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Posts posted by AWeeJig

  1. Although I can't seem to find any confirmation on this via the interweb, upon reading this weeks edition of The Wasaga Sun, Wed., Aug. 16, 2006 it says that Truths And Rights are scheduled to play Friday August 25th from 8pm-10pm at the Wasaga Beachfest. Free of charge. Following is the complete lineup and schedule for Beach fest as appeared in the newspaper:

    Wasaga Beachfest

    B101 FM Stage

    Friday August 25

    6-7:45pm - Adrien Breda

    8-10pm - Jack De Keyzer

    Sat., Aug. 26

    Noon-2pm - Toronto All Star Big Band

    3:30-5:15pm - Diana Braithwaite

    5:30-7:30pm - Dr. Draw

    7:45pm-10pm - Curley Bridges

    Sun., Aug. 27

    Noon-1:45pm - Toronto Allstar Big Band

    2-3:45pm - Groove Corporation

    4-6:50pm - Dr. Draw

    Wasaga Beach Stage

    Fri., Aug. 25

    6-7:45pm Project Phoenix

    8-10pm Truths And Rights

    Sat., Aug.26

    Noon-1pm - Rob Christian

    1:15-3:15pm - ZedHead

    3:30-5:15pm - Sambacana

    5:30-7:30pm - David Rotudo

    Sun., Aug. 27

    Noon-12:45pm - Rob Christian

    2-3:45pm - Blackboard Blues Band

    If I come up with any more information I'll post it. I'm not familiar with 90% of these musicians but figured I'd share this info anyways as I was at Izzy's when Truths And Rights set the party a blaze and I haven't seen them since.

    That is all.

  2. I watched, The Nature Of Things, this past Sunday. Quite an intriguing episode about the sustainable agricultural industry that the country of Cuba practices and maintains. Quite possibly the most efficient in the world today. Despite all of the hardships that the country and it's citizens have been through and continue to deal with they have managed to take a stronghold on an asset for human survival, food. As long as that continues to be the main focus of the people and the government (Castro or Son) then this country has a bright future compared to hundreds of others, including Canada.

  3. Come fall (the beginning of specialty coffee season for me) the Grand Marnier, Kahlua, Creme De Menthe, Frangelico, Amaretto, O'Darby's, and other special additions will take a plunge into this so called 'kick ass' bean. I change my choice of coffee every year and experiment with a bunch of different things to come up with a savoury specialty coffee to break out every Christmas morning. I've tried many coffees and have so far found that Black Jaguar that Matty mentioned is the best roast with my sometimes magical brews so far.

  4. I was glancing through yesterdays Toronto Sun and saw a short little article, somewhere near the middle of this horrible piece of propaganda, pertaining to Salvia. I found it to be pretty amusing that Salvia is slowly making it's way into the limelight after so many years of use amongst people, myself included. Although I haven't smoked that enlightening plant for quite sometime, I'm confident we will be hearing a lot more about it in the weeks and months to come. With MSNBC doing an article on it you can be sure that this isn't over yet.

    The first time I smoked it the shit blew my head off. I was completely lost. Out of body experience, incoherent speech, and other things I'm sure. The next day however I tried it again and my mind was clear for days to follow. Realizing the power that this substance posessed I made the decision to smoke it on occasion however only under the right circumstances for me.

    Unfortunately with Salvias' beginning exposure to the media it will also most likely be put on "The List" and be abused by countless youth as the new cool thing to do. However it will no doubt introduce other strong minds into a world they have not yet known and will likely enjoy disvovering. I'm aware of it being sold in head shops and other shops throughout North America and I'm quite sure sales of Salvia in these shops will drastically increase over the next few months. The uninformed however will be purchasing very mild forms of salvia and will be unable to feel the full effect of this powerful hallucinogen.

    I once read that if you are to combine a small amount of DMT with Salvia it is by far the most transcendental experience known to humans. Imagine what the animals must know that we don't?

    Help Save One...


    Thanks StnMtn

  5. Afro Poppa had a bad day' date=' and he truly feels sorry for any amount that he may have contributed to his friends being denied access to the U.S.A.

    He, himself, recognizes how his reaction to the border guard's confiscation of his food was a catalyst in all this.

    He doesn't need a lecture right now. Don't kick him when he's down.[/quote']

    *clap clap clap...*

    well put, sm. no wonder they gave you the little A next to your name :P

  6. Reqieum For A Dream - now that was a good one!!!

    If you liked that be sure to check out Pie. The movie is titled with the mathematic symbol but my computer knowledge is very limited and I have no interests in expanding it. The symbol could be right infront of me on the keyboard. Fucked if I know.

    Pie. ..is by the same director as Reqieum. Killer movie. Pretty intense and quite believable also. It deals with a guy attempting figure out the pattern of the numbers in the stock market. That's all I'll say.

    Boiler Room is also a good movie, for those of you that have yet to see it.

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