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Posts posted by \/\/illy

  1. As much as I want to after missing fridays show Willy, another show that I'm recording is the same night, I also owe them their set I recorded at CTMF.

    Well, if you're looking for ideas, you could setup, hit record, and ask Doug to watch it for you. Then hit up The Casbah and boogie your ass off! ;)

    Well, I hope everyone has fun no matter what they do that night!

  2. Then a friendly reminder of the importance of educating the kid on its safe use may have been a "nicer" way of posting, than openly trying to make someone feel guilty of giving a very thoughtful and much-appreciated gift.

    Just a thought :)

    An excellent thought! Had I been concerned with being nice, that would have been a great approach!

    You see, I'm mad at Sharon because I didn't see her Saturday night. :P

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