally from Chatham so I know he's a good drinker, I respect that.

    Hartamophone: I don't know you but I'm sure you're not a dick either.

    AWeeJig: This guy is one crazy fuck! Someone who's watched me grow from a little man into.. well... a little man with a louder voice.

    secondtube: NYE '99 Florida dude! I'll never get sick of your fishing stories OR your phishing stories.

    ike: great bass player, could use a haircut though ;)

    cully: what do you say about a guy that sleeps with a baseball cap on?

    Dima, no one on here was really cutting you up about your age and your mother except me. I do it because you act like you're better then everyone else and your mother is a filthy whore. These are two undeniable facts. Do yourself a favour and knock off the attitude, my crap has better judgement and character then you. This has nothing to do with opinion. I have one friend that shares the exact same taste in music as me. That doesn't mean I turn around and insult everyone that disagrees with me, that is why you're an asshole!

    Not to bring back the negativity Rider, but damn! I know you don't know me to well. I've never back down from a goopd ball o cheese. Thanx Bro.

    Keller Williams.........

    "Gate Crashers Suck!"

    Trey Anastasio.........

    "You Sink In The Water But You're Walking On Wood.:

    You can never sink Dima. You Fucking Headliner You! ;)

  10. Shine is a great album!!!

    In My Opinion of course. I'm looking forward to Trey ripping this album apart plus more. After tearing the roof off at Bonnaroo with the likes of OYSTERHEAD.

    I wonder if Dima is gonna be at 10Klf?

    Sorry I mean Les? Stewart Possibly?

    "Run For The Roses Lil Boy."

  11. I'm doing my best to recover my thoughts from the events that went on today. I've been bombarded with the beers the entire evening and a whole bunch of female beer thiefs.

    Damn those chicks can dance!!! I' just guessing though I've never seen...........

    Her Steal My Beer Before.

    Maybe My Face.

    But Not My Beer.

    Good Fucking Band!

    Thanx to my friend Steve.

  12. Nah. I won't even bother. If that's the best you can come up with, than my initial thoughts of you, unfortunately enough, were correct.

    You truly are about as bright as a woodpecker on an aluminum pole.

    Sorry for hopping off thread topic.

    I'm considering skipping Bonnaroo for 10klf. It's a little more financially viable and I do have cousins living relatively close.

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