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Kaidy Mae

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Posts posted by Kaidy Mae

  1. Reason #47 why I don't want to work for the Separate Board

    I do work for the separate board. :( I think this is reason #10827 why I want the hell out!!!

    It's as scary as they say. I quickly figured out that you don't dare question the decisions that are made around here. If you do, you get the elusive reply, "It's political." Riiggghhhhtttttt, that's why the Catholic kids get to ride the bus and the heathen bastards have to walk to school. Religion creates the ultimate double standard.

  2. and to kaidy mae...i have no idea who you are, but i'm sorry you felt brushed off like a "backstage hussy".

    LOL Thanks Bob! There certainly are a lot of us around here that like to dish it out.

    However, it takes someone with real character to apologize. I just wanted to thank you for that.

  3. Right now I'm reading Mr. Nice by Howard Marks.

    Hmmm, you are the second person to recommend this book to me today. Interesting. A friend let me borrow Rule of the Bone by Russell Banks. I guess they kind of have a similar story line. Anyone read it?

    Okay, that's it Alexis, I'm going to go pick up Mr. Nice when I'm done this read. Thanks sister! :D

  4. Okay, Big Yellow Taxi HAS to be on that list. It's not one of Joni's best, but definitely a huge pop success.

    Although I'd go with Sundown by Gordon Lightfoot too(and not just because he's from my stompin' grounds-go Orillia!). Oh dear, American Woman's on there too. Sheesh, the entire 60s & 70s selections are gonna be tough. Well, except for the Rush option! :P

    I like a lot of the 60s picks, but I'd have to go with The Weight.

    Sh-Boom for the 1900-1959 section...if only for the reason that I have it stuck in my head now. Isn't that one of the criteria for a good pop song? You just can't seem to shake it!

  5. Woo hoo! It's been snowing at Horseshoe all day and I'm heading out tonight.

    Velvet, I'd strongly recommend a lesson. You sure can hurt yourself boarding if you catch an edge (I believe StoneMtn can also attest to this). Whiplash is no fun! Also, if you are going to be sticking to the smaller hills, it's worth calling ahead of time to see how many school trips the hill has booked. There's nothing worse than flying down the hill at Mach 1 with absolutely no control and oodles of third graders acting as pilons. :(

    You'll feel much more comfortable the fewer little ones are on the hill. They don't give a sh!t where they're going. I guess because it takes more to hurt them than it does my old bones. Have fun!

  6. No Salman Rushdie? No HST? No Irvine Welsh? WTF? Yet Mark Twain is a danger to society? LOL

    I did a study on censorship years ago and was shocked that Blubber by Judy Blume was one of the most commonly banned books in elementary schools. I still don't get it.

    Censorship is one of the most ignorant notions out there. I highly recommend Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 to anyone who hasn't read it.

  7. I kind of took Bob's comment as a tongue in cheek remark, like "sheesh guys" but I dunno... hard to gauge the inflection of language in type

    That's true Paisley, it really is hard to tell. I think a few of us who were there would have unfortunately taken this as a very negative thing to write.

    After the show I ran into Bob on my way to the washroom and was about to thank him for wailing on those drums (he really was givin'er). He blew me off like some backstage hussy who just wanted to hang out with the band. Believe me, I don't want to spend any time with someone who comes off as being that bitter.

    Okay, so I'm official putting an end to my criticism of the Bus. I can understand how personal your music is to you guys and you should play whatever feels right. Really, what's the difference skanks if they play a certain way to keep pleasing us or play to "make it big"/please the masses? Either way they wouldn't be playing their music (which is the reason a lot of us started digging them in the first place). I'm sorry folks, but I don't ever want a band this talented to be puppets...for anyone!


    Peace & love..............Kaidy Mae.

  8. By not playing past 1:30 that bar EASILY lost out on a few grand in drink sales.

    Amen sister! At $10.50 a pop for a double gin, that bar lost out on a fortune! Hell, I alone dropped more coins at that damn place than I'd care to mention.

    If I want to hear the Bus, I'll throw on some old shows and have some delicious cocktails at home. If I hadn't partied with some kind folks afterwards, the night would've been a total bust. Next time I'll be thinking twice before I drive a few hours from the frickin' Muskokas IN A SNOW STORM to see these guys. I'm really glad that they came and played, but they left there with some real bitterness that was hard to ignore. ::

  9. Obviously the Bus have outgrown that venue.

    You can say that again! I'm still a little puzzled why a band would book such a tiny venue for a CD release. There wasn't a whole lot of room to shake a tail feather. And God forbid you'd have to get a beer or go pee. A part of me was a little bitter on Friday. I found myself wondering if they booked that space just so they could pack it and feel like rockstars. Still don't get it. I miss the old Bus. :(

    That venue does rope in a lot of the Queen West nightlife though. The blond army of tube tops was there in full force. ;)

    Awesome time though. Except for the fact that Band Whore threw down a smoke bomb and went back to Brown Town. It was nice to meet you Zeddy. Good to see you again Paisley, Alexis and BackBacon (such a gentleman). Thanks for the good times friends. I'll see you all again soon.

    Oh, and whoever I promised photos to, PM me and I'll send 'em on over when they're done.

    Peace...................Kaidy Mae.

  10. Wow! What a backhanded apology. I can't believe they "extended an invitation to Patfield to return to Rideau Hall so he can learn how the Governor General spends her budget". Ouch! Poor little bugger.

    Also, did they needed to mention that the kid is 15 in grade 8 and print that retarded looking picture of him on the internet? This little guy's never going to get laid! ::

  11. It's so sad how often this happens, yet sadly no one tells you that until it's happened to you. A friend of mine went through this a few years ago. She now has a healthy 8 month old girl named Jamieson. This is hard, but it usually happens for a reason.


  12. Yippee BandWhore!!! Can't wait to see your crazy ass. Call my cell if you want to meet up for drinks with Sanchez, Mouse and I beforehand.

    Anyone have any info on the advanced ticket BS? I haven't been to the Rivoli in years. Should I get tickets on my way into the city? Before I start throwing gin down my throat?

    Kaidy Mae.

  13. There are obviously going to be people on this board both for and against this issue. I'll ride the fence here to avoid being a total hypocrite. I see the beauty in a music-filled night with friends and a little Molly. However, I think moderation is still the key...and that is a very subjective thing. I really enjoy the times I've had, but I've slowed down due to the emotional hangovers associated with such wild times.

    Although I have no issue with people using E, I don't understand why the government wouldn't look to more natural alternatives to depression and PTSD. SamE and 5-HTP have been very effective in treating depression and anxiety. Yet the government (both US and Canadian) has little interest in studying these substances. This makes me highly suspicious...especially due to the American involvement with such E studies. A pharmaceutical company is lurking in the shadows. This study wouldn't be underway if the sickly aroma of dirty money wasn't in the air.

    I have also read in pro-MDMA studies that the alteration of serotonin production may not fully set in for 7 years. There may be a whole generation of depressed adults to deal with in the future. :(

    Better yet, why not work harder to solve the problems that cause war and not the ones that are a result of them?

  14. Oh Deb! I hear ya sister. It certainly is cold comfort. However, putting good energy into the world by remaining positive and proactively boycotting such companies is the best you can do. I work at a health food store part-time and heard a rumour that Monsanto owns Swiss Vitamins. I haven't found any concrete evidence of this, but apparently they purchased the vitamin company under one of their other handles (Searle, Pharmacia, etc) to clean up their tarnished image. Yeah, good luck with that...tossers!

    Do they expect us to forget that they created Agent Orange? This is obviously a company that doesn't think in terms of catastrophe. They only think in dollar signs and quarter profits. I read in Time Magazine that Agent Orange is to blame for "150,000 cases of birth defects and about 1 million cases of other maladies". ::

    The most any of us can do is buy organic, ask questions whenever and to whomever we can. Try to encourage others not only to learn about these issues, but to have the desire to learn themselves and inform others.

    Teach your parents well.

  15. I'm with the above folks on the Zappa call. The more offensive the better (see lyrics "pre-moistened dumper" etc.)

    At the Drive In usually gets people up in arms.

    However, if you are feeling especially evil, grab anything with loud bass, screaching vocals or just plain heavy. Top volume of course. Make sure it skips. Leave the house. Hell, with this scenario almost anything works. I'm Too Sexy is especially annoying...like a cheese grater on my brain.

  16. Oh Moose! That's horrible. I was so excited about that show. I have been digging Toots & the Maytals since I was a little one. I'm checking it out anyway. I hope my experience will be better than yours.

    Sheesh! I'm a little worried though. I don't want it to ruin my love of that funky reggae. I'm glad I know that going in though. I'd better get a Plan B. :(

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