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Posts posted by Maddak

  1. Thanks Sarah, I plan on sticking to my principles on this one. Unfortunately it took a girl being raped in a bar that we were at one night (actually being raped IN the bar, surrounded by like 1500 people) for my friends to realize that hey, stuff like that actually happens. Stuff like that is not cool, it's easy to avoid, but if it happens, it's hell to try and get over and move on with your life.

  2. You mean the not-so-empty bag of peanuts right? Canned Beats got a little peckish on saturday night, I think he found some shells or something left in the bag [smile]

    I'm having the same problem downloading the player too, I missed out on the live version of it, hope to get the video going soon so I can join in on the laughs. [Frown]

  3. [Eek!] Thanks for the warning h. I've always been told by my friends that I'm too paranoid about things like that, unfortunately it takes the actually occurance of GHB or something like it to make people aware of the danger.

    Remember chiquitas, if you put a drink down and turn your back to it, don't bother picking it up. Another drink's only a few bucks, an infinitesimal cost when compared to the other possibilities. [Eek!]

  4. I just wanted to take this opportunity to say hi to all the people I met at CT the other weekend, and some of whom I saw at the drums and tuba show the other night in Ottawa. Come together was amazing, and I'd definately say it was a first experience with Jambands that left me with an amazing first impression of the entire scene and the people involved with it. [smile]

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