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Posts posted by \/\/illy

  1. We got my 8 year old neice an MP3 player. She hasn't taken it out of her ears yet. She loves it! She even slept with it.

    A very close friend of mine has permanent hearing damage and now wears hearing aids as a direct result of listening to music on his walkman growing up and specifically keeping it on in bed when the ear drums usually get to relax. Maybe next year you should open a savings account to help pay for the hearing aids she'll need when she hits 30.


  2. anyone record??

    Hahahahahaha!!! That's funny. The sound guy was the biggest dick-head I have encountered in my entire life. After telling me I was not allowed to record he told me he'd let me if I had a XLR hookup. I dug through my bag of stuff and get and XLR hookup figured out. Turns out it was the wrong gender. So, I went back into my bag and tried again. Turns out there was no way for me to get a female XLR down to a 1/8" jack. I found the sound guy, told him I couldn't find a way to do it and asked if there was any other possibily. His response was:

    "I'm going to say this again really slowly this time since you're obviously so fuckin' stupid that you didn't understand the first time: THE BOARD ONLY HAS XLR OUTPUTS!!!!!"

    I honestly can't believe someone would talk to someone else that way. It really put me off for a lot of the night. In retrospect, instead of walking away before he finished, I wish I had said, "wow, do you really need a hug?"

    Anyway, no recording from me. I thought I saw a microphone in the middle of the room but I wasn't in the mood to think about recording anymore so I didn't approach to check it out.

  3. Looks delicious! If no one claims it, I'll take it and have it for dinner on Friday night. We were going to have Spaghetti Squash but roast feline sounds better. I guess the squash could become a side.

  4. Questions like these are so difficult to answer when the advance sales aren't over-whelmingly high, yet the artist involved is someone you would THINK should sell out.

    Basically it's like this...\/\/illy, you rule. I will separate the sea to get you in.

    You're awesome Broadie. Talk about making a guy feel like a million bucks! I'm sitting anxiously at home sucking back red wine and coffee, biding my time until I see if I can slip out. I can't wait!

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