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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Hey Whitey, I got another one for you! Better make that 2. Switching gears and without trying to sound uncompassionate, it's a good thing The Monster is playing in said environment compared to lesser leagues.
  2. Congratulations! And in case any of you didnt know, I knocked up Douglas real good about 14 months ago. She gave birth to a healthy baby boy last night at 10:12pm. 8 pounds, 10 ounces. Nathaniel John Bouchard
  3. I dont like your assertion that Liverpool is a top-tier club.
  4. I still cant believe the absolutely terrible timing on the fake field goal > lost feed. Actually, what I really cant believe is that I watched most of the game. What a laugh some of that was. Imagine if it had of gone to OT. Hahaha, the stadium had no lights! Who's in charge of this shit?
  5. Here's another one for you Whitey: MTL - 25 pts Leafs - 19 pts
  6. Thank a drunk Tungsten for that! Seriously its fucking great. I think every Skanc should buy this, else have their account either suspended for one month or deleted altogether. The Good Rev deserves nothing less in my mind. If you dont regularily support artists, at least support the ones on this board from time to time. This is a great cd to start with. It's amazing some of the talent that resides on this board.
  7. The airbags didnt deploy but Tigers wife had to smash out the back window to get him out? I cant wait for this to go viral, if it hasnt already.
  8. Booche

    Phish - Albany

    These should be really fun shows. Enjoy!
  9. This is all going to depend on continued production from Kessel as well as what that pick ends up being. If its the first or second pick overall (I doubt that very much) then Burke loses out. Big time. None the less he still has Kaberle to deal if he ever wants. That should still fetch a fantastic return. What was the Jeff Carter/Kaberle deal again? I dont remember but it was quite massive but I doubt they'll get a similar offer. Still.......
  10. Yeah, that's a sweet cover they pull off. Love that it is part of a semi-regular rotation.
  11. Would you rather hear Let Me Lie? "I'm gonna ride my bike, I am going to ride it up that hill, I am going to because I can. Blah blah blah, feel free to go take a piss." Come to think of it............
  12. That could be written on the back of their modern day biography. I absolutely love their By The Door ep. It excited the fuckoutofmyshit assuming this is where the song writing was headed. Mike has got some weight behind his self penned tunes since he became old like the rest of us.
  13. That's why you ned to stay home on American Thanksgiving. ::decides not to shower while cracking a beer::
  14. GB DAL NYG - thanks for the reminder Shwa ATL MIA CIN SEA CAR PHI IND SD SF ARI MIN BAL NO 78
  15. I wonder who Trey bought this from, eh MBT?
  16. Could this game look any worse on TSN2? [color:purple]Nice feed. This will get lots of Americans into the game.
  17. Booche

    Furthur 2010

    That was because we were high on acid while Jerry would channel the voice of God while a broken angel sang from a guitar. If you ask me, it's simple arithmetic. Jesus, what I would give to see that fatblacktshirtwearingmotherfucker bring down the house one more time.....drop you to your knees, he would. But MoMack, I hear what you are saying. I just have a hard time believing it was the culture, or the religion if you prefer. Surely that played a big part because if we werent there to accept the love and bounce it back, where would the magic go? But if you dont think the lot was full of evil and negativity in the later third of the Dead's exhistence, you would be selling yourself short. Allow Sloth to regail you with tales of signs he saw on Phish lot that read 'Deadheads go home'. Those signs were made for a reason and I am willing to bet there are oldschool Phisheads out there who would be willing to admit their scene went ways downhill once they got infiltrated. Sorry. I am getting waaaaaay off track here. I apologize to ya'll.
  18. Booche

    Furthur 2010

    Hahaha, thanks. I knew I read something hilarious on PT recently.
  19. Booche

    Furthur 2010

    I think more than most will agree that first and foremost, it's the music. Its always been about the music. That blue ball of invisible energy has to start somewhere. You can walk in with the best intentions but that wont be enough.
  20. Similar things were said about Retardi when he got hired. Whatever happened to proving one's worth?
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