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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Ridiculous money for a 38 year old with a recent history of injury issues.
  2. Latendresse is on fire. Awesome stuff. What a shot tonight!
  3. That's right, go get him Ollie.
  4. Actually, I find that Heatley one to be lacking taste and/or class.
  5. I cant wait until her and zero start dating. It'll be like the second coming of Marilyn Manson and Dita Von Teese.
  6. You know what really grinds my gears? This talk about the ‘scene’. It’s an imaginary concept by stoned hippies who thought they were being creative, yet all the while evolution was working against them, sort of de-evolution. Or involution. Or invalid. Yeah, invalids. The lot of them. Monkeys create groups as well because they have a strong need to feel included, or a part of something. At least they don’t think they are some kind of counter-culture, growing dready knots and leaving their pubic area to resemble a 10,000-year-old rainforest. Did you know that hippies or are you too busy hockin' nitrous ballons and crystals while trying to save the environment? And that is what grinds my gears.
  7. Total hit from behind that should have been a penalty. Komi-kaze got off with a freebie. McGratten was cut on the top portion of his nose and went ballistic. The lineman had to throw him to the ice a couple of times, which produced the 10 minute misconduct. I doubt we have seen the end of this story.
  8. Koivu would have killed Alfie if they had fought.
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