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  1. The Roots: Undun (wasn't all that enthusiastic about it on my first listen but now I think it is a work of genius) The Black Keys: El Camino (Love at first listen...I don't think Danger Mouse has produced anything I haven't thought was amazing) Black Joe Lewis: Scandalous (I was shocked when I saw him live and realized how young he was...He's got a voice that sounds like he's been around forever...worthwhile checking out) Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings: Soul Time (What If We All Stopped Paying Taxes is my favourite song of the year) Lou Reed and Metallica: Lulu (just kidding...it's a big flaming turd...it amazes me that anyone would actually release it...I actually thought it was a joke the first time I heard the single...sometimes when a major label artist gets total artistic freedom they produce Sgt. Peppers...not this time...) Primus: Green Naugahyde (at first I dismissed this one because it was too similar to Fizzle Fry...it was only after I saw them perform it live that I gave it a second listen and I'm glad I did) TV On The Radio: Nine Types Of Light (It amazes me that they just keep producing amazing work...it's got to stop at some point, right?...Perhaps, but not yet...) Tom Waits: Bad As Me (see above) Nguyen Le: Songs Of Freedom (an album of covers by Vietnamese guitar god Nguyen Le...Check out his Hendrix tribute called Purple too) William Shatner: Seeking Major Tom (I don't really think this is half as good as Has Been, the album he did with Ben Folds, but I'm amazed the guy is still going with as much energy as he does at the age of 80...I'm half his age and I don't think I'd be able to keep up with him)
  2. Buy the TTB shirt with the funky lettering and the fake weathering...It'll make you look ten years younger and ten pounds thinner and also it will make rainy days turn to sunshine...
  3. I'm listening to the gentle ringing of tinnitus...
  4. Yeah... I didn't shoot any video any of the Glover stuff...In retrospect, I wish I had gotten a bit of footage of Mr. Glover just because I have a difficult time explaining his look to people... I was kind of hoping he'd pull out the old multi-coloured braided extensions from the Cult of Personality days... He could definitely sing though...Amazing range... I don't know if he was the best fit for the band but good on them for trying something different...Their sound was a lot harder edged with him than with Cyril Neville on the mic... In contrast, 50 Cent....errr...I mean Corey on trombone meshed a little better the band... Heavyweights Brass Band was a great surprise...I really enjoyed their set...I look forward to seeing more of those guys down the road...
  5. Same night as Reggie Watts...This has caused much conflict in our household...Myself being a Galactic man and my fiance being of the Watts persuasion... Don't know how this one's going to play out... Apparently, the last few shows we've seen together have been my choice and it's her turn... But I got bored with Reggie after the second youtube clip I saw... I don't HATE Reggie...But if I have to miss Galactic because of him, that might change... Dude's not all that great a beatboxer and not all that funny...Nice fro though...
  6. Unfortunately, we can't make it to Tuesday night's sold out Rush show at Copps in Hamilton... 22nd row floors, seats 31 and 32 Paid $199 including S/C....Asking $175 j.chris.beynon(at)gmail(dot)com
  7. We can work something out...Email me the deets at the gmail address and we'll go from there
  8. I'm doing five free gig poster designs...Take 'em while you can get 'em...The only stipulation is there has to be a horn section in the featured band...The design isn't necessarily going to be horn-related, I just want to support bands that bring the brass...Five business day (or less) turnaround...contact me at j.chris.beynon(at)gmail(dot)com A few examples of work I've done in the last month or so: here and here and here and here and here and here
  9. Lotus was great...Sound was decent and they made effective use of their lights...Nice to see an electronic band that isn't playing to a tape for a change...Their replacement drummer isn't quite as good a fit with the ensemble as the original guy (his snare sound felt inappropriate somehow)...The emphasis was on creating nice grooves over long wanking solos which can be rare for an instrumental band... Chameleon Project performed before all of about 20 people for the bulk of their set and seemed unmotivated...Not sure why they needed the guy on kit since the guy who was programming beats was doing most of the heavy lifting...They could have used someone else either on keys or guitar to fill out their sound...Maybe my experience with these guys might have improved if I'd taken a pill or a capsule or something...
  10. Soundboard recording is great...They edited out the spot where they accidentally called us Vancouver instead of Toronto...
  11. i LOVE that they don't use laptops... if i wanted to watch a guy sitting in front of a laptop, i'd go down the street to starbucks... looking forward to their show tonite...been listening to their live stuff for a while now and i'm stoked that i'm finally going to get to see them...
  12. My favourite albums I discovered in 2009 but that were released earlier: --Fort Knox Five: Radio Free DC --Adrian Quesada & Ocote Soul Sounds: The Alchemist Manifesto --Afrika Bambaataa: Dark Matter Moving at the Speed of Light --Herbie Hancock: Future 2 Future --Nguyen Le: Purple --Phuse: Mingus Lingers --Bombay Dub Orchestra: 3 Cities --Miles Davis: Another Unity --The Baker Brothers: Transition Transmission
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