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Everything posted by Booche

  1. I dont know what would be worse. Reading Rollers opinions of the team having watched games or not.
  2. Booche

    Furthur 2010

    All joking aside now, maybe this will help you gain an slight understanding zero. Its an interview with Jimmy Herring conducted by The Philzone a number of years ago. VB: Let's talk about Phil & Friends. Most Deadheads are under the impression that because you knew the tunes from Jazz Is Dead that Phil was hip to that but I hear he really liked your playing with ARU. JH: There were some nice people like J.C. Juanis and people like that who had been trying to get Phil to hire me for a long time before he finally called. They were playing him Jazz Is Dead. I think, if Jazz Is Dead was the reason he was going to hire me, he would've hired me a long time ago. Derek Trucks and Warren Haynes were telling Phil, "You need to talk to Jimmy." Finally, Phil's people called me and said, "Phil would like to hear what you've done other than Jazz Is Dead." I sent him my only copy of the live ARU album, it's out of print. Then they called me immediately. I went out and rehearsed and when I got there the first day Phil said to me, "Man, I really dig that ARU stuff." VB: I'm sure it didn't hurt to have the working knowledge of the tunes via Jazz Is Dead just to know where some of the more difficult tunes are going - "Terrapin" and "Unbroken Chain" for example. JH: Oh, absolutely. It totally helped to have a little bit of an edge knowing a couple of the songs. VB: What were rehearsals like for that tour? JH: They were very concentrated. They were very effective and they were very focused. VB: Does Phil give a lot of verbal philosophy talking about what he's looking for with the band or is it a more organic process where he was leading you more by example with the music? How did it work? JH: He wants to hear each and every person's personality and he doesn't want you to get tied up in your own space. He wants a "conversation," he doesn't want some guy's blistering solo. That's his whole thing - he doesn't really want any solos. He said, "When you play you are the first among five equals and if you find yourself in your own space for a little while, stop, listen, react." He described his vision of the music as if we were a school of fish - like watch a school of fish when predators come around - safety in numbers, you know, the way they move together. He also compared us to a flock of birds - look at the V formation of birds flying - they might break up for a minute but they fall right back into formation. VB: Sometimes they switch who's leader... changing places while flying in the same course. JH: Right. It's very interesting. John Molo heard it described as "psychedelic Dixieland." Which is a great way to describe it. Phil wants everybody playing at the same time. He doesn't want you to fall into the conventional rhythm/lead role and that's hard, man.
  3. This is what it sounds like, when doves cry: Jason Spezza 19 GP 1 Goal 12 Assists I wonder if he misses Heater.
  4. There's a Freudian slip if I have ever seen one.
  5. Booche

    Furthur 2010

    I remember when The Wheel was a huge motif to this Deadhead. It meant alot but with all these configurational changes and slop over the better part of the past decade, they might as well call that song The Circle Jerk with Bob eating the proverbial slice of bread in the center. To be honest, I have listened to a touch of this Further stuff. I expected to hate it.....but it was not bad. Not bad at all but I'ld sooner go see In And Out Of Practice, Trey Flubs Fantastic.
  6. Wow, Carey is the man. That was awesome boy. What a surprisingly entertaining game and once again, Rick Nash is a freak. I sometimes wish he were in the East so we could hear/see him all the time. I cant wait for the Olympics just to be able to solidly cheer for that fucker.
  7. ::messages Bo:: I got yer back buddy.
  8. Check it Prost, found her. We should start support group.
  9. Awesome Prost. I took one extremely similar to your last one, in Albany 20023. Extremely.
  10. NW, I'm going to recommend you take 2 sobriety pills and relisten to Character Zero, because when I heard it I was wondering who invited Coventry Trey. Loved the start of that set though, particularily the Drowned. Aaaaaaaaaaaah............ By the way, thanks for adding the pics. Love those combined with opinions. Lots of fun.
  11. Although there are stacks of canned beans, Andrew keeps buying them.
  12. There's gotta be some sort of moratorium on criticizing the team when you aren't even watching or paying attention.
  13. [color:purple]PYITE from this show is tight from start to finish while the Fast Enough For You sucks.
  14. I didnt tell you so. I simply offered you a bet in an email you refused to take.
  15. One thing I know, I aint stupid enough to spout off about a team I dont watch. Keep regurgitating the opinions of 16 year olds on the internet while telling us who the bottom feeders are and who the not bottom feeders are. Washington lost to Toronto last night while Carolina has won their past 2 since playing MTL. But maybe they shouldnt play the games?
  16. Phish - Festival 8 (long cut) from Michael Marantz on Vimeo.
  17. Funniest thing I heard tonight? The Hand Of Frog
  18. What else would you expect him to say? If I were his PR rep, I would have told him to immediately put out the fires. He did just that. It was a smart move. And dont think for a second Henry was worried there would be a replay because that would have opened a can of worms FIFA refuses to let out. Good on them. Badams is right.
  19. I almost had a heart attack in the final minute. 3-2 Hab lead Wash powerplay pulled goalie sustained and instense attack Price lost his stick Green blasts one off the post ......and FINALLY a whistle with 19 seconds to go Pleks wins the draw, they get the puck out but it hits the bench players so theres another draw to the left of Price with 14 seconrds to go. Pleks is complaining that he needs a new stick and showing the refs his blade, "no dice pal"...goes on to win that draw, Habs clear, game over. Great team effort tonight, Price looked oustanding again and here's something I didnt expect to say so quickly: Welcome back Obyrne Great game from him. Its amazing how much he brought to their D. And of course, Pleks bringing it again while Bigtits is starting to catch fire.
  20. I hadnt checked Jim Rome in months and months but knew he was going to have a take on this.
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