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Posts posted by arcane

  1. {{{{{HUG}}}}}

    At least these days when yer giving birth, they can give you enough painkillers to trank an enraged rhino. Not like when my son was born, oh no. Back then it was, "Well, yes, we will give you the epidural you requested but wouldn't you rather take a nice, deep breath instead?" Now it's, "Oh, you're in discomfort? No need for that. We wouldn't want you to be in discomfort. We'll put this stuff in your IV, and there's a tank of nitrous right over there, just take a hit if you want it, and if the epidural isn't strong enough, just push this button to release more meds. Call me if you need anything."

    Velvet, maybe you should invest in a dress and a pillow.

  2. I used to have a cat that looked like the top one, only slightly smaller. Coon cats look like that and tend to be heavy.

    My grandfather's cat is over 10 kg (22 lbs). The cat is too heavy to groom itself and needs to be sent to the kitty spa periodically.

  3. ps. arcane - - just noticed your projectile poop note -- ewwww. at least the baby probably looked cute doing it?! sorry, just trying to find the silver lining... ;)

    She always looks cute. The silver lining is that she sure was happy afterward.

    It's worse when she has gas. I swear those fart bubbles have edges or teeth or something. I'm blaming Lazlo :)

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