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Posts posted by LXQ42

  1. Talk all about love man.....there are other people (ie. the minister, if there is one) to talk about 'under the eyes of god' or 'the resposibility of marriage', so take it upon yourself to talk about how much these two cats love each other. Beatles quotes work, Ben Harper has a few quotable songs, and there's a ton more out there. Or, make something up yourself!

    shit, now I feel like a sap....

  2. How's the 100 mile diet going AdamH? We haven't heard any updated for a while.

    This thread has really got me looking at where the groceries we buy come from. I don't know if I'm ready for the 100 miles yet, but we have been keeping pretty well to a product of Canada thing, with a few exceptions of course. Thanks for bringing this to my attention Adam, it's been a fun way to choose food, as well as a way to support Canadian farmers!

  3. Did any of you just hear that on the telecast of the jays/Royals game tonight? There is a 'speed dating' game coming up next week. Pay $54.00 and get 25 'speed' dates over the course of a game, with a party on the field afterward. Too funny. Any single guys out there between 35-45? GET ON IT!!!

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