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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Dont call that fucker a Habs fan!
  2. Dear Carey, Dont listen to those idiots. Mistakes are bound to happen and you have been playing the puck pretty damn well until this latest gaff. At least we fans of Les Brahs arent terrified when you do play it. Signed, Me
  3. Wouldnt that suggest if Iggy Pop is indeed playing Bluesfest he is do so with the Stooges? Wicked. I'm so fuckin'in and havinbeers. ::emails Jaimoe and tries to talk him into coming::
  4. Neither did Calgary you fairweatherfucker.
  5. Hey, did you Suzies not realize hockey was on tonight? How many starts does the Big H have left? 30 or something? Get your shit together losers.
  6. Go Flames. This could get wicked. They just made it 4-3 down with just over a minute to play. Ugh. Nothing happened. Edit to add: I am taking tomorrow off. Fuck everyone.
  7. Giv'r man. Aint much none of us Hab fans can say. That was demoralizing. BUT, I still have confidence in this team. The power-play has to turn around at some point.
  8. I dont think anyone that loves the Habs wanted to see this going back to Boston. The pressure is amped upon the Habs shoulders now. Where did all that ice go that they found in the 1st period? Gotta give Boston credit there. Carey is going to be going to sleep tonight crying as he listens to Garth Strait or whatever country fuckshit he is going to play on his IPOD.
  9. What a save from Huet!!!! Watch for the highlights. He lost his stick as he came across to rob Richards.
  10. Arent you going to see REO Speedwagon and Styx. Or is it Air Supply? This game has taken a number of months off my life.
  11. Eeeew, that wasnt the way to start the third. Hold it off Brahs!
  12. I hate those dive-interference penalties. Its one way or the other for craps sake.
  13. AWESOME! Hahahahahahaa.
  14. I thought you paid better attention to detail. I almost never agree with you. As for Rogers acting up tonight Jaimoe, I dont know how much I agree with that because only CBC HD was screwy over here.
  15. How did that puck stay out of the MTL net? Whoa. What a highlight from Carey. Now I know what happened.
  16. Yeah, because analog signals never dropped eh?
  17. Ooooooooh maaaaaaaaaan! Everyone should be yelling out "Guuuuuuuuuuuuuy!" right now because Kovalev offered shades of Lafleur-hair-in-the-wind without his helmet on. Awesome!
  18. Carbo started the Begin-Smoke-Kostopoulos line again. Fuckin' right they deserve it. CBC HD is cutting out!
  19. How in the world would any of us expect you to see your own wrinkles in the mirror when you shouldnt be legally allowed to drive a car thanks to that pathetic eyesight. You probably still think you looked like you did when you were 17. Trust us. You dont.
  20. But most definitely you are a solid 2 decades older in the scalp and eye-sight departments.
  21. Jesus fuck. You would think that the Habs were the first team to ever do this. Thanks for your insight Roller!
  22. Jaimoe's flying off the handle again with one of his grandiose theories.
  23. I wonder how in the fuck you idiots are watching baseball right now!
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